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Akzeptieren Ablehnen Weiter zum Hauptinhalt LinkedIn * Artikel * Personen * E-Learning * Jobs * App laden Mitglied werden Einloggen REALVNC IT-DIENSTLEISTUNGEN UND IT-BERATUNG CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE 3.588 FOLLOWER:INNEN SECURE, RELIABLE REMOTE ACCESS SOFTWARE - REALVNC® CONNECT Folgen * alle 99 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden INFO RealVNC is a leading provider of remote access solutions, helping some of the biggest companies in the world connect people through devices. As the company that pioneered the VNC internet protocol that is now the standard across the industry, RealVNC is at the forefront of its evolution, with software in over 1 billion devices worldwide. Today, RealVNC® is a multi-award winning SaaS business, with technology in over 90,000 enterprise organizations across all industries. RealVNC's secure remote access software, VNC Connect, is trusted by industry heavyweights, including world-leading organizations such as Google, NASA and Intel. Website http://www.realvnc.com/ Externer Link zu RealVNC Branche IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung Größe 51–200 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Art Privatunternehmen Gegründet 2002 Spezialgebiete Remote access software und SaaS PRODUKTE RealVNC Connect REALVNC CONNECT FERNWARTUNGSSOFTWARE Secure, cost-effective remote access and support for your computer, from your desktop or mobile device. RealVNC® Connect enables cloud or direct connectivity. ORTE * Primär 50-60 Station Road Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB2 1LQ, GB Wegbeschreibung BESCHÄFTIGTE VON REALVNC * ANDREW W. CIO AT REALVNC * ROMEO KOLLAR * MIKE SMITH * GAVIN LYONS - PORTFOLIO CHAIR & NED FOR PE BACKED BUSINESSES - FORMER & PROVEN 5X EXIT CEO (PLC, PE & VC) - BOARD TRUSTEE AT DREAMS COME TRUE - MBA Alle Beschäftigten anzeigen UPDATES * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 3 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden One week left until our webinar about the latest improvement in your remote access experience, brought by RealVNC Connect 7. On 22nd May, 16:30 BST (11:30 ET / 8:30 PDT), join our experts Francesca Barnes and Jack Naisbett to unveil powerful features and improvements that await. Don't miss out on expanding your remote work capabilities. Register now! https://bit.ly/3wwi0eL #RealVNCConnect WHAT'S NEW IN REALVNC CONNECT 7 - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 1 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 5 Tage * Diesen Beitrag melden Exciting news! Support for another identity provider is on its way to RealVNC Connect – soon you’ll be able to use Okta for single sign-on across your RealVNC Connect Team! Make life easier for your users and admins with a more secure, streamlined experience and centralized user management. Find out more about how Okta integration works for RealVNC Connect users. The details are in our blog post: https://bit.ly/44DIeII #RealVNC #SecureRemoteAccess #Okta #SSO REALVNC CONNECT NOW SUPPORTS SSO VIA OKTA - REALVNC® 16 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 1 Woche Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Join us for an exclusive live webinar on May 22nd at 16:30 BST (11:30 EDT / 8:30 PDT) to find out "What’s New in RealVNC Connect 7?" Discover how our latest updates can make your remote access experience much better. Francesca Barnes and Jack N. will guide you through the newest features and improvements. Secure your spot today! https://bit.ly/3wwi0eL #RealVNCWebinar #RemoteAccessRevolution #RealVNCConnect WHAT'S NEW IN REALVNC CONNECT 7 - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 9 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 1 Woche * Diesen Beitrag melden Check out our latest blog article, "A Guide to Securing Remote Access Software", for best practices that will help improve the security of your remote connections. Our guide not only focuses on RealVNC Connect, but also offers advice applicable to other remote access solutions. Full article on our blog: https://bit.ly/3JQcsP2 A GUIDE TO SECURING REMOTE ACCESS SOFTWARE - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 7 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 2 Wochen * Diesen Beitrag melden Our latest blog explores five ways RealVNC Connect can empower healthcare professionals, from enhancing patient care with telehealth services to streamlining IT maintenance for critical systems. Discover how remote access software is setting a new standard for operational efficiency and security in healthcare. Read the full article here: https://bit.ly/3UreGtm #HealthcareInnovation #Telehealth #RemoteAccess #RealVNCConnect #RealVNC FIVE WAYS IN WHICH REALVNC REMOTE ACCESS SOFTWARE CAN HELP THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 6 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 2 Wochen * Diesen Beitrag melden Tomorrow is the day! Join us for the "Remote Access in Education: Concerns, Challenges, and