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31 October - 2 November 2022


The Westin Tokyo


Below, you'll find the full schedule for IPBC Asia 2022.

Interested in speaking? Contact Rebecca Learoyd at


Here’s what’s scheduled for the event in Japan Standard Time (GMT+9).

Attendees can build their own agenda, registering for sessions of interest
across the three days.

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October 31, 2022
4:30 PM-7:00 PM

Opening reception
5:30 PM-7:30 PM

November 1, 2022
Registration and breakfast
8:00 AM-9:15 AM

Keynote address
9:15 AM-9:45 AM

Lessons learned
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Asia IP Elite session

2022’s business world looks different from previous years, as businesses have
had to adjust to the ‘new normal’. In the meantime, the IP world kept on
spinning and spinning fast. Leading figures from the Asia IP elite gather for
the first time since 2019 and share what they have been focused on and where we
go from here.  

 * Top trends from our hiatus  
 * Most significant challenges and hurdles they’ve overcome  
 * How have the past years shaped their future strategy

Networking break
10:45 AM-11:15 AM

Policy: Future of patent systems
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Plenary discussion

With key policy developments playing out across the globe, IP professionals can
find themselves in ever-changing situations. Understanding how to best utilise
the current policy to your advantage is key to success; however, how can
improvements match the company’s needs, and are we seeing both a localised and
globalised push for better IP governance?  

 * Key developments from Europe and the US  
 * Outstanding questions around AI, eligibility, vaccines, and more 
 * Expansion of patent system- securing localised developments 
 * Addressing the gap between policymakers and companies?

Networking lunch
12:15 PM-1:45 PM

Appraising your IP
1:45 PM-2:30 PM
IP & Money

Intellectual assets are often overlooked when securing financing for business
needs. While IP leveraged deals are on the rise, professionals need to be wary
of the risks.  

 * What is your IP worth? 
 * Utilising IP based lending to your advantage  
 * Managing risk in IP backed deals  

Mock licensing negotiation
1:45 PM-2:30 PM

Dealmaking is an artform where practical experience is vital. Seasoned
professionals engage in a live simulation of successful negotiation and attempt
to reach a deal where everyone walks away happy.

Portfolio Management
2:30 PM-3:15 PM
IP & Money

Maintaining a substantive portfolio is a full-time occupation for many patent
specialists. Examining strategic choices of how, where and when to file, and
when to bring out the clippers is critical for time and cost-saving purposes 

 * Challenges in patent prosecution  
 * Successful filing strategies in increasing cost resistant environment  
 * Pruning your portfolio

FRAND/SEP developments
2:30 PM-3:15 PM

The FRAND space continues to become more complex, with regulatory, judicial and
commercial developments layering on top of one another. Understanding the lay of
the land is crucial to commercial success 

 * Regulatory and antitrust developments  
 * Recent jurisprudence from around the world 
 * SEP market analysis and the commercial landscape for standardised

Networking break
3:15 PM-3:45 PM

Commercial success through monetisation
3:45 PM-4:30 PM
IP & Money

Should all patents be monetised? Making sure your patents are a solid investment
is key to commercial success. Professionals share tales from the trenches

 * Top tips for monetising your portfolio 
 * Measuring your ROI  
 * Review renew repeat: making sure your results are sustainable

Litigation lowdown
3:45 PM-4:30 PM

Patent disputes are on the rise, with more organisations eyeing Asia as a
critical location for litigation. What should businesses be expecting? 

 * Commonplace risks in litigations 
 * Is Southeast Asia the newest litigation hotspot? 
 * China’s landmark cases and what could be coming up next  
 * Current changes in Japanese courts

Opportunities for tech advancement
4:30 PM-5:15 PM
IP & Money

Patent professionals are constantly searching for ways to automate processes to
focus on the development of IP as a business asset. Experts share how their tech
journeys are unfolding and what lessons they’ve learnt on the way including: 

 * How to implement tech solutions seamlessly   
 * Key processes that should be automated  
 * Balancing the budget and tech development

The future of licensing
4:30 PM-5:15 PM

As complex technologies like connectivity and computing spread into more and
more product categories, the traditional bilateral licensing model will come
under increasing strain for all but the biggest organisations. There are
industry solutions new and old that could ease the burden. 

