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The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3® is a globally
recognized best-practice standard for assessing and developing capabilities in
executing strategy through projects via Portfolio Management, Program
Management, and Project Management. It is published by the (PMI). OPM3 provides
a method for organizations to understand their processes and practices, and to
make these processes capable of performing successfully, consistently, and

Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) – Second Edition.
Simply make a copy of the relevant page of the book, mark the error, and send it
to: Book Editor. PMI Publications, 14 Campus Boulevard. Questions and Answers on
the OPM3 Online Self-Assessment Method.. April 25, 2010. Format:
Paperback|Verified Purchase. Very few content and the 151 questions to the
self-assessment doesn't help too much. Well, if you want some documentation
about OPM3 this is a 'must have' but don't expect too much. 0Comment| 3 people
found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?

OPM3 helps organizations develop a roadmap that the company will follow to
improve performance. The Second Edition (2008) was recognized by the (ANSI) as
an American National Standard (ANSI/PMI 08-004-2008). The Third Edition was
published in 2013.

Contents • • • • • • • History [ ] In 1998, PMI chartered a named the OPM3
Program to develop an Organizational Project Management Maturity Model to be a
global standard for (OPM). During development, part of that team of volunteers
analyzed twenty-seven existing models and deployed surveys repeatedly to 30,000
practitioners. The concept of maturity model had been popularized through the or
CMM for software development that was created by the (SEI) of between 1986 and
1993. The volunteer OPM3 model review team reviewed CMM and other models to
understand the scope of each model, capabilities of each model, methodology for
conducting assessments against each model, each model's structure, and each
model's implementation procedures. The analysis concluded that existing models
left many important questions about Organizational Project Management (OPM)
maturity unanswered and that the team should proceed with the development of an
original model through the sponsorship of PMI.

The project team used a brainstorming technique to facilitate the identification
of elements of Organizational Project Management (OPM) in such a way that no
single person could dominate the process. Participants were invited to suggest
elements that constituted maturity in OPM. Such elements were refined as
testable capability statements, consolidated, and eventually organized into
groups called OPM3 best practices. Each OPM3 best practice statement denotes a
group of capability statements. OPM3 capabilities are the testable statements of
the OPM3 standard (not the OPM3 best practices).

To ensure alignment to PMI's standard, processes from this PMI standard were
incorporated in the first edition of OPM3 (see Contents below) published in
December 2003. Upon release of OPM3, the user community expressed interest in
the development of supporting products and services for companies that were
adopting the model.

PMI responded by developing OPM3 Online, a web-based database that allowed users
to search OPM3 best practices, conduct rudimentary assessments against the
model, and serve as a reference when implementing improvements, but PMI later
retracted this tool. Shortly thereafter, PMI also created the OPM3 ProductSuite,
a set of certifications and software tools that enabled service providers with
more powerful diagnostic and improvement tools, though PMI then retracted these
as well.

Following PMI's standard development lifecycle, the OPM3 Second Edition was
published in December 2008 to update the standard based on experience in the
field and align it with other PMI standards. The Second Edition was subsequently
superseded by the Third Edition in 2013 to align with the Fifth Edition of A
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, the Third Edition of the
Standard for Program Management, and the Third Edition of the Standard for
Portfolio Management. PMI standards, including OPM3, are also ANSI standards.

Contents [ ] OPM3 covers the domains of, the systematic management of projects,
programs, and portfolios in alignment with the achievement of strategic goals.
The domains are Project Management, Program Management and Portfolio Management.
OPM3 uniquely integrates into one maturity model these three domains and over
one hundred organizational enablers that are assigned to 17 categories. OPM3
offers the key to making (OPM) capable with three interlocking elements: •
Knowledge - Learn about hundreds of (OPM) Best Practices. • Assessment -
Evaluate an organization’s current capabilities and identify areas in need of
improvement. • Improvement - Use the completed assessment to map out the steps
needed to achieve performance improvement goals. As with other PMI standards,
OPM3’s intent is not to be prescriptive by telling the user what improvements to
make or how to make them.

Rather, OPM3 provides guidelines regarding the kinds of things an organization
may do in order to achieve excellence in. Adoption [ ] OPM3 has been adopted by
leading organizations in outsourcing, foreign relations, telecommunications,
municipalities, applied science laboratories, NGO’s, hospitals, cable television
providers, American military intelligence, crisis response, financial services,
terrestrial and space born electronics, mega-infrastructure operations, regional
governments, rapid transit, risk retention, mobile technology manufacturers,
enterprise application giants, and many others across North and South America,
Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Benefits [ ] OPM3 is designed to provide a
wide range of benefits to organizations, senior management, and those engaged in
project management activities. Some of the benefits derived from using OPM3 are
as follows: • Strengthens the link between strategic planning and execution, so
project outcomes are predictable, reliable, consistent, and correlate with
organizational success. • Identifies the best practices which support the
implementation of organizational strategy through successful projects. •
Identifies the specific capabilities which make up the Best Practices, and the
dependencies among those Capabilities and Best Practices. Controversy [ ] In
2015, PMI stopped selling the OPM3 Capability Statements and suddenly entered
the maturity assessment consulting business directly through a company named
'HSI' which PMI acquired for this purpose.

PMI began competing with OPM3 users and promoting an alternative proprietary
model used only by their own HSI consultants. Some said this was both unethical
and illegal (including charter members of the original team that created OPM3,
per the letter given below in the 'Outcry' section). In 2017, PMI decided that
it would no longer offer maturity assessment consulting services through HSI and
that it would retract the alternative proprietary model that had been used for
that purpose. Meanwhile, PMI said that OPM3 would be updated to a fourth
edition, but it is unclear whether the fourth edition will include the so-called
'OPM3 Capability Statements,' which are required in order to implement OPM3. In
light of these developments and because OPM3 users said it needed to be updated
to streamline its use and because updating OPM3 is taking so many years, charter
members of the original team that created OPM3 published another model designed
to enable users to infer their OPM3 maturity level and to achieve the highest
level of OPM3 in one-fourth the time typically required for OPM3.

OPM3 was designed to require use of testable criteria called Capability
Statements, which are the basis of OPM3 as a “Capability” Maturity Model (CMM).
Between 1998 and 2003, the team that created OPM3 spent most of its time
distinguishing these Capability Statements. One simply cannot increase an
organization’s OPM3 maturity level without the Capability Statements. Today
those Capability Statements are unavailable to new users of OPM3 unless those
users engage the help of someone who was certified as an OPM3 Professional
previously. If you try to 'buy OPM3' from PMI, you are essentially buying a book
that contains a set of 'best practices' and 'high level' assessment questions,
but neither of these include the essential Capability Statements, which were
only available to people who paid for a more expensive certification in OPM3.
This has always been a source of controversy, and late in 2015 the controversy
worsened when PMI ended the OPM3 certification program and withdrew the OPM3
Capability Statements from the inventory of products that it sells. As of 2015,
newcomers to OPM3 who want to become certified as an OPM3 Professional could not
do so because PMI suspended delivery of new OPM3 Professional certifications
indefinitely while PMI deliberated how to position other benchmarking tools.

PMI signaled that PMI may want to compete with its members who had become OPM3
Professionals. Originally, the OPM3 Capability Statements were provided on a CD
in the back of a short book titled the “OPM3 Knowledge Foundation,” which was a
kind of brochure for the Capability Statements. Hundreds of volunteers spent
nearly 5 years developing these Capability Statements, and a handful of them
wrote the Knowledge Foundation in the final couple months of the original
program (helped by a professional writer hired by PMI). However, PMI confused
the issue by including in the Knowledge Foundation a series of questions called
the “Self Assessment Mechanism” or “SAM.” The SAM questions were written by
someone who was not on the original architecture team that created OPM3’s
logical data model, and it appears that this person did not understand the
architecture because the SAM questions conflated dozens of Capability Statements
into assessment criteria so diluted as to render words meaningless. To make
matters worse, PMI then put the SAM questions online and called this product
“OPM3 Online,” which was a misnomer in the worst sense because it represented
less than 20% of the original standard and failed to use even 1% of the
essential Capability Statements. It was common for users of OPM3 Online or the
SAM questions to answer these questions incorrectly, usually producing false
positives, which led to upsets when users later realized they could do nothing
with these results or worse that capabilities they had reported that they had
achieved in their organizations were actually lacking. The SAM questions used
jargon, combined many best practices into individual questions so you could not
determine which thing was which, and were misunderstood by users, and understood
by users in different ways so 5 different people in the same organization may
answer 5 different ways.

More importantly, one simply cannot increase an organization’s OPM3 maturity
level without the Capability Statements, a fact that is easily proven,
undeniable, and inescapable. It came as little surprise when PMI later retired
OPM3 Online in 2013. Meanwhile, PMI engaged DNV to develop a tool that used the
Capability Statements as the basis of OPM3 assessments and organizational

This was called “OPM3 ProductSuite.” While this tool had many flaws, its one
saving grace was that it enabled use of the Capability Statements. Along with
ProductSuite, a certification in the use of this software was released and
became known as the “OPM3 Professional Certification.” Unfortunately, the OPM3
Professional certification was expensive compared to OPM3 Online and was based
merely on “point-and-click” training in the software (not in the underlying
fundamentals of OPM3 or how to improve organizational capabilities in project,
program, and portfolio management processes).

