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Michael Easterling
Jun. 22, 2022


Mingming Zhang is a perfect example of a patient whose life was quite literally
forever changed by her experience at City of Hope.

In many respects, almost six years ago now, City of Hope was her only hope, when
at just 31 she found herself facing a grim diagnosis: Stage 4 T cell
lymphoblastic lymphoma. Unable to find a curative therapy in her native Beijing,
Zhang was referred by a friend to City of Hope. After reaching out to the City
of Hope Center for International Medicine (CIM), which she says responded “right
away” and “did not hesitate” to accept her case, Zhang became a patient of
Elizabeth Budde, M.D., Ph.D.

Elizabeth Budde, M.D., Ph.D.

Zhang eventually underwent a double cord blood transplant using a novel
transplant regimen. Hers was an uncommon lymphoma with several poor risk
factors, Budde explained. After prescribing a chemotherapy different than what
she had been given in Beijing, Zhang experienced a complete remission, what she
calls “my miracle.”

“Coming to City of Hope was the best decision I could have made,” Zhang said.
“Everyone at City of Hope and the Center for International Medicine was devoted
to my healing with all their hearts and souls. The level of compassion, ethics
and expertise I have not seen anywhere else. It was definitely the best solution
for me.”

Since her full recovery, Zhang has relocated to the United States, living in
Arcadia, California. She still comes to City of Hope for follow-up appointments,
but has experienced no recurrence of her cancer. Embracing life to the fullest,
Zhang and her husband decided to start a family. During her treatment, it was
her physician Budde who recommended to the couple that they consider freezing
eggs so that the option of having a child later would be available to them.

“The process of initiating ovulation and freezing the egg was not easy for me at
all,” Zhang said. “But after all we had been through, and with my renewed sense
of life, we wanted to have a child.”

A Baby Boom

After receiving her final chemotherapy at City of Hope and with her strength
returning, Zhang had a procedure to harvest her eggs for freezing. A fertilized
egg was provided by Zhang and her husband and, through a surrogate, they became
the proud parents of Mia Zhang, born May 1, 2020. On Nov. 24, 2021, twins Ethan
and Aria joined their big sister.

“Because of City of Hope, I have been able to have a normal life these last few
years, and to get my life back on track,” Zhang said. “I have even introduced
City of Hope to some of my friends who found themselves facing cancer, and was
able to successfully have one friend transferred as a patient to City of Hope. I
tell them, there is always hope at City of Hope.”

Whether someone is still undergoing treatment or has long been in remission,
this month is an opportunity to celebrate all cancer survivors like Zhang.
Nationally recognized as Cancer Survivors Month, June is when we celebrate the
16.9 million cancer survivors across the country and recognize those who have
supported them along the way.

There are many types of survivors. They go through a number of personal
challenges and trials, beat the odds of endurance and emerge victorious to share
their experiences and their stories. Each survivorship experience is unique, and
each of the patient survivor stories, like Zhang’s, inspire us all in different


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   Be your own advocate: a breast cancer survivor’s story
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   Paciente con linfoma en estadio 4 descubre que siempre hay esperanza

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