www.randstad.co.uk Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://email.randstad.co.uk/e3t/Ctc/ZQ+113/cjDwt04/VXbQW28ZBYYCW6Pt05B509YgYVXkGBG4WSRVKN8NyyDc3cf1rV1-WJV7CgWr_N3XqX8G5vPBm...
Effective URL: https://www.randstad.co.uk/?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=234445796&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8MuDhYXzFkQV11bYtJ_M_DCL3e7uoxw3opJhxqxC4IF6kdA...
Submission: On February 10 via api from IE — Scanned from DE

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   * newhaven, south east
   * permanent
   * £35,000 - £45,000 per year
   posted 5 february 2023
   Job Title : Head Of HistoryLocation: Newhaven , East Sussex Salary :£35,000
   to £45,000 per yearPermanent, Full time , Are you an aspirational teacher
   looking for your first step into leadership? We are working with and
   supporting a school in Newhaven who are looking to appoint a passionate and
   inspirational Head of History to continue the department's work to ensure
   their students have the best possible outcomes. Whilst History will be the
   main teaching subject, the ability to contribute to either Religious Studies
   or Geography would be advantageous. The successful candidate can be sure of
   working with a team of extremely dedicated staff in a very motivating,
   forward-thinking environment. The school is committed to providing
   exceptional CPD at all levels including programmes for ECTs, recently
   qualified teachers and middle leaders. About YouThe successful candidates
   must…Good Honours Degree and qualified teacher status Passionately believe
   that all children can achieve, no matter what their starting point,
   background or needs. Someone that does not make excuses for what children can
   achieveHave the highest expectations and standardsEnthuse students with a
   passion for their subject and inspire them to achieve the best they canBe
   flexible and resilient with an unrelenting 'can do' attitudeBe analytical and
   strategic in their thinking and planningBe able to inspire colleagues and
   build teamsBe able to support and challenge whilst maintaining great
   relationships with both staff and studentsBe committed to personal and
   professional developmentAt least 2 years' experience of successful teaching
   at secondary level, up to and including GCSE, across the full ability
   rangeRelevant Continued Professional DevelopmentA proven track record of good
   or better outcomes for all students Leading and managing staffEstablish clear
   expectations and excellent working relationships across the team to allow
   mutual support, devolving responsibilities and delegating tasks, as
   appropriateEnsure the team retains a focus on improving and maintaining the
   highest standards in teaching and learning at all times to allow students to
   achieve the best outcomes possibleModel and encourage the highest standards
   in teaching and learning, sharing best practice and working with senior staff
   to support and challenge underperformance where neededSupport the senior team
   and other colleagues in implementing school strategies and policy such as
   Performance Management and Binary BehaviourEnsure trainees and newly
   qualified teachers are appropriately trained, monitored,supported and
   assessed where necessary The school is committed to safeguarding and
   promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and
   expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful
   applicants for people working with children and vulnerable adults will need
   to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enhanced clearance for
   this authority.
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   * huntingdon, east of england
   * temporary
   * £14.00 - £14.50 per hour
   posted 5 february 2023
   CSCS Traffic Marshall RequiredResidential development site in Brampton,
   PE28Start ASAP4 Months Work£14.50ph Traffic Marshall roles on the
   site:Directing the traffic on the siteManning the gateSigning visitors in and
   outGeneral labouring when quiet Requirements for Traffic Marshall role:*
   Valid CSCS card* Valid Traffic Marshal ticket* Full PPE* Competent
   communication skills Contact Russell at Randstad on 07896558173 via text or
   whatsapp with your name, job title and postcode if interested Randstad CPE
   values diversity and promotes equality. No terminology in this advert is
   intended to discriminate against any of the protected characteristics that
   fall under the Equality Act 2010. We encourage and welcome applications from
   all sections of society and are more than happy to discuss reasonable
   adjustments and/or additional arrangements as required to support your
   application.Candidates must be eligible to live and work in the UK.For the
   purposes of the Conduct Regulations 2003, when advertising permanent
   vacancies we are acting as an Employment Agency, and when advertising
   temporary/contract vacancies we are acting as an Employment Business.
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   * birmingham, west midlands
   * contract
   posted 5 february 2023
   Senior Business Analyst (Cybersecurity) Birmingham City Centre - Remote
   Working £400 / £450 Inside IR35 A well established higher institution is
   looking for a Business Analyst to join the IT Team on a 6 months contract.
   The successful candidate should have prior cybersecurity experience as the
   main focus of the role will be to review the current strategy and to deliver
   cyber security awareness. The successful candidate should have the following
   experience Good understanding of cyber essentials (infrastructure, firewalls)
   Understanding of cyber attacks If you have worked in a SOC environment this
   will also be a bonus. The role is hybrid and you are required to travel to
   the office once a week for face to face meetings. (office is located in
   Birmingham City Centre) £400 / £450 Inside IR35 If you are a Business Analyst
   with a background in cyber security and looking for your next contract then
   please get in touch (Iram. Shariff@Randstad.co.uk) or alternatively apply
   directly to the Ad.Randstad Technologies is acting as an Employment Business
   in relation to this vacancy.
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