www.mylsb.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://mylsb.com/
Effective URL: https://www.mylsb.com/
Submission: On February 15 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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Experience More Payment Power
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Online or in-person, we're here to help you optimize your financial outlook.
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Better solution-seekers. Better relationship builders. Better community bankers.


 * For You
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For You
Simply Free Checking
Simply Free Checking
A basic checking account with no monthly service charge and no minimum balance
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Certificate of Deposit
Certificate of Deposit
Make more out of your money by earning interest and receiving a reliable return.
Start Saving
For Your Business
Business Savings
Business Savings
From CDs and Money Markets to interest-bearing savings accounts, we help move
your business forward.
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Operating Lines of Credit
Operating Lines of Credit
Get financial flexibility to meet your next challenge while keeping interest
charges in check.
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For Your Future
Trust Services
Trust Services
Good planning now benefits you and your loved ones in the future.
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LSB+ Financial Guidance
LSB+ Financial Guidance
Together, we can help you achieve and provide.
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For Your Home
Conventional Loan
Conventional Loan
Low rates, flexible repayment options and other features designed to fit your
everyday finances and future plans.
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Home Equity Loan
Home Equity Loan
Affordable funding to pay for everything from home improvements, and family
vacations to wedding celebrations to even college education
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   Is an SBA or USDA business loan a good fit for your business?
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   The First Step in Starting a Business is a Feasibility Study
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We believe in building stronger communities by fostering kindness through
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Million Dollars in Grants Gifted
Organizations Gifted
Sponsorship Donations in 2021


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 * Routing: 073905527 (Lincoln Savings Bank)
 * Routing: 073923033 (M1, Qapital or Acorns)

Lincoln Savings Bank is a full service bank that serves both individuals and
businesses in Central and Northeast Iowa. We offer convenient banking options
including checking accounts, savings accounts, personal loans, mortgages,
agricultural lending, commercial real estate loans, nonprofit banking services
and more. Learn about our innovative Online Banking options or visit us in
person at one of our convenient locations in Adel, Allison, Ankeny, Aplington,
Cedar Falls (Main Street or Industrial Park), Clive, Des Moines, Garwin, Greene,
Grinnell, Hudson, Lincoln, Nashua, Reinbeck, Tama and Waterloo.

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