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703-548-4285 * 703.548.4285 * Contact Us Conference October 19th at 7:00am GoMaximo 2021 * Maximo AAM * Maximo AAM * What’s Included * Core Features * Implementation Approach * Pricing * Request a Demo * Start a Free Trial * Maximo Application Suite (MAS 8) * Maximo Application Suite * MAS 8 AppPoints * MAS 8 Manage’d * MAS 8 Workshop * Path to MAS 8 * Cloud Solutions * Maximo SaaS * FedRAMP * Bridge to Cloud for SaaS * Hosting * Admin On-Demand * EAM Software * IBM Maximo & IBM Anywhere * RulesManager Studio * MaxAssist * MaxPerform * Lockout Tagout Manager * PunchOut for eCommerce * Safety Tagging System * Anywhere Builder for Mobile * Lifeline Software Support * S&S Renewal * Support Forum * Consulting * Configuration Best Practices * Managed Services * Deployment Services * Training Courses * Contact Select Page * Maximo AAM * Maximo AAM * What’s Included * Core Features * Implementation Approach * Pricing * Request a Demo * Start a Free Trial * Maximo Application Suite (MAS 8) * Maximo Application Suite * MAS 8 AppPoints * MAS 8 Manage’d * MAS 8 Workshop * Path to MAS 8 * Cloud Solutions * Maximo SaaS * FedRAMP * Bridge to Cloud for SaaS * Hosting * Admin On-Demand * EAM Software * IBM Maximo & IBM Anywhere * RulesManager Studio * MaxAssist * MaxPerform * Lockout Tagout Manager * PunchOut for eCommerce * Safety Tagging System * Anywhere Builder for Mobile * Lifeline Software Support * S&S Renewal * Support Forum * Consulting * Configuration Best Practices * Managed Services * Deployment Services * Training Courses * Contact * 703.548.4285 * Contact Us IBM MAXIMO WITHOUT THE ENTERPRISE COST TRM’s Maximo AAM is a turnkey EAM that accelerates your asset management for less than 1/10 of the price. Explore Further EMBRACE THE CLOUD Maximo SaaS is integrated, secure, and reliable. Leverage programs to migrate your on-premise EAM/CMMS to the cloud with ease and with FedRAMP level security. Learn How UNLOCK THE POWER OF MAXIMO Maximo Application Suite (MAS) provides you with intelligent asset management, monitoring, predictive maintenance and reliability in a single platform. Get Started with MAS 8 YOUR PATH TO IBM MAS 8 Leverage MAS 8 Apps with your current Maximo solution as you gradually upgrade. Save on Maximo licenses + Lock in low SaaS pricing. Enhance your current implementation with innovate TRM software and embedded AI powered Chatbot. Learn More about Maximo Prime PreviousNext 1234 THE BEST PROGRAMS TO MOVE TO MAXIMO, TO THE CLOUD, AND UPGRADE TO MAXIMO 8. * Maximo Prime * Maximo Application Suite * Maximo SaaS * TRM Maximo AAM * Consulting & Managed Services MAXIMO PRIME IS YOUR BRIDGE TO MAXIMO 8 An Integrated subscription to Maximo + TRM’s Value Software + enhanced Support is the most flexible and affordable option to upgrade your current Maximo licenses to MAS App Points to future proof your investment in Maximo. With TRM’s Maximo Prime, you can remain on Maximo 7.6 until you are ready to upgrade to MAS and Maximo 8. All for a lower price than you pay today for Maximo alone. Learn More MAXIMO APPLICATION SUITE A suite of enterprise apps that Infuse AI and IOT with Maximo to improve maintenance and asset reliability. Offered with a flexible, cost-effective license structure, and available on any cloud or on-prem. Access to MAS Applications is available by purchasing App Points, which can be allocated for any solution in the rapidly expanding application suite. TRM offers deeply discounted App Point pricing for clients of all sizes. And TRM offers the only MAS solution available with a SaaS subscription. Learn More MAXIMO SAAS TRM offers the most flexible cloud solutions for Maximo. Available on AWS or IBM Cloud for the same price or lower than your current S&S on-prem Support. TRM Maximo SaaS is a cloud subscription to Maximo that includes: * 99.9% availability * 24x7x365 Support * Patches, Updates, and Upgrades * Offsite DR/Backup Available