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Your browser is out of date. To use this website, please update your browser or use a different device. An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you're connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and sent securely. Talk to the Veterans Crisis Line now Close Search Search: Search Contact us Sign in * Home * VA Benefits and Health Care * About VA * Find a VA Location * My VA skip to page content Attention A T users. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Please switch auto forms mode to off. 2. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). 3. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Get help from Veterans Crisis Line Enter your search textButton to start search * site map [a-z] 1. HEALTH 1. 1. Health Care Information 2. A-Z Health Topic Finder 3. My HealtheVet 4. Prescriptions Refills 5. Schedule a VA Appointment 6. Crisis Prevention 7. Mental Health 8. PTSD 9. Public Health 10. VA MISSION Act 2. BENEFITS 1. 1. General Benefits Information 2. Disability Compensation 3. Pension 4. GI Bill ® 5. Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment 6. Dependents' Educational Assistance 7. Survivor Benefits 8. Home Loans 9. Life Insurance 10. Appeals Modernization 3. BURIALS & MEMORIALS 1. 1. Cemetery Services 2. Burials 3. Headstones Markers & Medallions 4. Presidential Memorial Certificates 5. Cemeteries 6. Nationwide Gravesite Locator 7. Burial Flags 8. Burial Allowance 4. ABOUT VA 1. INSIDE VA 1. Secretary of VA 2. Executive Biographies 3. Organizations 4. History 2. BUDGET AND PERFORMANCE 1. VA Plans, Budget, & Performance 2. Agency Financial Report (AFR) 3. Budget Submission 4. Recovery Act 5. RESOURCES 1. 1. Explore your VA Benefits 2. Business 3. Congressional Affairs 4. Jobs 5. Benefits Booklet 6. Data & Statistics 7. VA Open Data 8. VA App Store 9. National Resource Directory 10. Veterans Service Organizations 11. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection 6. NEWS ROOM 1. INSIDE THE NEWS ROOM 1. Public Affairs 2. News Releases 3. Speeches 4. Videos 5. Publications 2. NATIONAL OBSERVANCES 1. Veterans Day 2. Memorial Day 3. Celebrating America's Freedoms 3. SPECIAL EVENTS 1. Adaptive Sports Program 2. Creative Arts Festival 3. Golden Age Games 4. Summer Sports Clinic 5. Training – Exposure – Experience (TEE) Tournament 6. Wheelchair Games 7. Winter Sports Clinic 7. LOCATIONS 1. 1. Hospitals & Clinics 2. Vet Centers 3. Regional Benefits Offices 4. Regional Loan Centers 5. Cemetery Locations 8. CONTACT US 1. 1. FAQs 2. Ask a Question 3. Toll Free Numbers I AM A... Select One Veteran Active Duty Service Member Caregiver/Family Member Dependent/Survivor National Guard/Reserve * Transition and Economic Development * Transition and Economic Development Home * Transition * Transition Home * Military Life Cycle Resources * Transition Assistance Program (TAP) * SkillBridge * Pre-Discharge Claims * VA Solid Start * FAQs * Transition Resources During COVID-19 * Transition During COVID-19 FAQs * Economic Development * Economic Development Home * Economic Investment Initiatives * Compensation * Compensation Home * Types of Compensation * Types of Claims * Types of Claims Page * Post-Service * Pre-Discharge * Special * How to File a Claim * Evidence Requirements * Evidence Needed * Private Medical Evidence * Compensation & Pension Exam * Effective Dates * Fully Developed Claims * Benefit Rates * Add a Dependent * Education & Training * Education & Training Home * For Students * Get Started * Get Started Home * Apply for Benefits * CareerScope * Payment Rates * School Decision Resources * School Locator * Principles of Excellence * Education Programs * Education Programs Home * Post-9/11 GI Bill * VET TEC * Montgomery GI Bill * VEAP * Survivors & Dependent Assistance * Accelerated Payments * Co-Op Training * Correspondence Training * Entrepreneurship Training * Flight Training * Institutions of Higher Learning * National Call to Service Program * Licensing and Certification * National Testing Program * Non-College Degree Programs * On-The-Job and Apprenticeship * Tuition Assistance Top Up * Tutorial Assistance * Workstudy * For School Administrators * About GI Bill * Handouts and Forms * Social Media * Non-VA Resources * Contact Us * General Contact Information * Regional Processing Offices * Veteran Readiness & Employment * Veteran Readiness Home * Transitioning to Civilian Employment * Veteran Readiness Employment Tracks * Veteran Employment Resources * VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) * Independent Living * VOW to Hire Heroes * Eligibility and Entitlement * Subsistence Allowance Rates * Success Stories * Program Definitions * Links and Resources * Jobs * Home Loans * VA Home Loans * Mortgage Assistance * Foreclosure Avoidance * Purchase & Cash-Out Refinance Loan * Purchase & Cash-Out Refinance Loan Page * Eligibility * Buying Process * Certificate of Eligibility * Loan Fee * Loan Limits * Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan * Native American Direct Loan * Environmental Impact Statement Process * Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) * SAH Assistive Technology Grant * Appraisers/SARs * Appraisers/SARs Page * Fee Appraiser Application * Appraisal Fees and Timeliness * Staff Appraisal Reviewer (SAR) Information * SAR Application: LAPP Program * Construction and Valuation * Lenders * Lenders Page * Lenders Sample Documents * How to Apply for Nonsupervised Automatic Authority * Loan Guaranty Monitoring Unit * Real Estate Professionals * Real Estate Professionals Page * Property Management * Servicers * Servicers Page * VALERI (VA Loan Electronic Reporting Interface) * VALERI Servicer Newsflash * Technology Knowledge Center * Life Insurance * Life Insurance Home * Access My Policy Online * SGLI: Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance * SGLI Program Page * SGLI Disability Extension * SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES) * VGLI: Veterans' Group Life Insurance * VGLI Program Page * How Does VGLI Compare to Other Insurance Programs? * How Much Life Insurance Do You Really Need? * VGLI Premium Rates * FSGLI: Family Servicemembers Group Life Insurance * TSGLI: SGLI Traumatic Injury Protection Program * TSGLI Program Page * Schedule of Payments for Traumatic Losses * S-DVI: Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance * VMLI: Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance * Beneficiary Financial Counseling and Online Will * Accelerated Benefits Option * Other VA Life Insurance * Other VA Life Insurance Page * Plans of Insurance * Veterans' Reopened Insurance * Veterans' Special Life Insurance * National Service Life Insurance WWII * Dividend Payment Options Available * Special Dividend Rumor * Search for Unclaimed Funds * Pension * Pension Home Page * Veterans Pension * Veterans Pension Page * How to Calculate Pension * Compensation & Pension Exam * Survivors Pension * Survivors Pension Page * Spouse’s Death Pension Calculation * Aid and Attendance and Housebound * Eligible Wartime Periods * Rates * Rates Page * Rates: Veterans Pension * Rates: Survivors Pension * Appeals Modernization * Special Groups * Elderly Veterans * Gulf War Veterans * Homeless Veterans * Incarcerated Veterans * Korean War Veterans * Lesbian Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Veterans * Minority Veterans * Native American Veterans * Former Prisoners of War * Veterans Living Overseas * Vietnam War Veterans * Women Veterans * World War II Veterans * Services * Services Home Page * Beneficiary Financial Counseling * Careers and Employment * Educational and Vocational Counseling * Fiduciary Program * Fiduciary Program Home * Beneficiary Overview * Fiduciary Overview * Independent Living * Mortgage Delinquency Assistance * Private Providers Information * Applying for Benefits * Applying for Benefits Home * Character of Discharge * Locations * Regional Offices * Regional Loan Centers * Regional Loan Centers Home * Atlanta * Cleveland * Denver * Houston * Phoenix * Roanoke * St. Paul * St. Petersburg * VBA Performance * VBA Performance Home * Characteristics of Claims * Monday Morning Workload Report * Appeals Modernization Reporting * Annual Benefits Report * Media and Publications * About VBA SUBSCRIBE TO VA'S MONTHLY BENEFITS NEWSLETTER 1. Subscription Type Email SMS/Text Message 2. Wireless Number 1 (US) 1 3. Email Address VA » Veterans Benefits Administration » Education and Training EDUCATION AND TRAINING On October 18th the GI Bill “Ask a Question” system upgraded to “Ask VA”. This is where you will now submit your questions and documentation. To further protect your information you will need a account, which you can also use to access other benefits and systems within VA. See more information on the change and how to create an account. Be sure to check out: FAQs for Students We cover your housing, grade, classroom, and financial hardship concerns. FAQS for School Certifying Officials We cover your IHL, non-college degree and on-the-job training and apprenticeship questions. Paperless Guidance The Annual Training Window is now open. Updated reqirements for all new and existing SCOs are effective. Vist the SCO Training Page for additional information about the Annual Training Requirements. VET TEC, a pilot program offering training for high-tech careers to Veterans, is now taking applications from potential training providers. See our webpage for more information about the program. * Ask A Question (AVA) * COVID-19 FAQs * School Certifying Official Training * VET TEC * Choose a School * Processing Times * Apply * Contact Us CHOOSE A SCHOOL Compare VA-approved institutions and review other information to choose the educational program that works best for you. Check what