xiti.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://xiti.com/
Effective URL: https://xiti.com/
Submission: On June 10 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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        <a id="HLXiTiHome" title="XiTi Home" href="/en"><img title="XiTi Home" src="Content/Images/New/xiti_logo.png" alt=""></a>
      <h2>The leading free solution<br>
        <span class="light">for measuring website traffic</span>
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      <p>For more than 15 years AT Internet has provided website owners with <strong>free access to their web traffic data</strong>. Thanks to an easy-to-use solution, <strong>you can benefit from key information such as traffic sources, visitor
          geolocation, and more, in order to manage and improve your site’s impact</strong> (whether it’s a blog, a personal website, or otherwise). </p>
      <p> The XiTi Free project was launched back in 2000 by <strong>AT Internet</strong>, one of the world’s leading digital analytics companies, and today continues to illustrate the company’s desire to make digital analytics accessible to
        everyone. The decision to continue supporting a free version to the benefit of a large user community has been the success behind XiTi Free, an essential solution for measuring the traffic of personal websites. </p>
      <p> An excellent source of exchange, the XiTi project <strong>has strengthened the relationship between AT Internet and its many users</strong>, further enhancing its decision-making solutions. </p>
      <h2>Take your Web Analytics<br>to the next level...</h2>
      <img src="//www.xiti.com/Content/Images/New/hr2.png" alt="" title="" style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;"><br>
        <strong>Creator of XiTi</strong>, AT Internet is also one of the world’s major players in digital analytics. Its Analytics Suite helps even the largest, most demanding brands to measure, analyse and visualise their data and digital
      <p> AT Internet has more than 3,800 web analytics customers worldwide from all industries, including more than half of the companies listed on the French stock exchange (CAC 40), as well as many other leading international groups. </p>
      <iframe style="margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 800px; height: 460px;" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/0tjRknu0RRA?rel=0&amp;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0"
      <p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 80px; text-align: center;">
        <a href="http://www.atinternet.com/en/" onclick="return xt_click(this,'C','0','AT_Internet::Box::Call_to_action','S')" class="btnblue" target="_blank">Discover our enterprise web analytics solution</a>
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        <p class="footerTitle"> AT Internet - Digital intelligence solutions </p>
        <p> One of the world’s major players in digital intelligence since 1996, AT Internet helps companies measure their audience and optimise their digital performance across all channels. AT Internet’s expertise extends from collecting raw data
          to treating it in real time and delivering it for analysis and the sharing of insights. Applications in AT Internet’s Analytics Suite provide reliable, contextualised and actionable information. Scalable and completely modular, AT
          Internet’s offering adapts to businesses in all industries: e-commerce, media, finance/banking, corporate institutions. Easy-to-use and accessible to all individuals within a company, these solutions help address the challenges facing both
          novices and experts in digital analytics and data mining. The power of AT Internet’s Analytics Suite and the quality of its services (consulting, training and support) are recognised worldwide. AT Internet counts more than 3,800 customers
          around the globe, in all industries. With more than 200 employees, the group is present in 32 countries via its customers, subsidiaries and partners. </p>
        <p> xiti.com is a website created and edited by Applied Technologies Internet SAS (AT Internet) - Head Office : 85 avenue Président JF Kennedy 33700 Mérignac France - A private limited French company with a capital of 614,903 Euros - RCS
          Bordeaux under the number B 403 261 258 - SIRET: 40326125800012 - NAF: 6311 Z - VAT Number: FR 77 403 261 258 - Email: atcontact (at) atinternet.com - Tel: +33 1 56 54 14 30 - Director of publication : Mathieu Llorens - This site is hosted
          on our servers located at the SFR Datacenter in Bordeaux (rue Docteur Gabriel Peri, 33000 Bordeaux - France) </p>
        <p> On this site, only functional cookies and audience measurement cookies exempt from consent are present. See our privacy page for more information. </p>
        <p class="copyrights"> ©2022 AT Internet - All rights reserved </p>

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For more than 15 years AT Internet has provided website owners with free access
to their web traffic data. Thanks to an easy-to-use solution, you can benefit
from key information such as traffic sources, visitor geolocation, and more, in
order to manage and improve your site’s impact (whether it’s a blog, a personal
website, or otherwise).

The XiTi Free project was launched back in 2000 by AT Internet, one of the
world’s leading digital analytics companies, and today continues to illustrate
the company’s desire to make digital analytics accessible to everyone. The
decision to continue supporting a free version to the benefit of a large user
community has been the success behind XiTi Free, an essential solution for
measuring the traffic of personal websites.

An excellent source of exchange, the XiTi project has strengthened the
relationship between AT Internet and its many users, further enhancing its
decision-making solutions.


Creator of XiTi, AT Internet is also one of the world’s major players in digital
analytics. Its Analytics Suite helps even the largest, most demanding brands to
measure, analyse and visualise their data and digital performance.

AT Internet has more than 3,800 web analytics customers worldwide from all
industries, including more than half of the companies listed on the French stock
exchange (CAC 40), as well as many other leading international groups.

Discover our enterprise web analytics solution

Subscribe - Professional solutions - Contact - Forgotten your password? -

AT Internet - Digital intelligence solutions

One of the world’s major players in digital intelligence since 1996, AT Internet
helps companies measure their audience and optimise their digital performance
across all channels. AT Internet’s expertise extends from collecting raw data to
treating it in real time and delivering it for analysis and the sharing of
insights. Applications in AT Internet’s Analytics Suite provide reliable,
contextualised and actionable information. Scalable and completely modular, AT
Internet’s offering adapts to businesses in all industries: e-commerce, media,
finance/banking, corporate institutions. Easy-to-use and accessible to all
individuals within a company, these solutions help address the challenges facing
both novices and experts in digital analytics and data mining. The power of AT
Internet’s Analytics Suite and the quality of its services (consulting, training
and support) are recognised worldwide. AT Internet counts more than 3,800
customers around the globe, in all industries. With more than 200 employees, the
group is present in 32 countries via its customers, subsidiaries and partners.

xiti.com is a website created and edited by Applied Technologies Internet SAS
(AT Internet) - Head Office : 85 avenue Président JF Kennedy 33700 Mérignac
France - A private limited French company with a capital of 614,903 Euros - RCS
Bordeaux under the number B 403 261 258 - SIRET: 40326125800012 - NAF: 6311 Z -
VAT Number: FR 77 403 261 258 - Email: atcontact (at) atinternet.com - Tel: +33
1 56 54 14 30 - Director of publication : Mathieu Llorens - This site is hosted
on our servers located at the SFR Datacenter in Bordeaux (rue Docteur Gabriel
Peri, 33000 Bordeaux - France)

On this site, only functional cookies and audience measurement cookies exempt
from consent are present. See our privacy page for more information.

©2022 AT Internet - All rights reserved