Many people, including many OPM3 Professionals, were confused about the
differences between OPM3 Online and ProductSuite. To make matters much worse,
with the release of ProductSuite, PMI removed the OPM3 Capability Statements
from the Knowledge Foundation (book) and proclaimed that the Knowledge
Foundation was the actual standard, once again promoting the use of the flawed
SAM questions over the Capability Statements. Proclaiming that the Knowledge
Foundation was “the” standard (when the Knowledge Foundation was written
originally, in fact, as an afterthought to provide an introduction to the
Capability Statements) made it easier for PMI to obtain ANSI accreditation of
the OPM3 Standard, but it degraded adoption of OPM3.

In 2013, PMI did withdraw OPM3 Online, announcing the retirement of the product,
but allowed the SAM questions to remain in the Knowledge Foundation. Then in
2015, PMI announced PMI was preserving the OPM3 Standard (by which PMI meant the
“Knowledge Foundation” with the flawed SAM questions) but was retiring OPM3
ProductSuite and the OPM3 Professional Certification, meaning one could not gain
access to the Capability Statements if one had not already done so (which has
fomented a controversy that PMI has yet to resolve), essentially ensuring the
demise of OPM3 unless the Capability Statements are released and the SAM
questions removed. An article titled 'Did PMI Screw Up OPM3?'

Published in December 2015 elaborates the issue. Outcry [ ] PMI members have
begun to demand that PMI place the OPM3 Standard and OPM3 Capability Statements
in the public domain. The following letter was written to PMI by a leader from
the original team that created OPM3: Date: June 1, 2016 To: Mark Langley
(President and CEO of the Project Management Institute) Cc: Antonio
Nieto-Rodriguez, MBA, PMP (PMI BOD Chair), Mark Dickson, MBA, PMP, FAICD (PMI
BOD Vice Chair), J. Davidson Frame, PhD, PMP, PMI Fellow (PMI BOD
Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Audit and Performance Oversight Committee),
Caterina La Tona, BCS, PMP, PfMP (PMI BOD Chair of the Strategy Development
Oversight Committee), Randy Black, P. Eng., PMP (PMI BOD Director), Margareth
Carneiro, MBA, MSc, PMP (PMI BOD Director), Steve DelGrosso, MSc, PMP (PMI BOD
Immediate Past Chair), Todd Hutchison, MCom, MBA, PMP, FPMIA (PMI BOD Director),
Victoria S. Kumar, MM, PMP (PMI BOD Director), Wagner Maxsen, PMP, PMI-RMP (PMI
BOD Director), Kathleen P. Romero, MBA, PMP, CSM, SAFe PM/PO (PMI BOD Director),

Stephen Sawle, PE, CMC, PMP, PgMP (PMI BOD Director), Jennifer Tharp, PMP (PMI
BOD Director), Cecil White, MBA, EdD, PMP (PMI BOD Director), Al Zeitoun, PhD,
EVP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, PMP (PMI BOD Director) and others (see email) I am writing
to you for the benefit of all PMI members and all persons involved with managing
projects in organizations. This letter is to request the following: That PMI
effectively manage the OPM3 standard; That PMI make the Capability Statements of
OPM3 available to everyone (and preferably place the Capability Statements in
the public domain); That PMI remove Human Systems International’s (HSI’s)
diagnostics for organizational project management, 4Q Quadrant Assessments, and
any other HSI OPM3-related products and services from the PMI website; and That
PMI terminate all activities that may compromise the OPM3 standard and its use.
PMI is engaging in unethical and perhaps illegal business practices by replacing
OPM3, temporarily or permanently with HSI’s products and services. The OPM3
Standard was created by volunteers with the expectation that the fruits of their
labor would become a standard (this happened) and that the project management
community would continue to be able to access and benefit from this standard.

For this to happen, the community must have access to the OPM3 Capability
Statements. When OPM3 was first published, these OPM3 Capability Statements were
provided on a CD in the back of the OPM3 book. But soon PMI removed the CD from
the book, announcing that the OPM3 Capability Statements were no longer part of
the standard itself (which was ludicrous), and made the CD of OPM3 Capability
Statements the basis of an expensive OPM3 Professional certification scheme (at
a much higher price than the OPM3 book). This severely limited adoption of OPM3,
and ultimately PMI suspended this misguided certification in 2015.

However, in doing so, PMI did not simultaneously make the OPM3 Capability
Statements available again to the project management community. To be clear,
despite PMI’s Core Value on Volunteerism that “Volunteers and effective
volunteer partnerships with staff are the best way to accomplish the Institute’s
goals and objectives,” PMI has made intellectual property developed by
volunteers unavailable (i.e. The OPM3 Capability Statements), intellectual
property that volunteers created with the explicit understanding that it would
remain available to the world. PMI has made the Capability Statements available
only to OPM3 Professionals whose expiring certifications were current when PMI
finally suspended the certification process, so new users cannot become
certified (and cannot obtain direct access to the OPM3 Capability Statements as
a result). PMI has not made the Capability Statements available to any OPM3
Professionals who let their certifications lapse in the face of PMI’s
mismanagement of OPM3.

Worse, PMI has not made the OPM3 Capability Statements available for PMI members
at large to obtain for their own use. PMI has mismanaged the OPM3 standard from
the outset.

PMI never created a database for OPM3 results, which could have at a minimum
provided standard benchmarking reports. PMI seriously diluted the OPM3 standard
by creating a “Self-Assessment Mechanism” or “Best Practice Self-Assessment”
that misdirects users from the only content that enables identification of the
steps necessary to implement OPM3 (i.e. The Capability Statements) and produces
an assessment result that simply cannot be used to identify the improvements an
organization must make to increase its maturity in OPM3. But PMI’s gravest
mismanagement of OPM3 began with removal of the Capability Statements from the
OPM3 book, which was compounded by PMI’s mismanagement of a certification
process that continues to severely limit OPM3 adoption today by virtue of the
fact that not a single new user of OPM3 can obtain for their own use the OPM3
Capability Statements, which are absolutely essential to the implementation of
OPM3. It is impossible to implement OPM3 without these OPM3 Capability
Statements, and withholding this IP is unethical.






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0.6.9: Supported filesystem includes Ext2, Ext3, Reiserfs, HFS, HPFS, JFS, Xfs,
UFS, Fat16, Fat32 and NTFS (Linux Freeware).

• Partition Saving 4.00: A tool to backup/restore partitions (SavePart.exe)
(Windows/Dos Freeware). • RegBak 1.0: A light-weight and simple utility to
create backups of Windows registry files (Windows Freeware).

• Raw Copy 1.2: Useful tool to transfer the data directly from a faulty drive to
another drive, built in data recovery function which will also attempt to
recover data from bad sectors (Windows Freeware). • ShadowCopy 2.00: Copy all
your files and entire system: even if they are locked by Windows (Windows
Freeware). • SelfImage Create image files of any mounted or unmounted
hard disk partition (Windows Freeware). • Seagate DiscWizard 11.8326: Backup
drive/partition to an image file, for Seagate owners (Powered by Acronis
TrueImage) (Windows/Linux Freeware) • TeraCopy 2.12: TeraCopy is a compact
program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing
the user a lot of features includes pause, resume, auto shutdown, verify, error
recovery and unicode support (Windows Freeware). • WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a:
A Small File Split / Join Tool (Windows Freeware). • XXClone 0.58.0: The simple
way to clone a Windows disk to another disk, it makes a self-bootable clone of
Windows system disk (Windows Freeware). BIOS / CMOS Tools • Award DMI
Configuration Utility 2.43: DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the
MIDF contents (Dos Freeware).

•!BIOS 3.20: A powerfull utility for bios and cmos (Dos Freeware). • BIOS
Cracker 5.0: BIOS password remover (cmospwd) (Dos Freeware). • BIOS Utility
1.35.0: BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more (Dos Freeware). • CMOS
0.93: CMOS Save / Restore Tool (Dos Freeware). • DISKMAN4: A powerful all in one
utility (Windows/Dos Freeware). • Kill CMOS: A tiny utility to wipe cmos (Dos
Freeware). • UniFlash 1.40: BIOS flash utility (Dos Freeware).

Browsers / File Managers • 7-Zip 9.22: File archiver with a high compression
ratio Supports 7z, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, FAT, GZ, GZIP, HFS,
XAR, XZ, ZIP and Z formats (Windows Freeware). • Bulk Rename Utility
Rename multiple files, change timestamps and rename using EXIF data with the
click of a button (Windows Freeware). • Dos Command Center 5.1: Classic
dos-based file manager (Dos Freeware). • Dos Navigator 6.4.0: Dos File Manager,
Norton Commander clone but has much more features (Dos Freeware).

