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Submitted URL: http://leys.dev/
Effective URL: https://www.leys.dev/
Submission: On August 03 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.leys.dev/
Submission: On August 03 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOM<form class="MuiPaper-root MuiPaper-elevation MuiPaper-rounded MuiPaper-elevation15 css-1llcizu" novalidate="">
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data-shrink="false" for="name" id="name-label">Name<span aria-hidden="true" class="MuiFormLabel-asterisk MuiInputLabel-asterisk css-1xpaobf"> *</span></label>
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data-shrink="false" for="title" id="title-label">Job Title<span aria-hidden="true" class="MuiFormLabel-asterisk MuiInputLabel-asterisk css-1xpaobf"> *</span></label>
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data-shrink="false" for="company" id="company-label">Company<span aria-hidden="true" class="MuiFormLabel-asterisk MuiInputLabel-asterisk css-1xpaobf"> *</span></label>
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data-shrink="false" for="email" id="email-label">Email Address<span aria-hidden="true" class="MuiFormLabel-asterisk MuiInputLabel-asterisk css-1xpaobf"> *</span></label>
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data-shrink="false" for="message" id="message-label">Message<span aria-hidden="true" class="MuiFormLabel-asterisk MuiInputLabel-asterisk css-1xpaobf"> *</span></label>
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tabindex="0" type="submit">Send<span class="MuiTouchRipple-root css-w0pj6f"></span></button>
Text Content
MICHAEL LEYS AboutTechnologiesProjectsGamesResume MICHAEL LEYS SOFTWARE ENGINEER MICHAEL LEYS SOFTWARE ENGINEER - FULL STACK DEVELOPMENT Projects Growth, Determination, Personal responsibility ABOUT ShortDetailed Hello, my name is Mike! I'm a determined software engineer with a strong drive for personal and professional growth. I am committed to producing the best possible outcome and continually improving my skills through a rigorous daily routine. My goal is to push the limits and achieve excellence in everything I do. Hello! My name is Mike and I am a software engineer! I am driven by a deep determination to succeed and a strong appetite for personal and professional growth. You can rely on me to put in the hard work necessary to produce the best possible outcome. Every day, I follow a comprehensive routine that enables me to continuously improve and develop new skills. My goal is to become the best possible version of myself, always pushing the limits and striving for excellence. I was drawn to programming at an early age, customizing controls in CS (Counter-Strike) back around the 2000s. My interest in coding was supercharged during my experiences creating machine vision applications to solve issues and increase quality and productivity in my previous position as an Applications Engineer. Driven by that passion, I recently completed the SEI bootcamp at General Assembly. As a software engineer, I thrive on solving business problems and developing elegant solutions working in and outside of a team environment. If I don't know immediately how to solve a problem, I spare no effort in my attempts to present a solution. I hold myself to a high standard and strive to only put my best self out into the world. I've earned experience in leading teams, office meetings, presentations, projects, and running a painting business, which has endowed me with a rare skill set in the industry. Outside of the office, I enjoy playing team sports, camping, hiking, fishing, spending time with friends and family, music, symphonies, theater, and reading. With my focused ambition, self-driven growth, appetite for learning, action-oriented practices, and demonstrated experiences, I believe I can be an indispensable asset to any team. You can rely on me to put in the hard work necessary to produce the best possible outcome. TECHNOLOGIES Primary Skills React.js JavaScript Rust HTML5 CSS TypeScript Node.js Mongoose Express RESTful APIs Tools VS Code Vim Docker CodePen Vite Code SandBox Replit Project Management Agile Trello Lucid Charts Web Technologies and Protocols RESTful APIs Jsonwebtoken OAUTH CRUD Back End Node.js Django Mongoose Express Front End React.js Bootstrap Semantic UI Material UI JQuery Languages JavaScript Java Python Rust HTML5 CSS TypeScript Version Control Git GitHub Cloud/ Databases AWS Mongo DB Postgre SQL SQLite MySQL Other MacOS NPM Bash Soft Skills Time and Project Management Leadership Communication Skills Problem Solving and Analytical Skills Agility and Adaptability Team Collaboration Emotional Intelligence Attention to Detail Continuous Improvement Client Relationship Management GAMES Play PongPlay Snake PROJECTS CHECK IT OUT! Skill.Map Skill.Map A tool for tracking learning process and finding and storing resources Features Search YouTube for resources and add to your skillset, Organize your skills with additional subcategories Tech Mongoose, Express, React, Node.js, Jsonwebtoken, YouTubeAPI, OpenAI API, Semantic UI, AWS CHECK IT OUT! Pursuit of HappYness Pursuit of HappYness Patient first-app empowering users to manage and take charge of their own health Features Intuitive Dashboard, Health Organization, AutoComplete for available medications, Appointment Tracking Tech Python, Django, HTML, JavaScript, Sass, PostgreSQL CHECK IT OUT! Layers Layers Team project tracking and organization Features Orgainize team projects, Rescticted access Tech Mongoose, Express, MongoDB, Node.js, OAUTH Authenticaion Candidate: Knock, knock. Employer: Who's there? Candidate: Java. Employer: Java who? Candidate: Java seen my resume? I'm the perfect candidate for your software engineering position! CONTACT Name * Job Title * Company * Email Address * Message * Send * Contact