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Submission: On April 26 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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* Privacy Policy * TOS * Ask Question * Contact Us * Home * Ubuntu * Kali Linux * Debian * Fedora * Linux Kernel * Bash HAVE A QUESTION? Ask now! LinuxFixes is a community of Linux developers and users. You can ask Linux related questions or find answers for thousands of questions which have already been answered. When new question is been posted, our volunteer community leaders will search for 100% working solutions on other communities such as Stackoverflow, Reddit, Stack Exchange etc. and tests them personally. Finally the working solution is posted on our website licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0 . You will receive an email notification when your question is been answered. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 2022 [SOLVED] HOW CAN I SEE WHAT PROCESSES ARE RUNNING ON A REMOTE UBUNTU SERVER AND KILL THEM? April 23, 2022 nohup, ssh Issue I started some processes with nohup and they aren't working correctly so I need to find and kill them but I dont know the pid or anything. ... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] WHO DOES THE DAEMONIZING? April 23, 2022 daemon, linux, nohup Issue There are various tricks to daemonize a linux process, i.e. to make a command running after the terminal is closed. nohup is used for this purpose, and... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] NOHUP C++ FSTREAM April 23, 2022 c++, fstream, g++, linux, nohup Issue When i compile the following C++ code with g++ under Linuxit works fine, however when i try to run nohup ./a.out & it stops immediately with... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] NOHUP - PERMISSION DENIED April 23, 2022 nohup, shell Issue I am trying to get a start up script for OrientDB (a database) on Ubuntu to work. This is currently the line that causes... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] DO NOHUP OR DISOWN WORK ON BATCH SCRIPTS? April 23, 2022 linux, nohup Issue I have a file containing 302 commands that start process on our server. Staring them all at once would kill it, so I have a script that pushes one command to the shell, waits for the process... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] UNABLE TO RETRIEVE NOHUP PROCESS USING FG April 23, 2022 nohup, process, ssh, unix Issue I was running a process from terminal in an SSH session and started the process in background with nohup and disconnected. After some time I log back on the... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] BASH SCRIPT RUNS INTO INFINITE LOOP. WHY? April 23, 2022 bash, infinite-loop, nohup Issue This init script shall start a service using nohup with the "start" parameter. All other parameters shall be passed as-is. (Restart is provided for convenience.) #!/bin/sh #... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] NOHUP FOR LOOP OUTPUT NAMING April 23, 2022 bash, nohup Issue I use for loop to use specific tool with the set of files: nohup sh -c 'for i in ~/files/*txt; do ID=`echo ${i} | sed 's/^.*\///'`; ./tool $i && mv output... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] LINUX NOHUP COMMAND NOT WORKING CORRECTLY April 23, 2022 linux, nohup, process, python Issue So I have a startup script that's suppose to run this python script in the background using nohup. And I use nohup because I don't want it to be dependent on if I'm logged in or not. So, it's... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] NOHUP DOESN'T WORK WHEN USED WITH DOUBLE-AMPERSAND (&&) INSTEAD OF SEMICOLON (;) April 23, 2022 bash, nohup Issue I have a script that uses ssh to login to a remote machine, cd to a particular directory, and then start a daemon. The original script looks like... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] KSH SCRIPT WON'T EMAIL WHEN NOHUP April 23, 2022 aix, email, ksh, nohup Issue I have a unique issue, i am in a unix environment and have a ksh script that ssh's to multiple sites, executes some code and then returns a response and then emails that response to an email... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO GET NOHUP PROCCESS ID IN BASH SCRIPT April 23, 2022 bash, nohup, process Issue I have a bash script to run a command via nohup, I need the proccess id in the script. I tried this: #!/bin/bash nohupResult=$((nohup mycommand > nohup.out &)... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO MANAGE NOHUP.OUT FILE IN TORNADO? April 23, 2022 nohup, python, shell, tornado, web-services Issue I built a web service using tornado and it serves days and nights. I used the command to start my service: nohup python my_service.py & The service log is... