www.amazon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://livedigitalacademy.lt.acemlnb.com/Prod/link-tracker?redirectUrl=aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbSUyRk1hc3RlcmluZy1NYWx3YXJlLU...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Malware-Analysis-combating-cybercrime-ebook/dp/B07SSK5HLT
Submission: On September 22 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 10 forms found in the DOM

Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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POST https://www.amazon.com/gp/digital/fiona/buy.html/ref=dbs_p_ebk_r00_pbcb_cv1c00

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          // This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
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        Claimed Applicable Promotions
        Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
        what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
        message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
        to avoid confusion.
        A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
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Name: addToWishlistPOST https://www.amazon.com/gp/digital/fiona/add-to-wish-list.html/ref=dbs_p_ebk_r00_plwl_wlal00

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Auf die Liste? Bitte wählen Sie aus dem Sortiment links." class="a-button-input a-declarative" type="submit" value="Auf die Liste" aria-labelledby="wishListMainButton-announce"><span id="wishListMainButton-announce" class="a-button-text a-text-left"
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Master malware analysis to protect your systems from getting infected


 * Set up and model solutions, investigate malware, and prevent it from
   occurring in future
 * Learn core concepts of dynamic malware analysis, memory forensics,
   decryption, and much more
 * A practical guide to developing innovative solutions to numerous malware


With the ever-growing proliferation of technology, the risk of encountering
malicious code or malware has also increased. Malware analysis has become one of
the most trending topics in businesses in recent years due to multiple prominent
ransomware attacks. Mastering Malware Analysis explains the universal patterns
behind different malicious software types and how to analyze them using a
variety of approaches. You will learn how to examine malware code and determine
the damage it can possibly cause to your systems to ensure that it won't
propagate any further. Moving forward, you will cover all aspects of malware
analysis for the Windows platform in detail. Next, you will get to grips with
obfuscation and anti-disassembly, anti-debugging, as well as anti-virtual
machine techniques. This book will help you deal with modern cross-platform
malware. Throughout the course of this book, you will explore real-world
examples of static and dynamic malware analysis, unpacking and decrypting, and
rootkit detection. Finally, this book will help you strengthen your defenses and
prevent malware breaches for IoT devices and mobile platforms. By the end of
this book, you will have learned to effectively analyze, investigate, and build
innovative solutions to handle any malware incidents.


 * Explore widely used assembly languages to strengthen your reverse-engineering
 * Master different executable file formats, programming languages, and relevant
   APIs used by attackers
 * Perform static and dynamic analysis for multiple platforms and file types
 * Get to grips with handling sophisticated malware cases
 * Understand real advanced attacks, covering all stages from infiltration to
   hacking the system
 * Learn to bypass anti-reverse engineering techniques


If you are an IT security administrator, forensic analyst, or malware researcher
looking to secure against malicious software or investigate malicious code, this
book is for you. Prior programming experience and a fair understanding of
malware attacks and investigation is expected.


 1.  A Crash Course in CISC & RISC Assembly and Basics of Computer Programming
 2.  Basic Static and Dynamic Analysis for x86/x64
 3.  Unpacking, Decryption and Deobfuscation
 4.  Inspecting Process Injection & API Hooking
 5.  Bypassing Anti-Reverse Engineering Techniques
 6.  Understanding Kernel-Mode & Rootkits
 7.  Handling Exploits & Shellcode
 8.  Reversing Bytecode Languages: DotNet, Java and More
 9.  Scripts & Macros: Reversing, Deobfuscation and Debugging
 10. Dissecting Linux and IoT Malware
 11. Intro to MacOS and iOS Threats
 12. Analyzing Android Malware Samples

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    6. Juni 2019
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    Monnappa K A
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 108
    Kindle Ausgabe
 2. Malware Analysis Techniques: Tricks for the triage of adversarial software
    Dylan Barker
    4,1 von 5 Sternen 12
    Kindle Ausgabe
 3. Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering: A Comprehensive…
    Abhijit Mohanta
    4,9 von 5 Sternen 55
    Kindle Ausgabe
 4. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting…
    Michael Sikorski
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 376
    Kindle Ausgabe
 5. The Ghidra Book: The Definitive Guide
    Chris Eagle
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 104
    Kindle Ausgabe
 6. Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing…
    Bruce Dang
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 135
    Kindle Ausgabe
 7. Binary Analysis Cookbook: Actionable recipes for disassembling and…
    Michael Born
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 11
    Kindle Ausgabe