Guidance in 2024" webinar, at 16:30 BST / 11:30 EDT / 8:30 PDT. This is your last chance to register for a session with Nick Cavalancia and Chad Knott, who will be discussing key findings from the 2024 Remote Access in Education Report. Learn how RealVNC Connect can help you overcome educational barriers and help create a more accessible, managed, and secure learning environment. The session promises to be essential for anyone looking to make the most of technology in education. Register now to ensure you don't miss out! https://bit.ly/3QbbCjL #RemoteAccess #Education #RealVNCConnect REMOTE ACCESS IN EDUCATION - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 6 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 2 Wochen * Diesen Beitrag melden Don't miss out on the "Remote Access in Education: Concerns, Challenges, and Guidance in 2024" webinar on May 2nd at 16:30 BST / 11:30 EDT / 8:30 PDT. Join Nick Cavalancia and Chad Knott as they unveil practical insights and actionable strategies from the 2024 Remote Access in Education Report. This event is your opportunity to learn how RealVNC Connect can address the unique challenges faced by educational institutions today. Whether you're an educator, IT professional, or involved in school administration, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge to enhance learning through technology. Secure your spot now and be part of the conversation that shapes the future of education. https://bit.ly/3QbbCjL #RemoteAccess #Education #RealVNCConnect REMOTE ACCESS IN EDUCATION - REALVNC® HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 6 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 3 Wochen * Diesen Beitrag melden Boost healthcare services delivery with RealVNC Connect. Securely access and control medical equipment from anywhere, anytime. #HealthTech #RemoteAccess * 6 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 1 Monat Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden Join us on May 2nd at 16:30 BST / 11:30 EDT / 08:30 PDT, as we look into the main findings of the RealVNC 2024 Remote Access in Education Report. Discover how remote access is reshaping operations, management, and cybersecurity across educational institutions. With insights from 400 education organizations and expert analysis by 4-time Microsoft MVP Nick Cavalancia and RealVNC Pre-Sales Solutions Engineer Chad Knott., this webinar will highlight the crucial role of remote access technology in addressing education's most pressing challenges. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your institution's technological ecosystem. Register now to secure your spot! https://bit.ly/3QbbCjL * 11 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * RealVNC 3.588 Follower:innen 1 Monat * Diesen Beitrag melden Improve patient care with RealVNC Connect. Access critical patient data from anywhere, securely. #HealthTech #RemoteAccess REALVNC® - REMOTE ACCESS SOFTWARE FOR DESKTOP AND MOBILE | REALVNC HTTPS://WWW.REALVNC.COM/EN/ 8 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen EINFACH ANMELDEN, DAMIT SIE NICHTS VERPASSEN. * Personen von RealVNC finden, die Sie kennen * Persönliche Jobempfehlungen erhalten * Alle Updates, News und Artikel anzeigen Jetzt anmelden ÄHNLICHE SEITEN * VNC AUTOMOTIVE Fahrzeugbau Cambridge, Cambridgeshire * QBS SOFTWARE Softwareentwicklung Wembley, Middlesex * DEALFRONT Softwareentwicklung * AFFISE Werbedienstleistungen Vilnius, Vilnius Region * UK REVENUE OPERATIONS NETWORK Weiterbildung und Coaching London, England * ANYDESK SOFTWARE Softwareentwicklung Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg * LIVINGBRIDGE Wagniskapital- und Private-Equity-Auftraggeber * TUTTI (VISIT WWW.TUTTI.SPACE) Plattformen für Internethandel London, England * CITNOW GROUP Softwareentwicklung Wokingham, Berkshire * ARGUS VOYANTA Softwareentwicklung Mehr ähnliche Seiten anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Seiten anzeigen JOBS DURCHSUCHEN * KREDITMANAGER-JOBS 41.361 freie Stellen * SENIOR USER EXPERIENCE-DESIGNER-JOBS 12.279 freie Stellen * DATENARCHITEKT-JOBS 81.553 freie Stellen * WEBENTWICKLER-JOBS 47.415 freie Stellen * DJANGO-ENTWICKLER-JOBS 40.239 freie Stellen * SQL-ENTWICKLER-JOBS 13.824 freie Stellen * PROJEKTMANAGER-JOBS 312.603 freie Stellen * INGENIEUR-JOBS 608.159 freie Stellen * EXECUTIVE-JOBS 700.389 freie Stellen * ANALYST-JOBS 760.055 freie Stellen * VERTRIEBSSACHBEARBEITER-JOBS 64.342 freie Stellen * PYTHON-ENTWICKLER-JOBS 52.296 freie Stellen * UI-DESIGNER-JOBS 23.764 freie Stellen * PRAKTIKANT-JOBS 48.214 freie Stellen * SOFTWAREINGENIEUR-JOBS 469.843 freie Stellen * MARKETINGMANAGER-JOBS 145.613 freie Stellen * SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEER-JOBS 212.493 freie Stellen * DIRECTOR-JOBS 1.374.979 freie Stellen * HÄNDLER-JOBS 11.447 freie Stellen * BERATER-JOBS 298.862 freie Stellen Weitere ähnliche Jobs anzeigen Weniger ähnliche Jobs anzeigen FINANZIERUNG RealVNC Insgesamt 1 Finanzierungsrunde Letzte Runde Privates Eigenkapital 15. 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