certifications include: ISO 27001, FedRAMP Moderate, DISA Impact Level 2, SOC 1, 2 and 3 Learn More TRM MAXIMO AAM TRM Maximo AAM is a turn key implementation based on implementation best practices and lessons learned from more than 3,000 Maximo projects over 25 years. The typical implementation of TRM’s Maximo AAM is 1/10th of the price of a traditional Maximo deployment. Maximo AAM includes access step-by-step implementation guidance, access to our implementation portal, data load wizards and a design that delivers value on Day 1, not one day! Maximo AAM is can also be the stepping-stone for organizations looking to expand into advanced solution available in the Maximo Application Suite, like Asset Monitor, Predict, and Health. Learn More CONSULTING AND MANAGED SERVICES TRM has more than 25 years of experience helping organizations implement, upgrade and administer their Maximo solutions. We can provide Maximo technical services and support on a project basis or as a managed service. TRM is also a leader in managed services for Maximo Application Suite with expertise in Openshift, Docker, and Kubernetes. With TRM Managed Services, you don’t have to worry about learning these new technologies or investing in the supporting infrastructure – all you have to do is log in! Learn More TRM’S TEAM MEMBERS HOLD: TECHNOLOGY & INDUSTRY CERTIFICATES YEARS OF INNOVATION & EXPERIENCE IMPLEMENTATION & INTEGRATION PROJECTS LEVERAGE TRM’S EXPERTISE, EXPERIENCE, AND INNOVATION AND FAST-TRACK YOUR ROI AND SUCCESS TODAY. ABOUT TRM TRM has been solely focused on deploying integrated EAM and CMMS solutions using Maximo for more than 25 years. We leverage best practices and innovative TRM software add-ons to implement systems that deliver results: lower costs, better reliability and asset performance, and production improvements. For existing Maximo users, we offer Maximo license options bundled with TRM’s innovative software for Maximo to enhance your implementation and achieve better results, including: RulesManager Studio, MaxAssist and Anywhere Builder. As a designated IBM Watson IoT Top Partner and IBM’s go-to business partner for Maximo SaaS, we can migrate your on-premise system to the cloud with ease, including the only MAS Offering available with a SaaS Subscritpion, and TRM is the leader in delivering cost effective Managed Services for MAS customers. For non-Maximo users looking to take your maintenance or EAM program to the next level, TRM offers the highest value Maximo cloud solution available and a rapid, low cost implementation program. TRM has been solely focused on deploying integrated EAM and CMMS solutions using Maximo for more than 25 years. We leverage best practices and innovative TRM software add-ons to implement systems that deliver results: lower costs, better reliability and asset performance, and production improvements.. GET STARTED Ready to start your business on the path to success and operational excellence? Contact TRM IBM Maximo and MAS EAM \ CMMS Saas Solutions * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * YouTube © 2021 Total Resource Management ABOUT TRM * Why TRM * TRM Leadership * Board of Directors * Solution Partners * Careers * Contact Us TRM SOLUTIONS * Maximo AAM * Maximo Application Suite (MAS 8) * Cloud Solutions * Maximo Prime Subscription * EAM Software * EAM / CMMS Consulting * Software Support RESOURCES * News * Webinars * Blog * Event Calendar * Privacy Policy * GSA Schedule RulesManager Demo Request * First name* * Last name* * Phone* * Work Email Address* * Company* * Title* * CAPTCHA * Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ × AAM Demo Request * First name* * Last name* * Phone* * Work Email* * Company* * Title* * Interested in...* choose oneAccess to Preview SiteDemo with Consultant * Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ × X We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. 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