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Alexey Kleymenov started working in the information security industry in his
second year at university, and now has more than 10 years of practical
experience at three international antivirus companies. He is an IT engineer with
a strong security background and is passionate about reverse engineering,
prototyping, process automation, and research. Alexey has taken part in numerous
e-crime and targeted attack-related investigations, has worked on several
projects that involved building machine learning classifiers to detect various
types of attacks, and has developed several applications that extend the
visibility of modern threats in the IoT domain. Alexey is also a member of the
(ISC)² organization and holds the CISSP certification.

Amr Thabet is a former malware researcher at Symantec and the founder of
MalTrak. Amr has spoken at top security conferences all around the world,
including DEFCON and VB Conference. He was also featured in Christian Science
Monitor for his work on Stuxnet.

Prior to that, he struggled to get into the field as he was a mechanical
engineer graduate. he didn't have the budget to afford expensive certificates to
prove his skills. And because of that, after his successes, he decided to be the
inspiring voice to all enthusiasts starting in malware analysis. he helps
students all around the world to build their expertise and most importantly,
their irresistible resume to land their next malware analysis job.



 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07SSK5HLT
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Packt Publishing; 1. Edition (6. Juni 2019)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 6. Juni 2019
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 32985 KB
 * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 514 Seiten
 * Ausleihe ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 749,769 in Kindle Store (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle
    * Nr. 638 in eBooks Netzwerke, Protokolle & APIs
    * Nr. 849 in Security & Encryption
    * Nr. 1,319 in Computer-Netzwerke, Protokolle und APIs

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,3 von 5 Sternen 19 Sternebewertungen

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Dan Chong
2,0 von 5 Sternen Typo City
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. Januar 2020
Verifizierter Kauf
I really wanted to like this book. There are some good nifty tidbits from this
book, but those are few and far between. My main problem is that the book has
entirely too many typos and nonsensical sentences. It’s hard to trust technical
procedures and analysis in this book, because it is so poorly written.
“Practical Malware Analysis” is still the go-to book for learning malware
analysis. I’d recommend getting three (more) editors to review this book for
errors. Additionally, I think $49 is too much to charge for this book.

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Kindle Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen A thorough technical work with appropriate depth for
intermediate and advanced study
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 5. Mai 2021
Verifizierter Kauf
Although I have not yet finished reading the book, I have found it to be a good
balance between intermediate and advanced ideas.

I would not recommend this for people with no assembly language understanding.
The introductory sections covering AL are better considered as refreshers rather
than primers. As someone who learned assembly on 6502 in the 80's and last
touched AL on 8080's in the 90's, it was a good refresher and explained various
processor architectures and approaches in just enough detail. Should a reader
need more information on a specific platform, there are more than enough other
reference works to provide that.

Some readers and commenters have pointed out that the book has a number of
typographic and grammatical errors. The version I have has some errors, but not
so many as to affect the readability, and I've learned from tutors at institutes
whose spelling and grammar are worse than the minimal errors I've found so far.

To those inclined to complain about the errors, I would offer this advice -
approach the authors with details of the errors you've found, they will welcome
your input. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Buy this book, help support the authors, learn some good concepts and ideas.

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Anthony Richardson
5,0 von 5 Sternen Good read.
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 2. August 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
Currently going through book while taking the Malware Analyst’s Mindset course
by Amr Thabet. Both the book and course have been informative thus far. Fills a
lot of the holes left after reading books like Practical Malware Analysis and
Malware analysts cookbook.

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James S
4,0 von 5 Sternen Up-to-date & Thorough
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 1. April 2021

So I got electronic version of this book via a course I took. Within a few weeks
of getting the book I was going on a long road trip and felt a paper copy would
be easy for the trip. So I bought the book (Learning Malware Analysis) by
Monnappa K.A. which is also published by Packt. So my review here will be sort
of comparative.