• EasyUHA 1.1: GUI Tool to create and extract UHA Archives (Windows Freeware). •
Everything 1.21: Ultra fast file/folder search tool with ftp/http server
(Windows Freeware). • Explore2fs 1.08b: GUI explorer tool for accessing linux
ext2 and ext3 filesystems under windows (Windows Freeware). • Ext2Explore
2.2.71: Explore ext2/ext3/ext4 disk/partition, can also be used to view and copy
disk and file system images (Windows Freeware).

• File Maven 3.5: An advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file
transfers via serial or parallel cable (Dos Freeware). • File Wizard 1.35: A
file manager: colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc (Dos
Freeware). • FastLynx 2.0: Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer
capability (Dos Freeware).

• HashMyFiles 1.90: Calculate MD5/SHA1/CRC32 hashes of your files (Windows
Freeware). • Mini Windows Xp: Portable Windows Xp that runs from CD/USB/Ram
Drive to repair/recover dead windows operating system. It has LAN and WLAN
(Wireless) Network includes 300 WiFi/Ethernet card drivers and can also be
customized easily to add your own drivers in HBCD Drivers folder. Added some USB
3.0 and SATA/SCSI/SAS Storage drivers, Dynamic disk
Spanned/Striped/Mirrored/RAID-5 Volume support, PDF Printer and VBS/WSH
scripting support. Supported keyboard layouts are: United States, United
Kingdom, US Dvorak, Arabic, Turkish Q, Turkish F, Swiss German, Swiss French,
Swedish, Suomi Finnish, Spanish, Slovenian, Slovak, Russian, Portuguese, Polish,
Norvegian Norske, Netherlands Dutch, Latin American, Italy, Icelandic,
Hungarian, Hebrew, Germany, German Switzerland Luxembourg, Francais Cavier
AZERTY, Denmark Daenish, Bulgarian Phonetic, Bulgarian, Brazil Portuguese,
Brazil Extended Portuguese and Belgium (Windows Commercial). • Opera Web Browser
12.02: One of the fastest, smallest and smartest full-featured web browser with
an email client (Windows Freeware). • SearchMyFiles 2.30: Alternative to ‘Search
For Files And Folders’ module of Windows + Duplicates Search (Windows Freeware).

• Tor Browser 2.2.39: Surf the internet anonymously through encryption, even
https sites can be browsed safely where it is blocked by your local ISP (Windows
Shareware). • Total Commander 8.01: A file manager similar to the Windows
Explorer features side-by-side file-browsing panes, built-in FTP, archive
management, file search/compare/synchronize and more (Windows Shareware). •
Volkov Commander 4.99: Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar
to Norton Commander) (Dos Freeware).

• WinMerge Differencing and merging tool which can compare both
folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy
to understand and handle (Windows Freeware). Cleaners • All Users Temp Cleaner
1.2: Clean all users temp folders, unwanted windows files from an offline
installation (Windows Freeware). • ATF Cleaner A personal and
easy-to-use temp file removal software to clean all user temp folders, Java
cache, Opera/Mozilla browser cache, cookies, history, download history, saved
passwords etc (Windows Freeware). • CCleaner 3.23.1823: Crap Cleaner is a
freeware system optimization and privacy tool (Windows Freeware).

4.5.2: Removes junk files from all user profiles that accumulate over time and
litter your hard drive (Windows Freeware). • CloneSpy 2.63: Duplicate file
cleanup tool, can optionaly create hardlinks to save space (Windows Freeware). •
Data Shredder 1.0: A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space)
securely (Windows Freeware). • Delete Doctor 2.2: Delete Files that are hard to
delete, Option to delete on reboot or via UNC Name (Windows Freeware). •
Duplicate File Finder 3.5: Scans and identify duplicate files, it compares them
based on byte for byte comparison ensures 100% accuracy (Windows Freeware).

• McAfee Removal Tool McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool removes
all 2005: 2012 versions of McAfee products (Windows Freeware). • MyUninstaller
1.94: Alternative to the standard add / remove control panel module (Windows

• Norton Removal Tool SymNRT uninstalls most Norton AntiVirus, Norton
Internet Security, Norton 360, and Norton SystemWorks even when the uninstaller
fails to remove them (Windows Freeware). • PC Decrapifier 2.2.8: Removes
unwanted preinstalled/bundled software from Windows XP/Vista/7 that usually
comes with HP/Dell/Acer etc machines (Windows Freeware). • Print Flush 1.3:
Clean the print spool it restarts the print spooler and deletes junk print files
(Windows Freeware).

• Revo Uninstaller 1.93: Remove unnecessary files and registry entries left
behind by incomplete program uninstallation routines (Windows Freeware). •
SpaceMonger 1.4: Keeping track of the free space on your computer (Windows
Freeware). • SpaceSniffer Find lost space on your disks the easy way
(Windows Freeware). • WinDirStat A disk usage statistics viewer and
cleanup tool for Windows (Windows Freeware). Device Driver Tools • 3DP Chip
12.09: This tool will help you to find right drivers for your devices and
download the latest device drivers with few simple clicks (Windows Freeware). •
Device Doctor 2.1: Scans the hardware and checks to see if there are new driver
updates available, also checks for the unidentified devices (Windows Freeware).
• Double Driver 4.1: Driver Backup and Restore tool (Windows Freeware).

• PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (): Device information tool which is similar to unknown
devices (Windows Freeware). • Remove Non Present Drivers: Automatically remove
all non-present/disconnected devices from a Windows and can often be useful to
prevent misbehaving/unnecessary drivers from being loaded, cleanup drivers when
you replaced motherboard or used backup image of different hardware (Windows
Freeware). • Smart Driver Backup 2.12: Easy backup of your Windows device
drivers (also works from PE) (Windows Freeware). • UnknownDevices 1.4.20 ():
Helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are (Windows
Freeware). • USBDeview 2.16: View/Uninstall all installed/connected USB devices
on your system (Windows Freeware). Editors / Viewers • Atlantis Word Processor Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, perfect
companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, supports RTF, MS Word
DOC 6.0//XP/2003 and DOCX (Windows Shareware).

• HxD Hex Editor provides tools to inspect and edit files, main memory,
disks/disk images (Windows Freeware). • IrfanView 4.33: A free Image
Viewer/Editor/Converter and Optimizer (Windows Freeware). • Notepad++ 6.2: A
text editor and source code editor supports Unicode files, Regular expression
find and replace (also in files), tabbed editing, Syntax highlighting and
Drag-and-drop (Windows Freeware). • PhotoFiltre 6.5.3: A complete image
retouching program (Mini Photoshop) allows you to do simple or advanced
adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it (Windows

• Picture Viewer 1.94: Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes
(Dos Freeware). • QuickView Pro 2.58: Movie viewer for dos, supports many format
including divx (Dos Freeware). • Spread32 1.18: Mini Excel with all of the basic
features of a spreadsheet program. Run macros, draw objects, generate charts,
calculate functions and formulas, reads and writes xls, csv, text, and pxl
formats (Windows Freeware). • SumatraPDF 1.1: A free, open source, lightweight
PDF Reader for Microsoft Windows (Windows Freeware). FileSystems Tools •
AlternateStreamView 1.32: View/Copy/Delete hidden NTFS Alternate Data Streams
(Windows Freeware).

• EditBINI 1.01: Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition (Dos Freeware). • Ext2fsd 0.51:
Linux ext2/ext3 file system driver which supports read and write support in
Minixp (Windows Freeware). • FileDisk Mount Tool 25: Mount
ISO/BIN/NRG/MDF/IMA/IMG images on windows (Windows Freeware). • Filemon 7.04:
Monitors and displays file system activity on a system in real-time (Windows
Freeware). • ImDisk 1.6.0: Create/mount virtual hard disk, floppy or CD/DVD
drives using image files or system memory (Windows Freeware).

• Junction 1.04: Create/View/Delete Windows junction/reparse points on an NTFS
drive (Windows Freeware). • NewSID 4.10: Utility that changes the security ID
(SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP (Windows Freeware). • NTFS Access 2.2: Set
NTFS permissions recursively and full access rights to a folder/file owner
(Windows Freeware). • NTFS Dos 3.02: Read-only access ntfs partitions from Dos
(Dos Freeware). • NTFS4Dos 1.9: Read and write ntfs partitions from Dos (Dos
Freeware). • NTFSLinksView 1.07: View list of all symbolic links, junctions and
their target paths (Windows Freeware).

• Virtual Floppy Drive 2.1: Enables you to create and mount a virtual floppy
drive on your NT/2000/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware). Hard Disk Tools • Active Kill
Disk 4.1.2393: Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive (Dos
Freeware). • CrystalDiskInfo 4.0.1: HDD health monitoring utility, displays
basic HDD information, monitors S.M.A.R.T. Values and disk temperature (Windows
Freeware). • Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7: Completely deletes the contents
of any hard disk it can detect (Linux Freeware). • DRevitalize 1.2: Repairs bad
sectors (physical defects) on hard drives by generating a special sequence of
high and low signals around the physically damaged area (Dos Freeware).