 * New developments in patent pools 
 * Legalities and practicalities of licensing negotiation groups 
 * Novel deal structures that can solve tomorrow’s problems

Drinks reception
5:15 PM-7:00 PM

Asia IP Elite gala dinner (ticketed event)
7:15 PM-10:00 PM

The Asia IP Elite gala dinner is a ticketed event.

November 2, 2022
Registration and breakfast
8:00 AM-9:15 AM

Keynote address
9:15 AM-9:45 AM

A cross-section of convergence
9:45 AM-10:45 AM
Asia IP Elite session

Every industry has experienced a tidal wave of changes; as patent professionals
learn to surf the waves of disruption, understanding your industry and taking
away crucial lessons from others can ensure your ongoing success. Our IP Elite
share their industry landscapes and IP concerns from the areas dominating Asia
business. Some of the topics we will cover include:  

 * What convergence means for patent portfolio management 
 * IP risk management in your industry and how it’s changing  
 * How to negotiate IP arrangements cross-sector as boundaries between
   industries break down 

Networking break
10:45 AM-11:15 AM

IP Situation Room
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Plenary discussion

Patent professionals are always on their toes and ready to handle any
circumstance. In this interactive and rapid-fire session, leading experts go
through everyday and uncommon situations and solve and ensure their IP can
survive any crisis in real-time.

Networking lunch
12:15 PM-1:45 PM

Mapping your route
1:45 PM-2:30 PM
Holistic IP

Analysing your patent landscape is necessary to comprehending your competitive
standing. The more detailed the analysis, the better your advantage.  

 * Utilising analytics to forward your IP strategy  
 * Mapping the most relevant industries  
 * Tools on the market to make analysis easy 

Connecting IP with R&D
1:45 PM-2:30 PM
Stakeholder management

Innovation is key to IP success, and nurturing the bond between the IP and R&D
functions is crucial to building a sustainable corporate future 

 * Working with R&D 
 * Incentivising innovation - beyond monetary  
 * Managing the human element of the inventor cycle

The rise of trade secrets
2:30 PM-3:15 PM
Holistic IP

Whilst patents may be the bread and butter of IP, more and more professionals
are exploring alternatives to traditional protection methods. How viable is this
protection method?  

 * When to utilise trade secrets  
 * Managing trade secrets and employee relations 
 * How the wave of criminal prosecutions is affecting practice 

Investor management
2:30 PM-3:15 PM
Stakeholder management

IP is becoming a key measure of success for both public and private companies.
Finding the best way to illustrate your IP strategy demonstrate its business
impact to shareholders and investors.   

 * Japan corporate governance code impact on IP professionals  
 * Managing investor disclosure  
 * Using IP to show business success to your shareholders

Networking break
3:15 PM-3:45 PM

Emerging technologies
3:45 PM-4:30 PM
Holistic IP

Technology is evolving faster than ever before, and as patent professionals find
themselves navigating the space between antiquated laws and nascent technology,
questions will undoubtedly arise.  

 * AI; eligibility, ownership and inventorship  
 * Examining IP issues around NFT, blockchain and more  
 * What’s on the horizon as we advance?

Diversifying your supply
3:45 PM-4:30 PM
Stakeholder management

Businesses are doing a stocktake of their supply chains considering recent
events. As organisations explore the potential of diversifying or moving their
manufacturing hubs, IP professionals must be part of the business conversations
to ensure that IP risks and opportunities are considered 

 * IP concerns when diversifying the supply chain 
 * Southeast Asia areas of interest 
 * What the push for manufacturing sovereignty means for IP

Making IP a business pillar
4:30 PM-5:15 PM
Holistic IP

Businesses today should make IP a priority. The IP team themselves often
initiates this responsibility. As practitioners navigate the business and IP
world, how do they make sure IP is included in business decisions at a high

 * IP at the forefront of the business  
 * Building the ideal IP team  
 * Aligning IP to commercial goals

The path to success: collaboration
4:30 PM-5:15 PM
Stakeholder management

Organisations can no longer go it alone; they are joining forces both within and
outside their industries to further their business. IP protection is top of the
list when it comes to considering collaboration.  

 * Choosing whom to align yourself with  
 * IP concerns with partnerships 
 * Balancing collaboration and intellectual asset protection

Closing drinks reception
5:15 PM-7:00 PM

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