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Home Marketing Insights Contact Us Categories * Educational * Featured * Marketing 101 THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SMALL BUSINESS PAY-PER-CLICK ADVERTISING THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SMALL BUSINESS PAY-PER-CLICK ADVERTISING by Tom Burchnell May 17, 2023 The digital age has provided a wealth of advertising opportunities for businesses of all sizes. Of these ad networks, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective methods for small businesses to connect with their target audiences. But what is PPC? And how can small businesses leverage it to their advantage? This blog will guide you through the ins and outs of PPC for small businesses and how it can revolutionize your small business's own online advertising presence. UNDERSTANDING PAY-PER-CLICK ADVERTISING PPC advertising, as the name suggests, is a form of online marketing where the advertiser pays a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. In essence, it's a way of buying visits to your website paid advertising with pay per click marketing, only, rather than trying to earn them organically. PPC for small businesses is no longer complicated to set up, but it is hard to master. The most popular PPC advertising system in the world is Google Ads, which allows businesses to create ads that appear on the Google search front's search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user performs a search that includes one of your keywords, the Google search front's algorithm considers multiple factors to decide whether or not to display your ad. WHY IS SMALL BUSINESS PPC MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES? For small businesses with limited marketing budgets, PPC offers an affordable and effective means of driving traffic to their websites. Here are a few reasons why PPC advertising is beneficial for small businesses: 1. Cost-Effective: You only pay when a user actually reaches your website, making PPC an economical choice for businesses that want to maximize their return on investment (ROI). 2. Targeted Advertising: PPC allows you to target specific demographics, locations, and even times of day with your ads. This ensures that your ads are seen by the people most likely to be interested in your products or services. 3. Measurable Results: With PPC, you can track how many people viewed your ad, how many clicked on it, and how many took the desired action on your website. This data can help you refine your marketing strategy over time. 4. Quick Results: While SEO efforts can take months to yield results, a well-targeted PPC campaign can increase traffic to your website within hours. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PPC GOOGLE ADS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES? The benefits of PPC for small businesses are manifold. First and foremost, PPC provides small business owner a level playing field. PPC ads allow small businesses to compete with larger corporations for visibility in SERPs. PPC campaigns are highly customizable, allowing for precise targeting of ad groups based on keywords, ad groups, demographics, location, and even the time of day. This ensures that your ads reach the ad groups and the audience most likely to be interested in your products or services. Moreover, with PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad – ensuring that your marketing budget is used efficiently. Coupled with real-time performance data, this allows small businesses to quickly adjust their ad spend and strategies to maximize ROI. DOES PPC ADVERTISING WORK FOR SMALL BUSINESSES? Absolutely! PPC is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. Its cost-effectiveness, precise targeting capabilities, and real-time performance tracking make it particularly beneficial for small businesses. Especially those with limited marketing budgets. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PAID SEARCH AND PAID SOCIAL? Paid search refers to PPC advertising on search engines, where ads appear in search results based on the user's query. Google Ads is the most well-known ad platform used for these paid search queries and ads. Paid social, on the other hand, refers to advertising on social media platforms. These are paid search ads don't rely on user search queries; instead, they appear in users' social media feeds based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. PPC ADS ARE COST-EFFECTIVE With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad – making it a cost-effective advertising strategy. Plus, by targeting your ads effectively and monitoring your ad campaign's performance, you can ensure that your ad budget is used efficiently and your ad spend delivers a high ROI. BRING IT ALL TOGETHER — PPC ADS IN ACTION To understand the real power of PPC, let's look at it in action. Suppose you own a small organic coffee shop. By setting up a PPC campaign, you can bid on specific keywords, like "organic coffee shop near me" or "best organic coffee." When a potential customer searches for those keywords, your ad will appear at the top of the SERPs. If they click on your ad, they're directed to the landing pages on your website where they can explore your menu, place an order, or find your location. All of which are potential conversions for your business. 10 EASY IDEAS TO WIN THE SMALL BUSINESS PPC MANAGEMENT BATTLE 1. Research and select the right keywords relevant to your business. 2. Tailor your ad copy to speak directly to your target audience. 