• DiskView 2.4: View graphical map of your disk, allowing you to check where a
file is located or, by clicking on a cluster, seeing which file occupies it
(Windows Freeware). • DiskWipe 1.2: Securely erases the contents of a disk
replacing it with random data or leaving the drive completely blank (Windows
Freeware). • ExcelStor’s ESTest 4.50: ExcelStor hard disk diagnostic utility
(Dos Freeware). • Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00: Check IDE drives for
possible defects/problems (Dos Freeware).

• Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0: Low Level Format Tool for Fujitsu Drives
(Dos Freeware). • Gateway GwScan 5.12: Gateway hard drive diagnostic utility
(Dos Freeware). • Hard Disk Sentinel 1.00.5: Hard Disk health, performance and
temperature monitoring tool (Dos Freeware). • HDTune 2.55: HD Tune is a hard
disk health, benchmarking, error scanner and information tool (Windows

• HDAT2 4.9B1: The main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors
for detected devices. A freeware alternative of HDD Regenerator (Dos Freeware).
• HDD Capacity Restore 1.2: This tool allows you to restore factory capacity of
any hard drive. It does not read from or write to the user data area or perform
any kind of formatting, only alters HDD firmware (HPA and DCO settings) (Windows

• HDD Erase 4.0: Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard
drives (Dos Freeware). • HDD Low Level Format Tool 2.36: Low-level format tool
for S-ATA (SATA), IDE (E-IDE), SCSI, USB, Flash Cards and FIREWIRE external
drive enclosures (Windows Freeware). • HDD Scan 3.3: HDDScan is a Low-level HDD
diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc (Windows Freeware).

• IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16: Quickly and reliably tests SCSI, IDE and
SATA drives (Dos Freeware). • IBM Hitachi Feature Tool 2.15: Allows you to
control some of the features of the the HDD (Dos Freeware).

• Maxtor amset utility 4.0: Utility for changing Acoustic Management on the hard
drives (Dos Freeware). • Maxtor Low Level Formatter 1.1: Maxtor’s Low Level
Format Utility works on any harddrive (Dos Freeware). • Maxtor PowerMax 4.23:
Designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor/Quantum hard
drives (Dos Freeware). • MHDD 4.6: Precise diagnostic of the mechanical part of
a drive, perform Low-level format, Bad Sector Sepair, access raw sectors, manage
S.M.A.R.T (SMART) and other drive parameters such as acoustic management,
security, Host Protected Area, etc. (Dos Freeware). • Samsung Disk Diagnose
(SHDIAG) 1.28: Diagnose the disk when suspected to have failures (Dos Freeware).

• Samsung ESTOOL 3.01v: Drive Diagnostic, Automatic Acoustic Management,
Enable/Disable SMART etc (Dos Freeware). • Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10: The
Drive Diagnostic Utility (Dos Freeware). • SeaTools for Dos: GUI 2.23 Text 1.10
versions to test Seagate or Maxtor Parallel ATA (PATA and IDE) and Serial ATA
(SATA) interface disc drives (Dos Freeware). • SmartUDM 2.00: Hard Disk Drive

Viewer (Dos Freeware). • Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b: Toshiba hard drive
diagnostic utility (Dos Freeware). • Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus: a freeware
program for low-level HDD diagnostics (Dos Freeware). • Victoria 4.46: Universal
program for testing storage devices (Windows Freeware) • ViVard 1.0: HDD
low-level diagnostics, Surface test with remap, SMART-attributes etc (Dos
Freeware). • WDClear 1.30: Restore/Erases the drive back to a factory condition
(Dos Freeware). • WDIDLE3 1.05: Modifies the behavior of a Western Digital Green
drive to wait longer before positioning the heads in their park position and
turning off unnecessary electronics (Dos Freeware).

• Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2: For the installation of Western
Digital EIDE Hard Drives (Dos Freeware). • Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG)
5.19: Quickly and efficiently verify the status of the drive (Dos Freeware). •
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 1.24: Perform drive identification,
diagnostics, and repairs on most WD drives (Windows Freeware) MBR (Master Boot
Record) Tools • BellaVista Formerly BCD Editor with lots of options to
configure Windows for a developer (Windows Freeware). • Boot Partition 2.60: Add
Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader (Dos Freeware).

• BootFix Utility: Run this utility if you get ‘Invalid system disk’ message
(Dos Freeware). • BootSect 6.0.6: Boot Sector Manipulation Tool, This tool
replaces FixFAT.exe and FixNTFS.exe (Windows Freeware).

• BootICE 2012.09.20: A boot sector manipulation utility to edit MBR/PBR/BCD
(Windows Freeware). • DiskMan 4.2: All in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord
and more (Windows/Dos Freeware). • FbInst 1.6: A tool to create universal flash
boot disk that boots from all computers (Windows Freeware). • Grub4Dos installer
1.1: An universal boot loader GRUB for DOS GRLDR installer (Windows Freeware).

• grub4dos 2012-10-02: An universal boot loader based on GNU GRUB, can boot off
DOS/LINUX or via Windows boot manager/syslinux/lilo or from MBR/CD, builtin BIOS
disk emulation (Linux Freeware). • HDHacker 1.4: Load/Save/View MBR and
BootSector from a physical/logical drive (Windows Freeware). • isolinux 4.05: A
boot loader for Linux/i386 that operates off ISO 9660/El Torito CD-ROMs in ‘no
emulation’ mode (Linux Freeware). • MBRWizard 3.0.73: Directly update and modify
the Master Boot Record (Windows/Dos Freeware). • MbrFix 1.3: Backup, restore and
fix the boot code in the MBR (Windows/Dos Freeware).

• MBR Utility 1.05: Manipulate a drive’s master boot record (MBR) via the
command line (Windows/Dos Freeware). • MBRWork 1.08: A utility to perform some
common and uncommon MBR functions (Dos Freeware). • MBRTool 2.3.200: Backup,
verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write and more (Dos
Freeware). • MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1: BootSave and BootRest tools to save /
restore MBR (Dos Freeware).

• MemDisk 4.05: Allow booting legacy operating systems, floppy images, hard disk
images and some ISO images (Linux Freeware). • PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.14: Boot
different operating systems harddisk, floppy, CD/DVD or from USB, it can boot
from an USB/CD/DVD even without BIOS support (Linux Freeware). • RMPrepUSB
2.1.620: Partition and format your USB drive and make it bootable (Windows
Freeware). • Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1: A multi boot manager (Linux/Dos
Freeware). • XOSL 1.1.5: A graphical boot manager that supports multi-booting of
various operating systems (Dos Freeware). Ms Dos Tools • 1394 Firewire Support:
1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos (Dos Freeware).

• ASUSTeK USB Driver 3: ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00 (Dos
Freeware). • Dos tools: Collection of dos utilities 7zdec.exe extract.exe
pkzip.exe pkunzip.exe lha.exe gzip.exe uharcd.exe imgExtrc.exe xcopy.exe fdisk.exe fdisk2.exe fdisk3.exe
lf.exe delpart.exe deltree.exe find.exe
hex.exe debug.exe split.exe mem.exe smartdrv.exe xmsdsk.exe
killer.exe share.exe scandisk.exe guest.exe doskey.exe duse.exe move.exe
setver.exe intersvr.exe interlnk.exe loadlin.exe lfndos.exe and more
(Dos Commercial). • Interlnk support at COM1/LPT1: Access another computer from
COM/LPT port (Dos Freeware). • SCSI Support: SCSI Drivers for Dos (Dos
Freeware). • SATA Support: SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361
(xcdrom.sys) for Dos (Dos Freeware). • Universal USB Driver 2: Panasonic v2.20
ASPI Manager for USB mass storage (Dos Freeware). • USB CD-Rom Driver 1:
Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive (Dos Freeware).

Network Tools • Angry IP Scanner 2.21: Scan IP addresses in any range as well as
any their ports (Windows Freeware). • Complete Internet Repair All
in one tool to repair common internet connection issues, it attempts to repair
everything internet related on a Windows system (Windows Freeware). • CurrPorts
2.02: Displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your
computer (Windows Freeware). • Network Password Recovery 1.32: Recover Windows
XP/Vista network passwords / Credentials file (Windows Freeware). • PuTTY
0.62-t012: PuTTY Tray is a free and open source terminal emulator application
which can act as a client for the SSH and Telnet (Windows Freeware). •
SoftPerfect Network Scanner 5.4.7: Multi-threaded IP, NetBIOS and SNMP scanner
with a modern interface and many advanced features (Windows Freeware).