benefits you’ll get at different schools. AVERAGE PROCESSING TIMES 11 Days: First Time Applications 4 Days: Supplemental* *A supplemental claim is a re-enrollment or other change that impacts your benefit. FAQs APPLY FOR BENEFITS You served with honor and you’re ready to further your education and skills. If you qualify, apply for VA education and training benefits online, in person, or request an application over the phone. Apply for Benefits CONTACT US Call us at 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) between 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday Ask VA - Get an answer in four to five working days. This contact method is available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week. More Contact Info ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements at this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) The absence of the registration symbol ® does not constitute a waiver of VA's trademark rights in that phrase. Read our Terms of Use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOURCES * Submit Questions and Documentation * Facebook * Youtube * Trouble Making Payments * Choose Your Education Pathway * Choose Your Education Benefits * Further Your Career VERIFY CH 30 AND CH 1606 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Keep receiving education and training benefits from VA by verifying your attendance. CONNECT Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1) Social Media Complete Directory EMAIL UPDATES Email Address Button to subscribe to email VA HOME * Notices * Privacy * FOIA * Regulations * Web Policies * No FEAR Act * Whistleblower Rights & Protections * Site Index * * White House * Inspector General QUICK LIST * Apply for Benefits * Apply for Health Care * Prescriptions * My HealtheVet * Life Insurance Online Applications * VA Forms * State and Local Resources * Strat Plan FY 2014–2020 * VA Plans, Budget, & Performance * VA Claims Representation RESOURCES * Careers at VA * Employment Center * Returning Service Members * Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment * Homeless Veterans * Women Veterans * Minority Veterans * Plain Language * Surviving Spouses & Dependents * Adaptive Sports Program ADMINISTRATION * Veterans Health Administration * Veterans Benefits Administration * National Cemetery Administration U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420 Last updated November 30, 2021. Last updated: November 30, 2021. VETERAN PROGRAMS AND SERVICES * Homeless Veterans * Women Veterans * Minority Veterans * LGBTQ+ Veterans * PTSD * Mental health * Adaptive sports and special events * VA outreach events * National Resource Directory MORE VA RESOURCES * VA forms * VA health care providers * Accredited claims representatives * VA mobile apps * Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) * State Veterans Affairs offices * Doing business with VA * Careers at VA * VA outreach materials * Your VA welcome kit GET VA UPDATES * VAntage Point blog * News releases * Email updates * Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * Flickr * YouTube * All VA social media IN CRISIS? TALK TO SOMEONE NOW * Veterans Crisis Line GET ANSWERS * Resources and support * Contact us * CALL US 800-698-2411 * TTY: 711 * VISIT A MEDICAL CENTER OR REGIONAL OFFICE Find a VA location * Contact us GET ANSWERS * Resources and support * Contact us * CALL US 800-698-2411 * TTY: 711 * VISIT A MEDICAL CENTER OR REGIONAL OFFICE Find a VA location * Veteran programs and services * Homeless Veterans * Women Veterans * Minority Veterans * LGBTQ+ Veterans * PTSD * Mental health * Adaptive sports and special events * VA outreach events * National Resource Directory * More VA resources * VA forms * VA health care providers * Accredited claims representatives * VA mobile apps * Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) * State Veterans Affairs offices * Doing business with VA * Careers at VA * VA outreach materials * Your VA welcome kit * Get VA updates * VAntage Point blog * News releases * Email updates * Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * Flickr * YouTube * All VA social media * LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE * Español * Tagalog * Other languages LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE * Español * Tagalog * Other languages * Accessibility * Civil Rights * Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) * Office of Inspector General * Plain language * Privacy, policies, and legal information * VA Privacy Service * No FEAR Act Data * * VA performance dashboard * Veterans Portrait Project WE’RE HERE ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT – 24/7 If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Many of them are Veterans themselves. * Call 800-273-8255 and select 1 * Text 838255 * Start a confidential chat * Call TTY if you have hearing loss800-799-4889 Get more resources at