Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On July 12 via manual from IN
TLS certificate: Issued by CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-2 on January 30th 2020. Valid for: 8 months.
This is the only time ourworldoftext.com was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
12 | 2606:4700:303... 2606:4700:3035::6812:352d | 13335 (CLOUDFLAR...) (CLOUDFLARENET) | |
12 | 1 |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
12 |
ourworldoftext.com |
58 KB |
12 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
12 | ourworldoftext.com |
12 | 1 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
sni.cloudflaressl.com CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-2 |
2020-01-30 - 2020-10-09 |
8 months | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 272218664257C1EAB3D5DFDF44BACCFD
Requests: 12 HTTP requests in this frame
Detected technologies
Python (Programming Languages) ExpandDetected patterns
- html /(?:powered by <a[^>]+>Django ?([\d.]+)?<\/a>|<input[^>]*name=["']csrfmiddlewaretoken["'][^>]*>)/i
Django (Web Frameworks) Expand
Detected patterns
- html /(?:powered by <a[^>]+>Django ?([\d.]+)?<\/a>|<input[^>]*name=["']csrfmiddlewaretoken["'][^>]*>)/i
CloudFlare (CDN) Expand
Detected patterns
- headers server /^cloudflare$/i
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
12 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
ourworldoftext.com/ |
12 KB 3 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/css/ |
6 KB 2 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
10 KB 3 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/lib/ |
28 KB 8 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
14 KB 2 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
6 KB 1 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
4 KB 784 B |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
19 KB 4 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/yw/javascript/ |
168 KB 34 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/ |
95 B 180 B |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/static/ |
172 B 270 B |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ourworldoftext.com/world_style/ |
178 B 184 B |
application/json |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
335 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| state function| assert function| intmax function| clipIntMax function| lineGen function| byId function| getDate object| keydownTable function| keydownTableDown function| keydownTableUp object| elm function| defineElements object| keyCodeTbl function| getKeyCode function| html_tag_esc function| ReconnectingWebSocket string| surrogateRegexStr object| surrogateRegex string| combiningRegexStr object| combiningRegex object| splitRegex function| advancedSplit object| w object| OWOT function| jscolor function| setModalPosition object| ModalRefs object| CurrentModalPanel object| ModalOverlay object| ModalOverlayCloseFunc function| URLInputModal function| CoordinateInputModal function| ColorInputModal function| SelectionModal function| Menu function| easeOutQuad string| menuAnimationState boolean| menuAnimationActive function| slideMenu object| PERM number| selectedChatTab number| chatOpen number| chatPageUnread number| chatGlobalUnread boolean| initPageTabOpen boolean| initGlobalTabOpen object| chatWriteHistory number| chatWriteHistoryMax number| chatWriteHistoryIdx number| serverPingTime boolean| chatLimitCombChars string| chatWriteTmpBuffer object| defaultChatColor boolean| canChat function| api_chat_send object| client_commands function| sendChat function| updateUnread function| event_on_chat function| moveCaretEnd function| addChat function| getChatfield function| updateUserCount function| chatType object| YourWorld object| owot object| textInput object| textLayer function| init_dom function| getWndWidth function| getWndHeight function| decimal function| deviceRatio object| enums function| makeEnum number| nextObjId number| owotWidth number| owotHeight boolean| js_alert_active boolean| worldFocused boolean| Debug boolean| chatResizing object| tiles object| keysPressed number| positionX number| positionY boolean| gridEnabled boolean| subgridEnabled boolean| linksEnabled boolean| linksRendered boolean| colorsEnabled boolean| backgroundEnabled number| zoomRatio number| protectPrecision number| checkTileFetchInterval number| zoom boolean| unloadTilesAuto object| images boolean| useHighlight number| highlightLimit boolean| ansiBlockFill boolean| colorizeLinks boolean| brBlockFill number| tileFetchOffsetX number| tileFetchOffsetY boolean| ignoreCanvasContext number| elementSnapApprox boolean| mSpecRendering boolean| combiningCharsEnabled boolean| surrogateCharsEnabled string| defaultCoordLinkColor string| defaultURLLinkColor boolean| secureJSLink boolean| priorityOverwriteChar boolean| pasteDirRight boolean| pasteDirDown string| defaultCursor string| defaultDragCursor number| fetchClientMargin boolean| classicTileProcessing boolean| cursorRenderingEnabled object| images_to_load object| keyConfig object| clientOnload object| jscolorInput function| random_color function| updateCoordDisplay object| draggable_element_mousemove