• SmartSniff 1.95: Network monitoring utility that allows you to capture TCP/IP
packets that pass through your network adapter (Windows Freeware). • TCPView
3.05: Lists TCP and UDP endpoints, including the Local/Remote addresses of TCP
connections (Windows Freeware). • TFtpd32 4.0: Tftpd32 is for Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) client, including DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers,
can also be used for PXE boot (Windows Freeware). • WinSCP 4.3.9: A free and
open source SFTP/FTP client to secure file transfer between a local and a remote
computer (Windows Freeware). • WifiInfoView 1.05: Wireless networks information
including Network Name (SSID), MAC Address, PHY Type (802.11g or 802.11n), RSSI,
Signal Quality, Frequency, Channel Number, Maximum Speed, Company Name, Router
Name/Model and more (Windows Freeware). • WirelessNetView 1.41: Wireless Net
View monitors the activity of wireless networks around you (Windows Freeware).

• XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0: Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry
errors (Windows Freeware). Optimizers • Defraggler 2.11.560: Defrag your entire
hard drive or individual files (Windows Freeware). • MyDefrag 4.3.1: Free disk
defragment and optimize utility (formerly JkDefrag) for Windows
2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware).

• NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j: Registry Optimization for Windows
NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista (Windows Freeware). • PageDfrg 2.32: System file
Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP (Windows Freeware). Other Tools • Calcute 11.5.27: A
compact scientific tape calculator with many features (Windows Freeware). •
Don’t Sleep 2.82: Temporarily suspend power management and prevent system
shutdown, Standby, Hibernate, Turn Off and Restart (Windows Freeware).

• Fix NTLDR is missing: Fix ‘NTLDR is missing, Press any key to restart’ for
Windows Xp (Dos Freeware). • HBCD Customizer 3.0: HBCDCustomizer.exe is a GUI
tool to create custom iso images of Hiren’s BootCD (Windows Freeware). • HBCD
Program Launcher 3.2: Hiren’s BootCD Program launcher (HBCDMenu.exe and
HBCDMenu.csv) can be used to launch all these programs from USB/CD (Windows

• Mouse Emulator 2.2: You can use your keyboard numpad as a mouse, very useful
if your mouse broken or if you are having USB driver problems (Windows
Freeware). • NT 6.x fast installer: Install Windows Vista/7 directly to hard
drive/usb extenal drive (Windows Freeware). • On-Screen Keyboard: A utility that
displays a virtual keyboard on the computer screen that allows people with
mobility impairments to type data by using a pointing device or joystick
(Windows Freeware). • Parted Magic 2012-10-10: Linux based rescue environment
with lots of applications to manage partitions, backup and recovery such as
GParted, Parted, Partition Image, TestDisk, Partimage, Truecrypt, Clonezilla,
G4L, Firefox, ClamAV, GSmartControl, SimpleBurn, dd, ddrescue, with extensive
collection of file system tools are also included, supports the following:
btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs,
reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs (Linux Freeware). • Universal TCP/IP Network 6.5:
MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network.

The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains
98 different network card drivers (Dos Freeware). • WinNTSetup Install
Windows 2k/XP/2003/Vista/7/8 x86/x64 from USB/CD under PE/LiveXp, allows you to
apply tweaks and choose driveletter for the new Windows installation (Windows

Partition Tools • eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3: XFDISK allows easy partition creation
and edition (Dos Freeware). • Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01: Windows XP cannot format
a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32 (Windows Freeware).

• GParted Partition Editor 0.14.0: Create, copy, paste, delete, hide, resize or
move partitions without losing data, a good freeware alternative to Partition
Magic (Linux Freeware). • Mount Drives 1.1: Auto Mount Drives can be used to
mount unmounted/hidden drives (Windows Freeware).

• Partition Table Editor 8.0: Partition Table and Boot Record Editor (Dos
Freeware). • Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.0: Free Partition Magic
Alternative, Partition Resize/Move/Copy/Create/Delete/Format/Convert, Explore,
etc (Windows Freeware). • Ranish Partition Manager 2.44: A boot manager and hard
disk partitioner (Dos Freeware). • Smart Fdisk 2.05: A simple harddisk partition
manager (Dos Freeware).

• SPecial Fdisk 2000.03v: SPFDISK is a partition tool (Dos Freeware). • Super
Fdisk 1.0: Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data (Dos
Freeware). • The Partition Resizer 1.3.4: Move and resize your partitions in one
step (Dos Freeware).

• USB Format Tool: Format/make bootable any USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, or
NTFS partition (Windows Freeware). • Volume Serial Number Changer 1.2: Allow you
to change the drive’s serial number on FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems (Windows

Password/Key Tools • ATAPWD 1.2: Hard Disk Password Utility (Dos Freeware). •
Autologon 3.01: Enables you to easily configure Windows’ built-in autologon
mechanism, so you don’t have to wait on the login screen (Windows Freeware).

• BIOS Master Password Generator: Collection of password generator tools to
reset BIOS Power on Password / Administrator password on Acer, Compaq, Dell,
Fujitsu Siemens, Sony, Hewlett Packard, Phoenix, Samsung and other generic brand
Laptops (Windows Freeware). • BulletsPassView 1.25: Reveal the passwords stored
behind the bullet (asterisk) characters in Windows / IE (Updated Asterisk
Logger) (Windows Freeware).

• ClearLock 1.4.0: Lock your desktop with a transparent layer, allowing you to
see what is happening on your desktop and at the same time prevent access to the
computer without the proper password (Windows Freeware). • Content Advisor
Password Remover 1.01: It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet
Explorer (Windows Freeware). • Dialupass 3.16: Find and extract Username,
Password, and Domain of DialUp/RAS/VPN networking in Windows (Windows Freeware).
• Kon-Boot 1.0: Bypass Login Password of Windows (32bit, any password) and Linux
login as kon-usr (Linux Freeware). • LicenseCrawler 1.11.239: Find the license
keys and serial numbers of your programs (Windows Freeware).

• Mail PassView 1.78: Recovers mail passwords of Outlook Express, MS Outlook,
IncrediMail, Eudora, etc (Windows Freeware). • MessenPass 1.42: A password
recovery tool that reveals the passwords of several instant messangers (Windows

• NTPWD: Utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password (Dos
Freeware). • NTPWEdit 0.3: Password editor for Windows NT based systems to
change or remove passwords for local system accounts (Windows Freeware). •
Offline NT Password Changer 2011-05-11: Utility to reset/unlock windows
NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 administrator/user password (Linux Freeware).

• Password Renew 1.1: Utility to set/reset windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 (32bit
only) passwords (Windows Freeware). • ProduKey 1.54: Recovers lost the product
key of your Windows/Office (Windows Freeware). • PST (Outlook) Password Recovery
1.16: PstPassword is a small utility that recovers lost password of Outlook.PST
(Personal Folders) file (Windows Freeware). • Router IP/Passwords: The complete
list of Default Router Passwords and Default Router IP Addresses, can be useful
if you have misplaced the manual or lost your router password (Windows
Freeware). • SniffPass 1.13: A password monitoring tool that listens to your
network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, it works
on POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocols and recovers lost Web/FTP/Email
passwords (Windows Freeware). • WebBrowserPassView 1.30: Allows you to view the
user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome
and Internet explorer Web browsers (Windows Freeware). • WindowsGate 1.1:
Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation (Windows Freeware).

• Windows Product Key Update Tool 1.7: This tool is from microsoft to change the
key of illegal/pirated installed Xp to legit xp keys from the sticker on the PC,
even if it is oem and not retail/corporate (Windows Freeware). • WirelessKeyView
1.56: Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by
WZC Wireless Zero Configuration (Windows Freeware). • XP Key Reader 2.7: Can
decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems (Windows Freeware).

Process Tools • Dependency Walker 2.2: Checks for missing/invalid
DLL/modules/functions for any exe/dll/ocx/sys (Windows Freeware). • IB Process
Manager 1.04: A little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc (Windows
Freeware). • OpenedFilesView 1.52: View opened/locked files in your system,
sharing violation issues (Windows Freeware). • Pocket KillBox Can be
used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them
(Windows Freeware). • Process Explorer 15.23: Shows you information about which
handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded (Windows Freeware).

• Process Monitor 3.03: Monitor real-time file system, Registry and
process/thread activity, This tool replaces Filemon and Regmon (Windows
Freeware). • ProcessActivityView 1.12: Detailed process access information
read/write/opened files etc (Windows Freeware).

• RKill (): RKill just kills malware processes, imports a Registry file that
removes incorrect file associations and fixes policies that stop us from using
certain tools (Windows Freeware). • RunAsDate 1.11: Allows you to run a program
in the date and time that you specify (Windows Freeware). • Unlocker 1.9.1: This
tool can delete file/folder when you get this message: Cannot delete file:
Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc (Windows Freeware).
Recovery Tools • DataRescue DD 1.0: DrDD is a disk imager intended for data
recovery and backup of partially corrupted storage devices, the main advantages
are Range Selection and Copy Backward Direction (Windows Freeware). • DiskDigger Undelete and recover lost photos, videos, music, documents and other
formats from your hard drive, memory cards and USB flash drives (Windows
Freeware). • DiskGenius 3.2: Restore deleted partition, Rebuild MBR, Rebuild
partition table, Recover files, Restore formatted partition, Backup files by
partition, Disk clone, Backup partition table, Create/Delete/Format Partitions
etc (Windows Shareware).

