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Submission: On September 28 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from CA
Submission: On September 28 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from CA
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class="mat-mdc-select-min-line ng-tns-c1033106122-5 ng-star-inserted">BOM - Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaChhatrapati Shivaji</span><!----><!----></span><!----></div>
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class="mat-mdc-select-min-line ng-tns-c1033106122-6 ng-star-inserted">DWC - Dubai, United Arab EmiratesAl Maktoum Intl Arpt</span><!----><!----></span><!----></div>
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Hey! User Explore Thrivelush Travel Adventure Private Limited! About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Term & Condition Cancellations & Payment Policy Disclaimer Flights Hotels Holidays Bus Visa Help Login or Signup FLIGHT BOOKING Book Flights Effortlessly for Both Local and Global Destinations. One Way Round Trip Multi City From BOM - Mumbai (Bombay), IndiaChhatrapati Shivaji To DWC - Dubai, United Arab EmiratesAl Maktoum Intl Arpt Departure Return --- Travellers | Class 1 Pax, Economy Search OFFERS FOR YOU * 1 TOP-TIER FLIGHT DEALS Check out the top flight deals selected especially for you. Domestic International Akasa DEL - HYD INR 1530 Onwards Vistara DEL - GOI INR 1682 Onwards Air India Express IXB - BOM INR 1663 Onwards Air India Express HYD - VNS INR 1557 Onwards AirIndia HSR - BOM INR 1789 Onwards Indigo DEL - PAT INR 1574 Onwards Akasa DEL - HYD INR 1530 Onwards Vistara DEL - GOI INR 1682 Onwards Air India Express IXB - BOM INR 1663 Onwards Air India Express HYD - VNS INR 1557 Onwards AirIndia HSR - BOM INR 1789 Onwards Indigo DEL - PAT INR 1574 Onwards Akasa DEL - HYD INR 1530 Onwards Vistara DEL - GOI INR 1682 Onwards Air India Express IXB - BOM INR 1663 Onwards Air India Express HYD - VNS INR 1557 Onwards AirIndia HSR - BOM INR 1789 Onwards * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 arrow_back_ios arrow_forward_ios POPULAR HOTELS Discover the best hotel that is specially selected for you. 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Explore your favourite destinations with us! We are a premier travel agency providing a wide range of services like domestic and international travel packages, with flights, visas, buses, and hotels. With our focus on customer service excellence, we're here to ensure that every moment of your journey is nothing short of unforgettable. 13+Year Experience 17K+Happy Customers 117+Destination More About CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS Read About Our Client's Experiences and Feedback. Suresh Prajapati DELHI, INDIA Effortless planning, exceptional service! This travel portal exceeded my expectations with its user-friendly interface and attentive support team. Highly satisfied with my experience! Krishna singh BANGALORE, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! Shweta Shah AHEMDABAD, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! Prasant Mori RAJKOT, INDIA Effortless booking, exceptional service! This travel portal exceeded my expectations with its seamless interface and responsive support team. Definitely my go-to for future trips! Ajay Rajani MUMBAI, INDIA Top-notch service, hassle-free booking! This travel portal has everything you need for a seamless vacation experience. Highly recommended! krunal joshi DELHI, INDIA Flawless experience from start to finish! This travel portal made booking my trip a breeze with its user-friendly interface and responsive customer support. Highly satisfied! Amit Parekh RAJKOT, INDIA Efficient and reliable! This travel portal made organizing my trip a breeze. The intuitive interface and responsive customer service ensured a stress-free experience. Highly recommended! Suresh Prajapati DELHI, INDIA Effortless planning, exceptional service! This travel portal exceeded my expectations with its user-friendly interface and attentive support team. Highly satisfied with my experience! Krishna singh BANGALORE, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! Shweta Shah AHEMDABAD, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! Prasant Mori RAJKOT, INDIA Effortless booking, exceptional service! This travel portal exceeded my expectations with its seamless interface and responsive support team. Definitely my go-to for future trips! Ajay Rajani MUMBAI, INDIA Top-notch service, hassle-free booking! This travel portal has everything you need for a seamless vacation experience. Highly recommended! krunal joshi DELHI, INDIA Flawless experience from start to finish! This travel portal made booking my trip a breeze with its user-friendly interface and responsive customer support. Highly satisfied! Amit Parekh RAJKOT, INDIA Efficient and reliable! This travel portal made organizing my trip a breeze. The intuitive interface and responsive customer service ensured a stress-free experience. Highly recommended! Suresh Prajapati DELHI, INDIA Effortless planning, exceptional service! This travel portal exceeded my expectations with its user-friendly interface and attentive support team. Highly satisfied with my experience! Krishna singh BANGALORE, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! Shweta Shah AHEMDABAD, INDIA Seamless booking, stellar service! This travel portal made planning my trip a breeze. From finding the best deals to receiving top-notch customer support, I couldn't be happier. 