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URL: https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/bronze-globe
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Emerging Threats
North Korea
South Korea
United States


Botnet Operation and Sales
Business Email Compromise
Financial gain
PCI Theft
Spam Delivery


ObjectivesEspionageAliasesAPT12 (FireEye), CTG-8223 (SCWX CTU), DNSCalc,
DyncCalc, Numbered Panda (CrowdStrike)ToolsBadpuck, BeepService, Etumbot, Gh0st
RAT, Ixeshe, Mswab, RAdmin, Seatran, SvcInstaller, Ziyang
BRONZE GLOBE, also known as DNSCalc, APT12 and Numbered Panda, targets
organizations in a wide range of sectors including technology, media and
government. CTU researchers assess with moderate confidence that the group
operates on behalf of China. A subset of BRONZE GLOBE’s intrusion activity
appears to be reactive in nature, for example targeting Fukushima following the
2011 nuclear incident and the New York Times in 2013, which seemingly followed
negative reporting on China’s political leadership. The group was historically
very active and leveraged multiple remote access trojans including Ixeshe, Mswab
and Gh0st as part its campaigns.
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