• IsoBuster 3.0: CD/DVD/Blu-ray and Disk Image File data recovery tool that can
read and extract files, tracks and sessions from CD-i, VCD, SVCD, CD-ROM, CD-ROM
XA, DVD, DVCD BD and HD DVD and other media as well as a wide variety of disk
image formats, it also has retry-mechanisms for damaged CD/DVD (Windows
Shareware). • Partition Find and Mount 2.31: Partition Find and Mount software
is designed to find lost or deleted partitions (Windows Freeware). •
PartitionRecovery 1.0: A freeware tool to recover accidentally deleted
partitions (Windows Freeware). • PhotoRec 6.14b: Tool to Recover File and
pictures from Dos/Windows/Linux (Windows/Dos/Linux Freeware). • Recuva 1.43.623:
Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3
player etc (Windows Freeware). • Restoration 3.2.13: A tool to recover deleted
files (Windows Freeware).

• ShadowExplorer 0.8: Shadow Explorer allows you to browse the shadow copies
created by the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service and retrieve older versions
from files you accidentally deleted or altered (Windows Freeware). • Smart
Partition Recovery 3.3: Find Lost NTFS partitions and restore them back (Windows
Freeware). • SoftPerfect File Recovery 1.2: Restore accidentally deleted files
from hard drive, USB flash drives, CF and SD memory cards (Windows Freeware). •
TestDisk 6.14b: Tool to check and undelete partition from Dos/Windows/Linux
(Windows/Dos/Linux Freeware). • TrID File Identifier 2.10: Alternative of UnChk
and FileChk to recover filetype from the file content (Windows Freeware). •
Unstoppable Copier 5.2: Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such
as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data (Windows

Registry Tools • ERUNT 1.1j: The Emergency Recovery Utility NT Registry Backup
and Restore for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP (Windows Freeware). • Fix HDC: Fix the
Hard Drive Controller when replacing your motherboard on an XP system (Windows
Freeware). • Glary Registry Repair An advanced registry cleaner that
allows you to safely scan, clean, and repair registry problems (Windows
Freeware). • RegFromApp 1.23: Monitors/exports the Registry changes made by the
selected application (Windows Freeware). • Registry Editor PE 0.9c: Easy editing
of remote registry hives and user profiles (Windows Freeware).

• Registry Restore Wizard 1.0.4: Restores a corrupted system registry from Xp
System Restore (Windows Freeware). • Regmon 7.04: A monitoring utility that will
show you which applications are accessing your Registry (Windows Freeware). •
RegScanner 1.90: Tool to find/search in the Registry of Windows (Windows
Freeware). • RegShot 1.8.2: A registry compare utility that allows you to
quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one:
done after doing system changes or installing a new software product (Windows
Freeware). • Registry Viewer 4.2: Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP
(Dos Freeware). Remote Control Tools • TeamViewer 7.0.14563: Access any remote
computer via Internet just like sitting in front of it, even through firewalls,
also included version 6.0.10462 for MiniXp (Windows Freeware). • TightVNC 2.5.2:
Cross-platform Remote Desktop Software to view/control remote pc with mouse and
keyboard (Windows Freeware).

Security / Encryption Tools • DiskCryptor 0.9: High speed disk encryption tool
to encrypt all disk/partitions, including the system partition encryption
support (Windows Freeware). • EncFS 1.7.4: This should be used for secure online
file backup services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and Sugarsync as the
encryption do not occupy a fixed size containers and backup programs can copy
encrypted files and can be accessed from linux, iPhone/iOS and android using
BoxCryptor and Cryptonite (Windows/Linux Freeware). • FreeOTFE 5.21: Free, open
source, on-the-fly transparent disk encryption program (Windows Freeware). •
TrueCrypt 7.1a: On-the-fly Linux/Windows disk encryption tool, can create a
virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk, can also
encrypt an entire HDD/Partition/USB Drive (Windows/Linux Freeware).

Startup Tools • Autoruns 11.34: Displays All the entries from startup folder,
Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars,
browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled
Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to
remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses (Windows Freeware). • HijackThis 2.0.5b:
A general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more (Windows Freeware). •
ServiWin 1.50: Alternative Windows Services/Drivers Tool (Windows Freeware). •
Silent Runners Revision 64: A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and
adware in the startup process (Windows Freeware). • Startup Control Panel 2.8: A
tool to edit startup programs (Windows Freeware).

• Startup Monitor 1.02: It notifies you when any program registers itself to run
at system startup (Windows Freeware). System Information Tools • Astra 6.01:
Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant (Dos Freeware).

• BattStat 0.99b: Battery Status monitor and power management freeware for
Windows x86/x64 (Windows Freeware). • BlueScreenView 1.46: Scans minidump files
for BSOD (blue screen of death) crash information (Windows Freeware).

• BrowsingHistoryView 1.05: View history data of Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari Web browsers in one table (Windows Freeware).
• CPU Identification utility 1.20: CHKCPU.EXE Detailed information on CPU (Dos
Freeware). • CPU-Z 1.61: It gathers information on some of the main devices of
your system (Windows Freeware). • CTIA CPU Information 2.7: Another CPU
information tool (Dos Freeware). • Drive Temperature 1.0: Hard Disk Drive
temperature meter (Windows Freeware). • GPU-Z 0.6.5: A lightweight utility
designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU (Windows
Freeware). • HWiNFO 5.5.2: A powerful system information utility (Dos Freeware).

• Navratil Software System Information 0.60.45: High-end professional system
information tool (Dos Freeware). • PCI and AGP info Tool (): The PCI System
information and Exploration tool (Dos Freeware). • PC Wizard 2012.2.11: PCWizard
is a powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for
detection of hardware (Windows Freeware). • SIW 2011.10.29: Gathers detailed
information about your system properties and settings (Windows Freeware). •
Speccy 1.18.379: An advanced System Information tool for your PC (Windows
Freeware). • System Analyser 5.3x: View extensive information about your
hardware (Dos Freeware).

• System Explorer 3.9.7: Shows detailed system information about processes,
startups, IE addons, drivers, explorer, etc (Windows Freeware). • SysChk 2.46:
Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC (Dos Freeware). • Update
Checker 1.039: Scans your computer for installed software and checks for newer
releases on FileHippo (Windows Freeware). Testing Tools • Bart’s Stuff Test
5.1.4: Long term heavy stress testing storage devices (Windows Freeware). •
CPU/Video/Disk Performance Test 5.7: A tool to test cpu, video, and disk (Dos

• Disk Speed 1.0: Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool (Windows Freeware). •
GoldMemory 5.07: Memory Diagnostic Tests (Dos Shareware). • H2testw 1.4: Check
your USB Flash memory cards, internal/external hard drives and network drives
for errors with this tool (Windows Freeware). • HDD Scan 2.8: HDDScan is a
Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc (Windows
Freeware). • IsMyLcdOK (Monitor Test) 1.02: Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT
screens for dead pixels and diffective screens (Windows Freeware). • Memtest86+
4.20: PC Memory Test (Linux Freeware). • MemTest 1.0: A Memory Testing Tool
(Windows Freeware).

• Prime95 25.11: This will detect for errors in CPU or RAM within a matter of
minutes if an overclock is not stable, you can run Torture Test (burn-in)
overnight to ensure long-term stability of the hardware (Windows Freeware). •
S&M Stress Test 1.9.1: CPU/HDD/Memory benchmarking and information tool,
including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages (Windows Freeware). • System Speed
Test 4.78: It tests CPU, harddrive, ect (Dos Freeware). • Test Hard Disk Drive
1.0: A tool to test Hard Disk Drive (Dos Freeware). • Video Memory Stress Test
1.7.116: A tool to thoroughly test your video RAM for errors and faults (Windows
Freeware). • Video Memory Stress Test CE 1.21: Tests all video RAM accessible by
32-bit CPU address space from a clean environment (Dos Freeware). • Windows
Memory Diagnostic: A RAM Test tool (Dos Freeware).

Tweakers • Dial a Fix Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object
errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and
Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer
etc. Comes with the policy scanner (Windows Freeware). • Disable Autorun: A
small tweak which disables processing of autorun.inf to protect your PC from usb
autorun viruses (Windows Freeware). • Disable Compress Old Files: This registry
tweak is useful when Disk Cleanup Tool Stops Responding While Compressing Old
Files (Windows Freeware). • EzPcFix Helpful tool when trying to remove
viruses, spyware, and malware (Windows Freeware). • FileTypesMan 1.62: File
Types Manager for Windows to add, edit, and remove actions in the properties and
flags of each file type (Windows Freeware).