5 stars! * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 arrow_back_ios arrow_forward_ios TRAVEL TIPS AND ADVICE Explore travels blogs with destination knowledge and other travel related useful details Rishikesh 28-09-2024 Rishikesh is a small city in India, up in the mountains near the Ganges River. People love it here because it's all about yoga and finding peace. You can learn yoga and meditation from experts who've been practicing for ages. Additionally, if you're into excitement, Rishikesh has it too! You can go rafting in the river, swing from tall bridges, and hike through the hills. The city is old and has temples and big bridges that recount stories from long ago. Every evening, there's a special prayer ceremony by the river. It's like a great show with music, lights, and prayers floating in the air. In short, Rishikesh is the perfect place to relax and forget about all your worries View Post Lonavala 28-09-2024 Lonavala is located in Maharashtra, a beautiful place surrounded by hills and greenery, far away from the noise and hustle of the city. When you visit Lonavala, you'll feel like you've entered a beautiful world of lush forests, waterfalls, and fresh air. It's the perfect place to relax and unwind, away from the stresses of everyday life. One of the best things about Lonavala is its stunning natural beauty. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful sights that will take your breath away. From the majestic peaks of the Sahyadri mountains to the tranquil waters of the lakes and streams, every view is exquisite. Lonavala is also famous for its delicious food. You can feast on local delicacies like chikki and vada pav, or enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants serving authentic Maharashtrian cuisine. For those who love adventure, Lonavala has plenty to offer. You can go trekking through the hills, rappelling down waterfalls, or even paragliding over the picturesque landscape. It's like an outdoor playground just waiting to be explored! And if you're in the mood for some relaxation, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can spend a peaceful afternoon by the lakeside, or simply sit back and enjoy the stunning views with a hot cup of tea in hand. In short, it's the perfect destination for a memorable vacation. View Post Darjeeling 28-09-2024 Darjeeling is a city located in the Indian state of West Bengal, nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. The weather here is pleasant, not too hot or too cold. Everywhere you look, you can see the beautiful mountains and tea gardens, making it a perfect place for nature lovers. Summer is a great time to visit Darjeeling because you can enjoy adventures like trekking and rafting. You can also learn about tea and try different varieties. Darjeeling is a melting pot of different cultures, so you can experience new things. And, not to forget, the famous toy train ride that provides a fun way to see the sights. In conclusion, Darjeeling in the summer is a cool and exciting place to visit. View Post Ladakh 28-09-2024 Why visit Ladakh in the summer? Well, Ladakh is like finding a cozy spot under a shady tree on the hottest day of the year - pure bliss, right? Not only is the weather pleasantly cool, but the landscapes are like something out of a dream, with beautiful mountains and clear blue skies. One of the highlights of visiting Ladakh in the summer is the Hemis Festival, which takes place in June or July. This colourful festival celebrates the birth of Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, and is a wonderful opportunity to witness traditional dances, music, and other cultural events So, in short, if you're looking for a perfect summer vacation, Ladakh is the perfect destination. View Post Nainital 28-09-2024 Nainital is a beautiful town located in Uttarakhand. It offers a cool retreat from the intense heat of other places. The weather here is delightful with gentle breezes and mild temperatures, making outdoor activities enjoyable and refreshing. You can spend your days boating on the lake, exploring the lush forests, or admiring the beautiful gardens. If you crave some adventure, there are plenty of trekking trails that offer unique scenic beauty. Nainital has its own charm with its quaint hillside cottages and bustling markets filled with local crafts. So, if you're looking for a summer escape that's both refreshing and cooling, Nainital is the perfect destination to chill out. View Post Kasol 28-09-2024 Kasol is a beautiful place to visit during the summer season. It has a pleasant temperature that allows you to enjoy the outdoors comfortably. The stunning mountainous landscape and the nearby flowing river add to the beauty of the place. If