3. Use ad extensions to provide additional information and increase your ad's visibility. 4. Create a compelling, easy-to-navigate landing page. 5. Test different elements of your ad and landing page with A/B testing. 6. Use location targeting to reach potential customers in your area. 7. Schedule your ads to run during the hours when your audience is most active. 8. Regularly analyze your campaign's performance and tweak your strategy accordingly. 9. Experiment with different ad formats like text, display, video, and shopping ads. 10. Consider remarketing campaigns to re-engage past website visitors. CREATING YOUR FIRST SEARCH PPC CAMPAIGNS Creating your website visitors first ever search engine marketing campaign can seem daunting, but the key is to start with a clear goal in mind. This first search engine marketing your efforts could be increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting online sales. SETTING UP A PPC CAMPAIGN Now that we have a basic understanding of PPC and its benefits, let's delve into how to create campaigns set up a successful PPC campaign. 1. Identify Your Goals: Before you begin, identify what you want to achieve with your PPC campaign. Is it brand awareness? Increased sales? Lead generation? Having clear goals will guide your campaign strategy and help measure its success. 2. Define Your Target Audience: Who are your ideal customers? Where do they live? What are their interests? Answering these questions will help you create ads that resonate with your target audience and increase the likelihood of conversions. 3. Conduct Keyword Research: Keywords are the backbone of PPC advertising. Invest time in identifying keywords that are relevant to your business and that your target audience is likely to use when searching for your products or services. 4. Set a Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on your PPC campaign and how you want to allocate that budget. You can adjust your budget as your campaign progresses and you gain a better understanding of what works best. 5. Create High-Quality Ads: Your ads should be clear, engaging, and relevant to the keywords you're targeting. A compelling call-to-action (CTA) is a must, prompting viewers to click on your ad. 6. Landing Page Optimization: When users click on your ad, they should be directed to a landing page that corresponds to the ad's message. Make sure your landing page is optimized for conversions: it should be clear, concise, and guide users towards a desired action. PAY PER CLICK AD COPY Writing compelling ad copy is crucial for paid ad success. Your ad copy should be relevant to your target keywords, include a clear call-to-action, and highlight the unique benefits of your product or service. It's also beneficial to experiment with different ad copy and monitor performance to see what resonates most with your audience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIMIZING YOUR PPC CAMPAIGN This is just the beginning of your journey with PPC advertising. Below, we'll delve deeper into strategies for: OPTIMIZING YOUR PAID ADS CAMPAIGN ANALYZING THEIR PERFORMANCE ADJUSTING YOUR APPROACH MARKETING EFFORTS FOR MAXIMUM SUCCESS Optimization is key to ensuring you're leveraging PPC and campaigns deliver the best possible results. Here are some strategies to consider: 1. AD SCHEDULING: Also known as dayparting, ad scheduling allows you to specify certain hours or days of the week when your ads will be shown. This can be especially useful if you know your target audience is more likely to see and click on your ads during certain times. 2. BID MANAGEMENT: In PPC advertising, you bid on the keywords you want to trigger your ads.Effective bid management involves adjusting your bids based on the performance of different keywords, ensuring you get the best ROI. DEVICE TARGETING: 3. With device targeting, you can choose to show your ads on specific devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. If you know that your target audience primarily uses a particular device, this strategy can help you maximize your ad visibility. LOCATION AND LANGUAGE TARGETING: 4. Location targeting allows you to show your ads to users in specific geographic locations. Language targeting ensures your text ads are shown to users who speak a particular language. 5. AD EXTENSIONS: Ad extensions enhance your ads by providing additional information or links. They can improve your ad's visibility and click-through rate (CTR). ANALYZING YOUR ADVERTISING, AD CAMPAIGNS AND PPC STRATEGIES Analyzing your campaign's performance is essential to identify what's working and what's not. Here are some key metrics to monitor: 1. Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of ad views that resulted in a click. A low CTR may indicate that your ads aren't resonating with your target audience. 2. Cost Per Click (CPC): This is the average amount you're paying for each click. If your CPC is high, you may need to adjust your bids or improve your ad quality. 3. Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of clicks that resulted in a desired action, such as a purchase or lead submission. A low conversion rate may indicate issues with your landing page or the relevance of your ads. 4. Quality Score: This is a rating from Google based on the quality and relevance of your keywords and PPC ads. A high Quality Score can result in lower costs and better ad positions. ADJUSTING YOUR PPC CAMPAIGNS Based on your analysis, you may need to make adjustments to your PPC ad campaign itself. This could involve tweaking your ad copy, changing your targeted keywords, or adjusting your bids. Remember, the goal is to continuously improve your ad campaign's performance and maximize your ROI. BID ADJUSTMENTS Bid adjustments allow you to increase or decrease your bids for specific situations.For example, you might increase your bids for certain times of day, specific locations, or for users on mobile devices. This allows you to optimize your campaign for the factors that drive the best results. TESTING AND TWEAKING YOUR PPC CAMPAIGNS Once your PPC campaign is up and running, it's essential to continually test and tweak it. This can involve adjusting your keywords, experimenting with different ad formats, or trying new targeting options. One common testing method is A/B testing, where you change one element of your ad or landing page. This compares the performance of the original version (A) and the modified version (B). Testing and iterating is the only way to create successful PPC campaigns. LOOK AT YOUR QUALITY SCORE FREQUENTLY Your Quality Score is a rating from Google that reflects the relevance and quality of your keywords, ads, and landing pages. A higher Quality Score can lead to lower costs and better ad positions. Regularly monitoring your Quality Score can help you identify areas of your campaign that need improvement. THE POWER OF REMARKETING Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a powerful PPC marketing strategy that targets people who have previously interacted with your website. These individuals are already familiar with your brand, making them more likely to engage with your ads. Remarketing can significantly improve your conversion rates and ROI. Google Ads and other PPC platforms offer remarketing options. You can tailor your ads based on the specific pages that users visited on your website, enhancing personalization and relevance of search ads. EXPLORING DIFFERENT GOOGLE ADS FORMATS While text ads on search engine results pages (SERPs) and other ad networks are common, they're not the only option. Different ad formats can help you reach your target audience in various ways: 1. Display Ads: These are visual banner ads that appear on websites participating in Google's Display Network. They can include text, images, and even interactive elements. 2. Video Ads: Video ads can be an engaging way to grab attention. Platforms like YouTube offer various video ad options. 3. Shopping Ads: If you're an e-commerce business, shopping ads can showcase your products directly in search results. Your listing complete with images, prices, and your store's name. 4. Responsive Ads: These ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. They can be a great way to increase your reach with minimal effort. DON'T SEND AD TRAFFIC TO YOUR HOME PAGE When a user clicks on your PPC marketing, they should be directed to a PPC landing page that directly relates to the ad's content, not just your homepage. This landing page should provide the information or products promised in the ad, ensuring a seamless user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions. ACTIVELY MANAGE YOUR PPC ADVERTISING TO FIND SUCCESS PPC ads aren't a set-and-forget marketing strategy. It's essential to actively manage your campaigns. All businesses need to be analyzing performance data, adjusting bids, changing targeted keywords, and tweaking ad copy as necessary. This continuous management can help you maximize your ROI. YOU CAN EASILY CONTROL AND TEST PPC ADS One of the main advantages of PPC is the control it offers. You can control when and where your ads are shown, how much you spend, and what your ads say. Plus, PPC platforms provide tools for A/B testing, allowing you to experiment with different elements of your ads to find what works best. PPC ADS PRODUCE FAST RESULTS Unlike SEO, which can take months to show results, PPC campaigns can start driving traffic as soon as they're launched. This makes PPC an excellent strategy for businesses looking to quickly increase their online visibility. MONITOR YOUR PERCENTAGE OF ONLINE SEARCH IMPRESSIONS Your impression share represents the percentage of times your ads were shown out of the total available impressions in your market. Monitoring this can help you understand how effectively your ads are reaching your target audience and whether there's room to increase your visibility. PPC CAMPAIGNS ALLOW YOU TO TARGET YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMERS PPC for small businesses offer robust targeting options. You can target your ads based on keywords, location, demographics, interests, and even the time of day. This enables you to reach your ideal customers - those most likely to be interested in your products or services. INCREASE BIDS OF CONVERTING KEYWORDS If certain keywords are leading to a high number of conversions, it may be worth increasing your bids on these more profitable keywords. This can improve your ad ranking for these high-performing keywords and potentially drive even more conversions. However, always ensure that the cost of the bid doesn't outweigh the value of the ad rank and conversion. LANDING PAGE BEST PRACTICES Your landing page should align with your ad copy, providing the information or products promised in the ad. It should be easy to navigate, with a clear call-to-action. Additionally, your landing page should load quickly, as slow load times can lead to high bounce rates. ADD NEGATIVE KEYWORDS Negative keywords are terms that you don't want your ads to show for. By adding negative keywords to your campaign, you can prevent your google ads account from appearing for irrelevant searches. This saves your budget for the keywords google ads that matter most to your