object| draggable_element_mouseup function| draggable_element function| resizeChat function| resizable_chat function| getStoredNickname function| storeNickname object| img_load_keys object| imgToArrayCanvas object| backImg object| loadImageElm number| img_load_index function| loadImgPixelData function| beginLoadingOWOT function| keydown_regionSelect function| handleRegionSelection object| defaultSizes number| cellWidthPad number| tileW number| tileH number| cellW number| cellH string| font string| specialCharFont number| tileC number| tileR number| tileArea string| fontTemplate string| specialCharFontTemplate function| updateScaleConsts number| dTileW number| dTileH object| backgroundImageCanvasRenderer object| backgroundImageCtx function| doZoom function| changeZoom function| browserZoomAdjust function| removeAlpha object| tileProtectAuto object| linkAuto number| autoTotal function| updateAutoProg function| mousemove_tileProtectAuto function| keydown_tileProtectAuto function| mousemove_linkAuto function| keydown_linkAuto function| onKeyUp function| adjust_scaling_DOM function| event_resize function| getChar function| getCharColor function| getCharProtection function| getCharInfo function| getCharInfoXY function| event_keydown_copy_char function| event_keydown_copy_color object| cursorCoords object| cursorCoordsCurrent object| currentPosition boolean| currentPositionInitted object| currentMousePosition object| Tile number| tileCount object| owotCtx object| textLayerCtx function| createWsPath string| ws_path number| textColorOverride function| checkTextColorOverride object| styles object| menuStyle function| menu_color function| ajaxRequest function| defaultStyles function| manageCoordHash function| getWorldProps function| begin function| stopLinkUI function| removeTileProtectHighlight function| stopTileUI function| doLink function| doProtect function| closest number| dragStartX number| dragStartY number| dragPosX number| dragPosY boolean| isDragging boolean| hasDragged boolean| draggingEnabled function| event_mousedown function| event_touchstart function| renderCursor function| removeCursor function| stopDragging object| lastX boolean| cursorEnabled function| event_mouseup function| event_touchend function| event_mouseleave function| event_mouseenter function| is_link object| blankColor object| writeBuffer function| flushWrites number| writeInterval function| moveCursor function| writeCharTo function| writeCharToXY function| writeChar function| spliceArray function| spaceTrim function| convertToDate boolean| write_busy undefined| pasteInterval object| linkQueue number| char_input_check function| stopPasting object| autoArrowKeyMoveInterval boolean| autoArrowKeyMoveActive object| autoArrowKeyMoveState function| autoArrowKeyMoveStart function| autoArrowKeyMoveStop function| event_keydown function| event_keyup object| colors function| assignColor function| getTileCoordsFromMouseCoords function| getRange function| getVisibleTiles function| getWidth function| getHeight function| getArea function| tileAndCharsToWindowCoords function| alertJS function| closeJSAlert function| confirmRunJsLink function| runJsLink function| escapeQuote function| escapeURLQuote object| linkElm object| linkParams object| linkDiv object| currentSelectedLink object| currentSelectedLinkCoords function| coord_link_click function| url_link_click function| updateHoveredLink number| touchPosX number| touchPosY function| event_mousemove function| event_touchmove function| touch_pagePos boolean| scrollingEnabled function| event_wheel function| checkKeyPress function| checkKeyPatterns function| cullRanges number| fetchInterval number| timesConnected function| createSocket function| getAndFetchTiles function| clearTiles function| getPos function| newColorArray object| tilePixelCache object| highlightFlash number| highlightCount function| highlight number| flashAnimateInterval string| blank function| blankTile object| coloredChars function| colorChar function| uncolorChar function| getTileCanvas function| generateBackgroundPixels function| isTileVisible function| isTileLoaded string| base64table function| decodeCharProt function| encodeCharProt function| renderChar function| renderTile function| renderTiles function| protectPrecisionOption object| menu function| buildMenu function| orderRangeABCoords object| regionSelections function| regionSelectionsActive function| RegionSelection object| networkHTTP object| network object| lastLinkHover object| lastTileHover function| simplemodal_onopen function| simplemodal_onclose object| tellEdit function| searchTellEdit object| tilesAnimated function| stopAnimation function| isAnimated function| animateTile function| tile_offset_object object| ws_functions undefined| _ref object| socket2 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
ourworldoftext.com/ | Name: csrftoken Value: 446dc9787d0c64a1a214dd91c0273a58b1aef3125ff723d7dda396f4b7822387 |
.ourworldoftext.com/ | Name: __cfduid Value: dd8258d26c775d699ed3fdefe61ae1f861594577928 |
1 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
Strict-Transport-Security | max-age=63072000 |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.