you love nature, you can explore different hiking trails, which is a lot of fun. The area also has some great cafes and restaurants where you can try different types of food. Kasol is particularly known for its Israeli influence, so you must try the delicious falafel and hummus. For those who want to unwind, hanging out by the river or doing some yoga is a great option. Overall, Kasol is an excellent summer destination where you can enjoy outdoor activities, eat good food and relax. View Post Mahabaleshwar 28-09-2024 Mahabaleshwar, which is also known as the \"Queen of Hill Stations,\" is a lovely place located in Maharashtra. It's high up in the Western Ghats, surrounded by lots of green trees and pretty views. When you go there, you'll feel the cool breeze and see lots of beautiful sights. There are mountains, valleys, and waterfalls all around. It's like stepping into a fairy tale! Here you can visit different spots to see amazing views, like Wilson Point for the sunrise or Kate's Point for the sunset. Mahabaleshwar also has old temples and buildings that tell stories from the past. If you like outdoor activities, there's plenty to do. You can go trekking in the forests, boating on lakes, or horse riding on scenic trails. And if you're lucky, you might spot some interesting birds or animals too. In short, Mahabaleshwar is a wonderful place to visit for anyone who loves nature, history, and adventure. View Post Rishikesh 28-09-2024 Rishikesh is a small city in India, up in the mountains near the Ganges River. People love it here because it's all about yoga and finding peace. You can learn yoga and meditation from experts who've been practicing for ages. Additionally, if you're into excitement, Rishikesh has it too! You can go rafting in the river, swing from tall bridges, and hike through the hills. The city is old and has temples and big bridges that recount stories from long ago. Every evening, there's a special prayer ceremony by the river. It's like a great show with music, lights, and prayers floating in the air. In short, Rishikesh is the perfect place to relax and forget about all your worries View Post Lonavala 28-09-2024 Lonavala is located in Maharashtra, a beautiful place surrounded by hills and greenery, far away from the noise and hustle of the city. When you visit Lonavala, you'll feel like you've entered a beautiful world of lush forests, waterfalls, and fresh air. It's the perfect place to relax and unwind, away from the stresses of everyday life. One of the best things about Lonavala is its stunning natural beauty. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful sights that will take your breath away. From the majestic peaks of the Sahyadri mountains to the tranquil waters of the lakes and streams, every view is exquisite. Lonavala is also famous for its delicious food. You can feast on local delicacies like chikki and vada pav, or enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants serving authentic Maharashtrian cuisine. For those who love adventure, Lonavala has plenty to offer. You can go trekking through the hills, rappelling down waterfalls, or even paragliding over the picturesque landscape. It's like an outdoor playground just waiting to be explored! And if you're in the mood for some relaxation, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can spend a peaceful afternoon by the lakeside, or simply sit back and enjoy the stunning views with a hot cup of tea in hand. In short, it's the perfect destination for a memorable vacation. View Post Darjeeling 28-09-2024 Darjeeling is a city located in the Indian state of West Bengal, nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. The weather here is pleasant, not too hot or too cold. Everywhere you look, you can see the beautiful mountains and tea gardens, making it a perfect place for nature lovers. Summer is a great time to visit Darjeeling because you can enjoy adventures like trekking and rafting. You can also learn about tea and try different varieties. Darjeeling is a melting pot of different cultures, so you can experience new things. And, not to forget, the famous toy train ride that provides a fun way to see the sights. In conclusion, Darjeeling in the summer is a cool and exciting place to visit. View Post Ladakh 28-09-2024 Why visit Ladakh in the summer? Well, Ladakh is like finding a cozy spot under a shady tree on the hottest day of the year - pure bliss, right? Not only is the weather pleasantly cool, but the landscapes are like something out of a dream, with beautiful mountains and clear blue skies. One of the highlights of visiting Ladakh in the summer is the Hemis Festival, which takes place in June or July. This colourful festival celebrates the birth of Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, and is a wonderful opportunity to witness traditional dances, music, and other cultural events So, in short, if you're looking for a perfect summer vacation, Ladakh is the perfect destination. View Post Nainital 28-09-2024 Nainital is a beautiful town located in Uttarakhand. It offers a cool retreat from the intense heat of other places. The weather