business. PPC VS SEO — WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Both PPC and SEO aim to get search engine optimization to increase your online visibility, but they do so in different ways. PPC involves paying for ad space in search engine results, while SEO involves optimizing your website to rank organically in search results. Both strategies can be effective, but PPC can deliver quicker results, while SEO is a long-term strategy. DATA FROM PPC ADS CAN IMPROVE YOUR SEO STRATEGY The data gathered from your PPC campaigns — like which keywords drive the most traffic or landing pages lead to the most conversions — can be used to inform your SEO strategy. This can help you target the most effective keywords in your organic content, improving your website's overall SEO. You can track your progress through Google Analytics and Google Search Console. ALGORITHM CHANGES HAVE LITTLE EFFECT ON PPC ADS Search engine algorithm changes can significantly impact your ad rank and website's organic rankings. However, they have little effect on ad rank for PPC ads, which appear in search engines based on bid amount and ad relevance rather than organic ranking factors. ADDITIONAL TIPS AND TRICKS FOR GOOGLE ADS STAYING UPDATED WITH PPC TRENDS Like any other digital advertising and marketing field, PPC advertising is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is crucial for your PPC work. This could involve changes in search engine algorithms, new PPC platform features, or changes in user behavior. Consider subscribing to industry blogs, attending webinars, keeping up to date with Google and Microsoft Ads best practices, or even taking online courses to keep your PPC ad knowledge up-to-date. LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIA FOR PPC Apart from search engines, social media platforms also offer PPC advertising platform options. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest all have their own pay per click marketing or pay per metric platforms and ad group capabilities. Social media PPC can be highly effective due to the platforms' vast user bases and advanced targeting options. You can target users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. However, the best platform for you will depend on where your target audience spends their time. CONSIDERING SMALL BUSINESS PPC MANAGEMENT TOOLS OR AGENCIES As your PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Bing Ads, and more evolve and expand, overseeing them can become increasingly complex. Utilizing PPC management tools can assist in streamlining this process, with features such as bid management, analytics, and automated rule setting. There are numerous tools available that can aid in managing and optimizing your PPC campaigns. These include keyword research tools, bid management tools, analytics tools, and ad testing tools. Some popular options include Google's own suite of tools (Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner), as well as SEMrush and WordStream. PPC MANAGEMENT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES However, a more holistic approach could involve partnering with a specialized PPC agency, or ad group like Goal Based Marketing. This boutique digital marketing agency is particularly dedicated to small businesses, providing comprehensive digital marketing services tailored to your unique needs. With Goal Based Marketing, you gain access to a team of professionals who bring a wealth of expertise and fresh perspectives to your campaigns. Their understanding of your business and goals will ensure that your PPC campaigns are not just generic, but custom-crafted strategies that deliver results. CONCLUSION: THE POWER OF PPC WITH GOAL BASED MARKETING PPC online advertising model, especially when managed by a dedicated team like Goal Based Marketing, can be an exceptionally potent tool for small business owners. It offers cost-effective, targeted, and measurable digital advertising for opportunities. Remember, PPC is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Successful PPC advertising is an ongoing journey that requires constant learning, testing, tweaking, and adapting. However, with the support and expertise of Goal Based Marketing, you can navigate this journey more confidently and effectively. At the end of the day, the key to successful PPC paid advertising campaigns is understanding your audience, providing them with value, and continually refining your strategies based on performance data. With Goal Based Marketing by your side, you're not just learning and adapting – you're mastering the art of PPC advertising, ultimately enhancing your online presence and driving the growth of your small business. TAGS: Educational, Featured, Marketing 101 Post by Tom Burchnell May 17, 2023 Tom Burchnell is an accomplished marketing leader known for his strategic acumen and ability to drive revenue growth. He has an impressive track record in product positioning, developing go-to-market strategies, and harnessing data to inform marketing decisions. Tom's unique strength lies in his ability to identify untapped market opportunities and devise strategies to capitalize on them. Over the course of his career, he has demonstrated his skills in both B2B and B2C marketing. Tom has a knack for creating impactful content that resonates with diverse audiences and drives business growth FREE STRATEGY SESSION Passionate entrepreneurs and business owners need customized, on-demand marketing services to succeed in as competitive landscape. Learn how Goal Based Marketing can help you grow. First name Last Name* Email*