www.coldwellbanker.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://ccarlylegroup.com/
Effective URL: https://www.coldwellbanker.com/Coldwell-Banker-Reliable-147c/Carla-Nelson-7438987a
Submission: On April 13 via manual from HK — Scanned from DE

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New York Fair Housing Notice

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Contact Agent
Carla Nelson has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Masters of Business
Administration. She worked in the financial services industry for the past 10
years. Throughout Carla's professional career her organizational skills formed
the core of her success and enabled her to operate in various leadership roles
in both corporate and non-profit sectors.
Carla Nelson has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Masters of Business
Administration. She worked in the financial services industry for the past 10
years. Throughout Carla's professional career her organizational skills formed
the core of her success and enabled her to operate in various leadership roles
in both corporate and non-profit sectors.

Growing up in the rural south, Carla worked her way through college as a
waitress and started her professional career in corporate America as an
administrative assistant, later working her way into management. Her experience
spans Event Planning and Production, International Import/Export, to Financial

Carla is more than capable of effectively providing service for a diverse
audience and treat everyone with the same level of exceptional professionalism,
care and compassion. One of her greatest desires is to help others achieve their
dreams. One of the most important of those being to secure their next home.
Whether it be an apartment, co-op, condo or single-family residence, she is
committed to being an integral part of that search, to locate that perfect home,
for each of her clients within the Manhattan area.

Honesty and integrity are the anchors of her core values. Carla is committed to
intently listening to each client to discover the utmost desires of their heart,
so she can adequately steer the search to achieving the acquisition of their
dream home.



 * Great Customer Service and Communication Skills
 * Bachelor of Science, Accounting
 * Master of Business Administration
 * South Carolina Life, Accident & Health Insurance Agent


 * New York Licensed Real Estate Agent
 * Real Estate Board of New York


 * Creator, President & CEO of Black Fashion World Foundation





 * Manhattan






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