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Submission: On April 26 via manual from SE — Scanned from SE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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      <legend tabindex="0" role="Question Text" class="mrQuestionText col-sm-12 question-text theme-standard-bg-color2 theme-standard-font-color1">
        <span class="style-0">Hur nöjd är du med ditt senaste besök hos Däckia?<br></span>
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                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-1" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Inte alls nöjd</span>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 col-border waves-effect waves-light"><span id="Cell.Q1-2" class="category single  ">
                    <input type="radio" id="Q1-2" name="answer-q1" value="q1-2" class="mrSingle styled form-control with-gap form-check-input" openendid="" iscode="" otherid="" isexclusive="false" questionname="answer-q1">
                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-2" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Inte särskilt nöjd</span>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 col-border waves-effect waves-light"><span id="Cell.Q1-3" class="category single  ">
                    <input type="radio" id="Q1-3" name="answer-q1" value="q1-3" class="mrSingle styled form-control with-gap form-check-input" openendid="" iscode="" otherid="" isexclusive="false" questionname="answer-q1">
                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-3" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Ganska nöjd</span>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 col-border waves-effect waves-light"><span id="Cell.Q1-4" class="category single  ">
                    <input type="radio" id="Q1-4" name="answer-q1" value="q1-4" class="mrSingle styled form-control with-gap form-check-input" openendid="" iscode="" otherid="" isexclusive="false" questionname="answer-q1">
                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-4" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Mycket nöjd</span>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 col-border waves-effect waves-light"><span id="Cell.Q1-5" class="category single  ">
                    <input type="radio" id="Q1-5" name="answer-q1" value="q1-5" class="mrSingle styled form-control with-gap form-check-input" openendid="" iscode="" otherid="" isexclusive="false" questionname="answer-q1">
                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-5" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Utomordentligt nöjd</span>
                <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 col-border waves-effect waves-light"><span id="Cell.Q1-6" class="category single  last">
                    <input type="radio" id="Q1-6" name="answer-q1" value="q1-6" class="mrSingle styled form-control with-gap form-check-input" openendid="" iscode="" otherid="" isexclusive="false" questionname="answer-q1">
                    <label role="Input type radio" class="category-label hand cbText active" for="Q1-6" tabindex="0">
                      <span class="mrSingleText">
                        <span class="style-0"> Vet ej </span>
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      <legend tabindex="0" role="Question Text" class="mrQuestionText col-sm-12 question-text theme-standard-bg-color2 theme-standard-font-color1">
        <span class="style-0">Hur nöjd är du med ditt senaste besök hos Däckia?<br></span>
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                              <span class="style-0"> Inte alls nöjd</span>
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                              <span class="style-0"> Inte särskilt nöjd</span>
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                              <span class="style-0"> Ganska nöjd</span>
                  <div dir="ltr" tabindex="0"
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                              <span class="style-0"> Mycket nöjd</span>
                  <div dir="ltr" tabindex="0"
                    style="user-select: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; transition: -webkit-box-shadow 250ms ease 0s; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; padding: 0px; outline: none; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); touch-action: manipulation; cursor: pointer; inset: 0px; z-index: 1;">
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                              <span class="style-0"> Utomordentligt nöjd</span>
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Text Content

Hur nöjd är du med ditt senaste besök hos Däckia?

Inte alls nöjd

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Hur nöjd är du med ditt senaste besök hos Däckia?

Inte alls nöjd

Inte särskilt nöjd

Ganska nöjd

Mycket nöjd

Utomordentligt nöjd

Vet ej