• InstalledCodec 1.25: Disable/Enable Installed Codec drivers and DirectShow
filters (Windows Freeware). • KeyTweak 2.3.0: Remap Keyboard Layout, you can
even customize a broken key to an unused key (Windows Freeware). • Protect a
Drive from Autorun Virus: Protect your pen drive from being infected when you
plug it in an infected PC (Windows Freeware). • RemoveWGA 1.2: Windows Genuine
Advantage Notifications Removal tool (Windows Freeware).

• RRT: Remove Restrictions Tool 3.0: Re-enable Ctrl+Alt+Del, Folder Options and
Registry tools etc (Windows Freeware). • Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView)
1.76: An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell
extensions (Windows Freeware). • ShellMenuNew 1.01: View/Change the list of all
menu items in the ‘New’ submenu of Windows Explorer (Windows Freeware).

• Show Hidden Devices: Device Manager hides nonpresent devices that are not
physically present in the system, but still have configuration information in
the Registry (Windows Freeware). • TweakUI 2.10: This PowerToy gives you access
to system settings that are not exposed in Windows Xp (Windows Freeware). •
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2: A TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing
Windows Vista (Windows Freeware). • Write Protect USB Devices: Tweak your PC to
make USB Pen Drive, Memory Card or Thumb Drive as Read Only (Windows Freeware).

• XP-AntiSpy 3.98: It tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some
unneeded Windows services quickly (Windows Freeware).






One of most interesting obscure projects was their soundtrack to a 1968
made-for-television film, (starring ex- lead singer ), that has rarely if ever
been screened in the U.S. Side one of this bootleg has the bits of soundtrack
which are graced by presence. As enticing as it sounds, only hardcore fans will
want this in their collections. The fidelity (sounding like it was taped from a
television) is pretty bad, and the music is often obscured by dialogue.

If the source tapes for the soundtrack still exist, their release might be
pretty interesting; the group devised some pretty nifty instrumental licks,
heavy on the haunting organs and slide guitar. Side two has three songs from a
show at a club in Rome in May 1968, in execrable sound quality. In any case,
this boot will be pretty hard to locate, as it was a limited edition of 300

The Early Years 1965–1972 by Released 11 November 2016 Recorded 1964–1972, 1974,
Length 25 hours Language English Pink Floyd Records Audio: Pink Floyd, Joe
Boyd,, Jeff Griffin chronology (2015) 2015 The Early Years 1965—1972 (2016) The
Early Years 1965–1972 is a compilation by released on 11 November 2016. It was
officially announced 28 July 2016. The set includes seven volumes with CDs,
DVDs, Blu-rays, vinyl records, and memorabilia. It contains early non-album
singles plus unreleased studio and live recordings. Although Volumes 1-6 have
been available individually since March 24th 2017, Volume 7, Continu/ation,
remains exclusive to the set.

A two-disc compilation titled The Early Years – Cre/ation was also made
available. On 5 November 2016, the official Pink Floyd page announced that the
set would also include another extra disc— on CD. This was due to an error where
the Pompeii CD had been placed inside the 1972: Obfusc/ation box instead of the
2016 mix of the album.

'The Early Years 1965 1972' is a comprehensive 28-disc box set that sees Pink
Floyd delve into their vast music archive to produce a deluxe package that
includes 7. For the Heart of the Sun. A Saucerful of Secrets. Atom Heart Mother.
Careful with That Axe, Eugene. A Saucerful of Secrets. The Committee. Records 63
- 69. Playlist, Theme 34 Christmas: Tom Archia - Swinging For Christmas (Boppin'
For Santa) Leadbelly - Christmas Is A-Comin' Lord Nelson - A Party For Santa Bob
Seger & The Last Heard - Sock It To Me Santa The Staples Singers - Who Took The
Merry Out Of Christmas Charles Brown - Please Come Home.

This meant that the album had to be included separately in a plastic wallet; the
reverse of the wallet states ' Replacement CD disc for Obfusc/ation [.] (Stereo
2016 mix of Pink Floyd 'Live at Pompeii' CD supplied in error)'. Disc one (CD) –
studio recordings from 1968; BBC Sessions from 1968 • ' – 3:40 • ' – 3:46 • ' –
2:34 • ' (single version) – 5:46 • 'Song 1' (Capitol Studios, Los Angeles, 22
August 1968) – 3:19 • 'Roger's Boogie' (Capitol Studios, Los Angeles, 22 August
1968) – 4:35 BBC Radio Session, 25 June 1968 • 'Murderotic Woman (Careful with
That Axe, Eugene)' – 3:38 • 'The Massed Gadgets of Hercules ()' – 7:18 • ' –
4:32 • 'Julia Dream' – 2:50 BBC Radio Session, 20 December 1968 • 'Point Me at
the Sky' – 4:25 • ' – 3:13 • 'Interstellar Overdrive' – 9:37 Tracks 5–13
previously unreleased. Disc One (CD) • 'Atom Heart Mother' (Live in Montreux, 21
Nov 1970) – 17:58 BBC Radio Session, 16 July 1970 • 'Embryo' – 11.10 • 'Fat Old
Sun' – 5.52 • 'Green Is The Colour' – 3.27 • 'Careful With That Axe, Eugene' –
8.25 • 'If' – 5.47 • 'Atom Heart Mother' (with choir, cello & brass ensemble) –
25.30 Tracks 1–7 previously unreleased. Disc One (CD) BBC Radio Session, 25
September 1967: • 'Flaming'‡ – 2.42 • 'The Scarecrow'‡ – 1.59 • 'The Gnome'‡ –
2.08 • 'Matilda Mother'‡ – 3.20 • 'Reaction in G'‡ – 0.34 • 'Set the Controls
for the Heart of the Sun' – 3.19 BBC Radio Session, 20 December 1967: • 'Scream
Thy Last Scream'‡ – 3.35 • 'Vegetable Man'‡ – 3.07 • 'Pow R. ‡ – 2.45 • 'Jugband
Blues'‡ – 3.50 BBC Radio Session, 2 December 1968: • 'Baby Blue Shuffle in D
Major' – 3.58 • 'Blues' (BBC September 1971) – 4.59 • 'US Radio ad' – 0.22 •
'Music from The Committee No.

1' – 1.06 • 'Music from The Committee No. 2' – 3.25 • 'Moonhead' (live on 1969
BBC TV moon landings broadcast) – 7.16 • 'Echoes' (live at Wembley 1974) – 24.10
Disc Two (DVD/Blu-Ray) • Spare 2 seconds chapter • Hampstead Heath and St.
Arnold Layne • 'Arnold Layne' • 'Candy and a Currant Bun' Point Me at the Sky •
'Point Me at the Sky' • 'Careful With That Axe, Eugene' It Would Be So Nice •
'It Would Be So Nice • 'Julia Dream' See Emily Play • 'See Emily Play' • 'The
Scarecrow' Apples and Oranges • 'Apples and Oranges' • 'Paintbox' Meddle 5.1 [ ]
It has been discovered that the 5.1 album has been included in the set. [ ] This
album was reported to have been pulled from inclusion for undisclosed reasons.
The Meddle 5.1 is not accessible from the DVD/BD menu nor by any known ' method.
It should be presumed then that instead of removing the album from the discs
that only their link in the DVD/BD menu was removed to stop access to it. It is,
however, discoverable by inserting the disc into a compatible computer and
searching through the disc's contents files.

[ ] The album is as follows: • 5.1 mix 2016 + Stereo 24 bits 96kHz – 46.49 •
'One of These Days' • 'A Pillow of Winds' • 'Fearless' • 'San Tropez' • 'Seamus'
• 'Echoes' Cre/ation: The Early Years 1967–1972 [ ] Cre/ation: The Early Years
1967–1972 by Released 11 November 2016 Recorded 1967–1972, Length 112 min Pink
Floyd Records Audio: Pink Floyd, Joe Boyd,, Jeff Griffin from Cre/ation: The
Early Years 1967–1972. • ' Released: 31 August 2016 • ' Released: 6 October 2016
• ' Released: 26 October 2016 • ' Released: 9 November 2016 Cre/ation: The Early
Years 1967–1972 is a 2-disc highlight compilation by of their massive box set
The Early Years 1965–1972 which was released on 11 November 2016. • ^ Grow, Kory
(28 July 2016)...

Retrieved 29 July 2016. • Mason, Nick (2004). Inside Out: A Personal History of
Pink Floyd.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson.. Retrieved 19 November 2016. • (in German). Retrieved 24
November 2016. • (in Dutch). Retrieved 19 November 2016.

• (in French). Retrieved 19 November 2016. Retrieved 22 November 2016. Note: On
the chart page, select 201647 on the field besides the word 'Zobrazit', and then
click over the word to retrieve the correct chart data. Retrieved 30 November

• (in Dutch). Retrieved 19 November 2016.

Retrieved 27 November 2016. • (in German).. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
Retrieved 19 November 2016. Retrieved 19 November 2016. 21 November 2016.

Retrieved 18 November 2016. Retrieved 24 November 2016. Retrieved 30 November
2016. Retrieved 19 November 2016. • (in Spanish).. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
Retrieved 23 November 2016.