here is delightful with gentle breezes and mild temperatures, making outdoor activities enjoyable and refreshing. You can spend your days boating on the lake, exploring the lush forests, or admiring the beautiful gardens. If you crave some adventure, there are plenty of trekking trails that offer unique scenic beauty. Nainital has its own charm with its quaint hillside cottages and bustling markets filled with local crafts. So, if you're looking for a summer escape that's both refreshing and cooling, Nainital is the perfect destination to chill out. View Post Kasol 28-09-2024 Kasol is a beautiful place to visit during the summer season. It has a pleasant temperature that allows you to enjoy the outdoors comfortably. The stunning mountainous landscape and the nearby flowing river add to the beauty of the place. If you love nature, you can explore different hiking trails, which is a lot of fun. The area also has some great cafes and restaurants where you can try different types of food. Kasol is particularly known for its Israeli influence, so you must try the delicious falafel and hummus. For those who want to unwind, hanging out by the river or doing some yoga is a great option. Overall, Kasol is an excellent summer destination where you can enjoy outdoor activities, eat good food and relax. View Post Mahabaleshwar 28-09-2024 Mahabaleshwar, which is also known as the \"Queen of Hill Stations,\" is a lovely place located in Maharashtra. It's high up in the Western Ghats, surrounded by lots of green trees and pretty views. When you go there, you'll feel the cool breeze and see lots of beautiful sights. There are mountains, valleys, and waterfalls all around. It's like stepping into a fairy tale! Here you can visit different spots to see amazing views, like Wilson Point for the sunrise or Kate's Point for the sunset. Mahabaleshwar also has old temples and buildings that tell stories from the past. If you like outdoor activities, there's plenty to do. You can go trekking in the forests, boating on lakes, or horse riding on scenic trails. And if you're lucky, you might spot some interesting birds or animals too. In short, Mahabaleshwar is a wonderful place to visit for anyone who loves nature, history, and adventure. View Post Rishikesh 28-09-2024 Rishikesh is a small city in India, up in the mountains near the Ganges River. People love it here because it's all about yoga and finding peace. You can learn yoga and meditation from experts who've been practicing for ages. Additionally, if you're into excitement, Rishikesh has it too! You can go rafting in the river, swing from tall bridges, and hike through the hills. The city is old and has temples and big bridges that recount stories from long ago. Every evening, there's a special prayer ceremony by the river. It's like a great show with music, lights, and prayers floating in the air. In short, Rishikesh is the perfect place to relax and forget about all your worries View Post Lonavala 28-09-2024 Lonavala is located in Maharashtra, a beautiful place surrounded by hills and greenery, far away from the noise and hustle of the city. When you visit Lonavala, you'll feel like you've entered a beautiful world of lush forests, waterfalls, and fresh air. It's the perfect place to relax and unwind, away from the stresses of everyday life. One of the best things about Lonavala is its stunning natural beauty. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful sights that will take your breath away. From the majestic peaks of the Sahyadri mountains to the tranquil waters of the lakes and streams, every view is exquisite. Lonavala is also famous for its delicious food. You can feast on local delicacies like chikki and vada pav, or enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants serving authentic Maharashtrian cuisine. For those who love adventure, Lonavala has plenty to offer. You can go trekking through the hills, rappelling down waterfalls, or even paragliding over the picturesque landscape. It's like an outdoor playground just waiting to be explored! And if you're in the mood for some relaxation, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can spend a peaceful afternoon by the lakeside, or simply sit back and enjoy the stunning views with a hot cup of tea in hand. In short, it's the perfect destination for a memorable vacation. View Post Darjeeling 28-09-2024 Darjeeling is a city located in the Indian state of West Bengal, nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. The weather here is pleasant, not too hot or too cold. Everywhere you look, you can see the beautiful mountains and tea gardens, making it a perfect place for nature lovers. Summer is a great time to visit Darjeeling because you can enjoy adventures like trekking and rafting. You can also learn about tea and try different varieties. Darjeeling is a melting pot of different cultures, so you can experience new things. And, not to forget, the famous toy train ride that provides a fun way to see the sights. In conclusion, Darjeeling in the summer is a cool and exciting place to visit. 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