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We're looking forward to your stay. Here are your reservation details.

Your Reservation

Confirmation # : 23668011

avid hotels
Boston Logan Airport - Revere
405 American Legion Hwy
Revere, Massachusetts 02151
United States
Reservations0800 181 3885
Front Desk1-781-289


FRI AUG 27 2021

FRIDAY AUG 27 2021

3:00 PM


SUN AUG 29 2021

SUNDAY AUG 29 2021

11:00 AM

Minimum Check-In Age
2 Nights
2 1
Military Appreciation Leisure Rate
Hide Rate Detailsicon_contract_2
Your Rate
Special rate for U.S. and Canadian active duty, veterans, retired military, and
family members with valid id. Offer is for leisure travel only and valid
military or veterans id is required upon check-in.
Itemized nightly rates, taxes, and fees for 1 room
152.10 USD
161.10 USD
Price for 1 room(s) and 2 night(s):
313.20 USD
36.65 USD
Estimated Total Price:
349.85 USD

Description of Taxes and Additional Charges
11.7% per night not included in rate effective 27 August, 2021 thru 29 August,

Other Charges
The following fees will be added to your bill only if they apply to your stay
Pet Fee:
100.00 USD
Military Appreciation Leisure Rate
Average Nightly Rate
156.60 USD per room, per night.
Maximum # of Persons per Room Allowed
4 persons max
Rate Rules
Check-in time: 3:00 PM
Check-out time: 11:00 AM
Parking is complimentary for overnight guests. We do offer park, sleep, fly
packages as well.
Pet Policy
Our Pet Fee is 50 for 1 night or 75 for 2 or more nights. Pets should not be
left loose and unattended in guestrooms. It is the expectation of the hotel that
owners monitor their pets at all times for the safety and convenience of all our
Average Est Room Total Per Night:
156.60 USD
Estimated Total :
349.85 USD
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Save and get fast rewards on every rental
Hertz rentals come with:
 * Special Savings
 * 1,500 IHG Rewards Club points, plus
 * 500 points per day for Elite members
 * 125 points per day for Club members

Dollar and Thrifty rentals come with:
 * Everyday savings
 * 125 IHG Rewards Club points per day for all members

Cancellation Policy

Canceling your reservation or failing to show will result in a charge for the
first night per room to your credit card or other guaranteed payment method.
Taxes may apply. Failing to call or show before check-out time after the first
night of a reservation will result in cancellation of the remainder of your


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Please Note

As exchange rates may fluctuate from the time a reservation is made until the
actual stay, the confirmed rate is guaranteed in the hotel's base currency.

‡ As taxes and additional charges may fluctuate from the time a reservation is
made until the actual stay and during the actual stay, the Total Price is an
estimate. Estimated price includes Room rate, Extra person charges, additional
charges, Total tax and Total hotel charges. Additional charges are
hotel-specific. Other hotel-specific charges may also apply. Check with hotel
for details.

Only the reservation as entered into and confirmed by our system will be
honored. Any written or printed confirmation that has been altered may be
rejected by the hotel.




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browser window. Selecting will reload the InterContinental Hotels & Resorts
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Selecting will reload the HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts website in this browser
window. Selecting will reload the HUALUXE Hotels & Resorts website in this
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window. Selecting will reload the Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts website in this
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Selecting will reload the EVEN Hotels website in this browser window. Selecting
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Selecting will reload the Holiday Inn Express Hotels website in this browser
window. Selecting will reload the Holiday Inn Express Hotels website in this
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Selecting will reload the Holiday Inn website in this browser window. Selecting
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Selecting will reload the avid hotels website in this browser window. Selecting
will reload the avid hotels website in this browser window.
Selecting will load the Atwell Suites website in a new browser window. Selecting
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Selecting will reload the Staybridge Suites website in this browser window.
Selecting will reload the Staybridge Suites website in this browser window.
Selecting will reload the Holiday Inn Club Vacations website in this browser
window. Selecting will reload the Holiday Inn Club Vacations website in this
browser window.
Selecting will reload the Candlewood Suites website in this browser window.
Selecting will reload the Candlewood Suites website in this browser window.
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