As I think about it now, the title somewhat reflects the design of the book.
'Learning Malware Analysis' may come across as first level and 'Mastering
Malware Analysis' may come across as the next level. However 'Mastering Malware
Analysis' can also be used by beginner and expert alike.

Not sure why the authors put Assembly Programming as chapter1, that can
certainly through off a beginner. Apart from that the book has good coverage on
Windows internals, towards the end it covers cross-platform malware, Linux, IoT,
macOS, iOS, Android etc., malware thoroughly.

All-in-all, I would strongly recommend the book not only to someone interested
in Malware Analysis but also those interested in the broader area of Incident
Response and Threat Hunting. It will also be helpful for those looking to
Reverse Engineer games.

Lesen Sie weiter
4,0 von 5 Sternen Up-to-date & Thorough
Von James S am 1. April 2021
So I got electronic version of this book via a course I took. Within a few weeks
of getting the book I was going on a long road trip and felt a paper copy would
be easy for the trip. So I bought the book (Learning Malware Analysis) by
Monnappa K.A. which is also published by Packt. So my review here will be sort
of comparative.

As I think about it now, the title somewhat reflects the design of the book.
'Learning Malware Analysis' may come across as first level and 'Mastering
Malware Analysis' may come across as the next level. However 'Mastering Malware
Analysis' can also be used by beginner and expert alike.

Not sure why the authors put Assembly Programming as chapter1, that can
certainly through off a beginner. Apart from that the book has good coverage on
Windows internals, towards the end it covers cross-platform malware, Linux, IoT,
macOS, iOS, Android etc., malware thoroughly.

All-in-all, I would strongly recommend the book not only to someone interested
in Malware Analysis but also those interested in the broader area of Incident
Response and Threat Hunting. It will also be helpful for those looking to
Reverse Engineer games.
Bilder in dieser Rezension

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Best book available for Mastering Malware Analysis
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 28. September 2019

The best book available for mastering Malware Analysis. It helped me a lot for
strengthening my skills. A little bit complex but really helpful and recommend
to all.

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Sydney G.
5,0 von 5 Sternen Absolutely THE Definitive Guide to Malware Analysis!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 10. Dezember 2019

Clean, logical, easy to read. If you have an interest in learning or MA old
soul, you will enjoy this book and you will learn.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Worth it
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 15. Januar 2020

Beginners will find it very useful as it easy to follow. Very good reference for
advanced analysts.

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Nikolaos Tsapakis
4,0 von 5 Sternen Compact knowledge of high quality, room for improvement in
practical examples
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 12. Juli 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
The book covers various architectures and formats, which gives the reader the
opportunity to get familiar with many different and interesting topics. It is
generally well written and presents information (like analysis, tips/tricks,
tools) selected from professional experience. It can act like an "encyclopedia"
which you can always go back and fetch something needed - like a specific
instruction in a processor architecture, a tool, an analysis process. A point
noted for improvement would be presenting more practical examples that can act
as a "link" between the theory/guidelines and actual analysis. To sum up, it is
a book that should have a position in your library.

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Missbrauch melden
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5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent book on Malware Analysis
Rezension aus Singapur vom 9. März 2021
Verifizierter Kauf
The book was excellent on both breadth and depth on malware analysis topics. It
also provided the inspiring thinking beside techniques. The only regret was that
the book did not provide many practical examples so a bit hard for beginner to
follow. But the explanation on the complex concept was neat and clear, so it
helped greatly on learning for all levels of the readers.

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 1. Malware Analysis and Detection Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach to
    Abhijit Mohanta
    4,9 von 5 Sternen 55
    Kindle Ausgabe
 2. Learning Malware Analysis: Explore the concepts, tools, and techniques to
    Monnappa K A
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 108
    Kindle Ausgabe
 3. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious
    Michael Sikorski
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 376
    Kindle Ausgabe
 4. Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
    Eldad Eilam
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 138
    Kindle Ausgabe
 5. Malware Data Science: Attack Detection and Attribution
    Joshua Saxe
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 69
    Kindle Ausgabe
 6. The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows,
    Linux, and…
    Michael Hale Ligh
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 139
    Kindle Ausgabe

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