Retrieved 19 November 2016. Retrieved 22 November 2016.






Toshiba Satellite A200-23K restore disk ISO complete factory reset. Toshiba
satellite a200 recovery disk free download. Use cookies to ensure that we give
you the best experience on our website. Toshiba Satellite Pro A200 Recovery Disk
Download. Insert the first disc in the optical drive: either the DVD or the USB.
Remember these are the very latest Toshiba Toshiba Satellite Pro A200-CH3
recovery disk. Bundled software, Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
Recovery DVD-ROM Toshiba Satellite A200-AH1 restore disk ISO complete factory

PSAD6U), A135 (PSAD0U, PSAD6U), A15 (TK119/CL1680), A200 (PSAE3U. Hard drive
died and changed Toshiba Satellite A200.

Toshiba satellite a200 recovery disk download. Restore disk ISO, a driver
resource disk ISO and a free data recovery disk ISO. Its a toshiba satellite
A205-S5859 with vista home premium, and it has a. Restore Windows XP with
partition or disc. Toshiba satellite a200 recovery cd download.

A recovery disk is also known as a restore disc, repair disc, boot disc or
rescue disk. Money on a recovery disc you may want to try these recovery methods
in Windows Vista. Toshiba satellite a200 recovery dvd windows vista home
premium. This guide is about Toshiba recovery disks for the following versions

Let's say your laptop does not start at all. You plug in the power adapter and
press on the power button, but the computer will not react. It's dead and the
power. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/jujaitaly/public/index.php on line 447.

Now supply a free Toshiba Satellite A200-TR6 data recovery boot disk iso.
A200-TR6 Windows 10 ISO restore disk set, available by download, disk. Toshiba
satellite a200 recovery disc download. Hi, I own a Toshiba Satellite a105-S2141
And I cant turn the computer. Xp you can use the MS website to download all
windows recovery cd's Results 1 - 16 of 4077. 1 Download alternative recovery
disk for Toshiba; 2 Create Toshiba recovery disks.

Satellite series: 1130, 1400 (PS140U), 1415 (S105), 1415 (S173), 1600. Download
Toshiba Satellite A200 A205 Vista Home Premium 32-bit Recovery. Instead, Toshiba
has added a hidden partion on the hard drive which contains the same files on a
recovery cd / dvd. For example Toshiba recovery discs are designed to only work
with. Insert your first CD or DVD in the optical drive. NOTE: To ORDER the
RECOVERY Disc, call Toshiba.

The Official Toshiba Support Website provides support for Satellite A200-ST2041.
Wait for the boot menu to appear and then select CD/DVD and press Enter.

I just got a free Suse 11 live cd from Linux Magazine so cost was $9.00. Windows
XP Software Utilities by Software Utilities and More. 7, Vista or XP recovery
disk media available in ISO format to download or in physical DVD. Download
toshiba satellite a200 restore disk vista ().

A135 (PSAD0U, PSAD6U), A15 (TK119/CL1680), A200 (PSAE3U. Hard drive died and
changed it to a new one.

Information There may come a time when you would either need or simply want to
'start over' with the software image on your computer. This 'start over' (or
'Recovery') will restore the software on your computer back to its original
factory condition. The down side of this process is that you will LOSE ALL DATA
and programs that were not preinstalled at the factory. There are several ways
to perform the recovery process. One method is to use CD or DVD** disks or USB
flash drive media created especially for this purpose. You can make recovery
disks, with blank CD or DVD disks that you provide, using the Toshiba Recovery
Media Creator utility.

A hi-capacity USB flash drive can also be used and is required on machines that
do not have a DVD drive. You can make as many 'sets' of recovery media as you
like (please note that the media is specific to YOUR machine and cannot be used
to ' recover' other computers.) Toshiba recommends you keep at least one set of
media to use in case of an emergency. • For additional information about
recovery options and creating recovery media on laptops with Windows 7 and
earlier, go to knowledge base article.

This article includes videos showing how to create USB and DVD recovery media. •
For additional information about recovery options and creating recovery media on
laptops with Windows 8, go to knowledge base article. NOTE: Not all machines
offer both CD and DVD options. DVDs provide much larger storage capacity thus
requiring fewer disks to make up the set. Opening TOSHIBA Recovery Media
Creator: Windows 7 • To open the Toshiba Recovery Media Creator click on the
Start button in the lower left hand portion of the screen. Steps to create
Recovery Media: NOTE: Windows 7 screens are shown below, once in the recovery
media creator, the process is the same Windows 8 is very similar.

• After locating and clicking on ' TOSHIBA Recovery Media Creator', select '
Yes' when prompted with the question, 'Do you want to allow the following
program to make changes to your computer?' • Within the ' Media Selection' area
place checkmarks in the boxes next to the options you desire. The ' System
Recovery Media' option will make a disk set or USB flash drive (depending on
selection) that will perform a complete recovery of your software.

Some models include the option to create ' Application Disks' (as seen below).
This option will allow you to create a disk set you can use to reinstall
programs you specifically select from a list of applications originally shipped
with the computer. NOTE: The 'Media Set' section allows you to select the type
of media you prefer, the example shows the default selection; DVDs.

• The ' information' box indicates what type of disks or USB, and how many of
them (discs), you will need in order to create the media you’ve selected. NOTE:
Take the time to label the disks as you create them in order to avoid confusion
later. • Checking the ' Verify' box will allow the program to check the data as
it is being written to the disks. Selecting this option will take longer for the
application to create the disks but will ensure the disks are in good working
order when completed.

• Place a blank disk into your CD-ROM/DVD drive or connect a USB flash drive
then select the ' Create' button on the lower right of the page. Follow the
on-screen instructions as you move through the process inserting new disks as
the program requests them. NOTE: It may take several moments for the disc to
become available after you close the drive. Additional Information: • The path
to the Toshiba Media Creator Utility is not identical on each machine. If you
want to locate the specific location of the application on non-Windows 8
machines you can use: • Start menu>All Programs>Toshiba>Utilities>Toshiba
Recovery Media Creator • Start menu>All Programs>CD & DVD Applications>Toshiba
Recovery Media Creator • On some machines the application can be found by using
' Toshiba recovery' into the search while others use simply ' recovery'. • On
some machines the application is called the ' Toshiba Recovery Disk Creator'
utility as opposed to the ' Toshiba Recovery Media Creator'.

Export Control and EULA Use of any software made available for download from
this system constitutes your acceptance of the Export Control Terms and the
terms in the Toshiba end-user license agreement both of which you can before
downloading any such software.






Neat Video efficiently reduces noise of the following types: digital sensor
noise produced by digital video capturing devices film grain visible in
digitized film or analog video dust, scratches, compression artifacts and more.

With all due respect, Professor Boyd, your argument is not at all compelling. It
seems that you are taking the 'thinking outside the box' (TOTB) metaphor much






Aug 12, 2015 - 10 min - Uploaded by Energy GroupIn this video you will get help
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UpdateStar is compatible with Windows platforms. UpdateStar has been tested to
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Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, 2008, and Windows XP,
32 bit and 64 bit editions. Simply double-click the downloaded file to install
it. UpdateStar Free and UpdateStar Premium come with the same installer.
UpdateStar includes such as English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian

You can choose your language settings from within the program.






Aug 17, 2012. The.NET Framework is Microsoft's comprehensive and consistent
programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user
experiences, seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range
of business processes. The Microsoft.NET Framework 4 redistributable.

With the release of Windows 8.1, Microsoft has also released.NET Framework 4.5.1
and Visual Studio 2013. If you have already installed Windows 8.1,.NET Framework
4.5.1 will come pre-installed with it.

So you will not need to update the framework..NET Framework 4.5 comes installed
with Windows 8. If you are using Windows 8, you will have version 4.5 installed.
You can download the latest version from below and install it in Windows 8.
System requirements for.NET Framework 4.5.1 include the following: A minimum
free space of 850 MB for 32-bit Windows and 2 GB for 64-bit Windows is required
for installation. Supported Operating Systems include Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1,
Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2. There are two types of installers
available for.NET Framework 4.5.1 installation. The web installer will download
the components during installation while the offline installer will download the
complete installation which doesn’t need to connect to the Internet for further

According to Microsoft: The Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5.1 is a highly
compatible, in-place update to the Microsoft.NET Framework 4 and the
Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5. The offline package can be used in situations where
the web installer cannot be used due to lack of internet connectivity. Some
known issues with.NET Framework 4.5.1 are given in. New features of.NET
Framework are: • Performance and reliability improvements • The ability to
suspend and resume operations in the ASP.NET page framework • The ability to
compact large object heaps on-demand • 64-bit Edit and Continue controls • The
ability to trace and sample activities • Improvements that make SQL connections
more resilient • The ability to manage return values Installing.NET Framework
4.5.1 is quite easy. Just download and save the installer from the link below
and run the setup file. If you want to deploy it to multiple computers, you may
want to read about. For all other languages, you may, select your language and
press the download button.

Must Read Articles: • • • • •.






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On the author's blog!




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