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Effective URL: https://www.gallerycollection.com/anniversary-congratulations-cards.htm?src=MC_526003400&j=89695&sfmc_sub=7406648&l=52_HTML&u=2410...
Submission: On July 28 via api from IE — Scanned from DE

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     See All Greeting Card Assortments Fine Art Note Card
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     Christmas / Holiday
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     Religious Christmas
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 * Presentation
   * See All Presentation Folders Customizable Presentation Folders
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     Customizable Folders
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     Classic Customizable Folders
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     Large Capacity Customizable Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Large Capacity Customizable Folders
     Standard Capacity Customizable Folders
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     Stock Design Presentation Folders
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     Stock Folders
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     Classic Stock Folders
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     Label Stock Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Label Stock Folders
     Large Capacity Stock Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Large Capacity Stock Folders
     Standard Capacity Stock Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Standard Capacity Stock Folders
     Industry Specific Presentation Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Industry Specific Presentation Folders
     Accounting/Tax Folders
     See All Industry Specific Presentation Folders Accounting/Tax Folders
     Human Resources Folders
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     Insurance Folders
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     Legal Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Legal Folders
     Medical Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Medical Folders
     Real Estate Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Real Estate Folders
     Other Presentation Folders
     See All Presentation Folders Other Presentation Folders Confidential
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 * Business
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     Funeral Home
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     Embossed Foil Certificate Seals
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Our Presentation Folders are made with premium paper stock - available in
various colors and standard or large capacity. Also, add a personal touch by
foil stamping your company logo in one of our 16 elegant foil options.

Learn More about Presentation Folders


Our Business Cards keep you prepared and looking professional. Available in
credit card and standard size with square or rounded corners. Also, select from
our three different paper type finishes. Create your business card today with
one of many stylish Gallery Collection designs or upload your own!

Learn More about Business Cards


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ALL of our envelopes are made from "Recycled Paper." Some of our cards are also
made from "Recycled Paper." According to the FTC a manufacturer may label a
paper produced as "Recycled" only if it contains 30% post-consumer waste. All of
our envelopes meet this criteria without sacrificing any quality or elegance!



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word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
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