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] LINUX NOHUP COMMAND WITH REDIRECTION April 23, 2022 io-redirection, jboss7.x, linux, nohup Issue cannot figure out which is the correct way to start jboss EAP 6.1 in RedHat Linux. nohup ./dev/jboss-eap-6.1/bin/standalone.sh 2>&1 < /dev/null... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] BASH SCRIPT NOT OUTPUTTING NOHUP.OUT + JENKINS April 23, 2022 bash, jenkins, nohup Issue I have a bash script that I am calling from a build step in Jenkins. Within this bash script is a nohup command for calling a different script in the background, such... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] FIND A MAXIMUM VALUE FROM THE SECOND COLUMN AND PRINT VALUE FROM THE FIRST COLUMN IN AWK OR BASH April 23, 2022 awk, bash Issue I found a solution how to find a minimum and maximum value in awk awk: find minimum and maximum in... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] MY BASH SCRIPT IS 29 LINE BUT THERE IS AN ERROR IN LINE 30 April 23, 2022 bash, git-bash, syntax-error Issue I'm new in bash, so I was practicing bash and there is an error in line 30. but my script is 29 lines. The error is "./goz.sh: line 30: syntax error: unexpected end of... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO SPEED UP TAIL AND HEAD IN BASH April 23, 2022 bash Issue I have a giant text file called stock_messages that looks like this: H: TSLA A: id1, 100 E: id1, 20 F: id2, 250 ... H: AAPL A: id1, 100 A: id2, 20 E: id1, 80 A:... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW DO YOU RUN A COMMAND FOR EACH LINE OF A FILE? April 23, 2022 bash, line, loops Issue For example, right now I'm using the following to change a couple of files whose Unix paths I wrote to a file: cat file.txt | while read in; do chmod 755 "$in";... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] CALL COMMANDS WITHIN DOCKER CONTAINER April 23, 2022 bash, docker, python Issue I have a docker container where I need to run some commands. Usually, I do this manually by running the following commands: host> docker exec -it my-container... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] EXPAND A BASH VARIABLE, BUT NOT THE VARIABLES IT CONTAINS April 23, 2022 bash, linux, scripting, variable-expansion, variables Issue I need to be able to expand a variable into exactly what is it declaration string is rather than bash expanding other variables in its declaration like it normally... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] MISUSE OF SHELL BUILTINS WHEN ADDING AN SSH KEY USING SSH-ADD April 23, 2022 bash, linux, shell, ssh, ssh-keys Issue I have a script.sh file which checks for loaded SSH agent and adds a key. If I run this script directly, it works but if I run it via some worker it doesn't unless I do... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] PARSING JSON WITH UNIX TOOLS April 23, 2022 bash, json, parsing Issue I'm trying to parse JSON returned from a curl request, like so: curl 'http://twitter.com/users/username.json' | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v k="text"... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] RETRIEVING ENV VAR WITH LEADING SLASH FROM PYTHON IN GIT BASH SHELL ON WINDOWS 10 April 23, 2022 bash, environment-variables, git, python, windows-10 Issue I need to define an env var with a leading slash to be retrieved from within a python Django app running in a git bash shell on Windows 10. The env var gets retrieved incorrectly from... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] SORTING BASH SCRIPT BUG April 23, 2022 bash, script Issue I'm trying to sort certificates by date leaving only the latest one on a separate file. here's an example pki_certs.res input file for an example host with the list of its past... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] SET CLIPBOARD TO IMAGE - PBCOPY April 23, 2022 bash, clipboard, macos, pbcopy Issue How do you set an image as the clipboard with pbcopy? This doesn't work: cat image.png | pbcopy ... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] GETTING "COMMAND NOT FOUND" ERROR WHILE COMPARING TWO STRINGS IN BASH April 23, 2022 bash, compare, if-statement, string, syntax Issue My whole script is currently this: #!/bin/sh clear; blanko=""; # Dummy-Variablen variable=Testvariable; if [[$variable == $blanko]]; then echo... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] IN BASH, HOW CAN I SEARCH AND REPLACE OVER MULTIPLE LINES IN A YAML FILE? April 23, 2022 bash, replace, shell, yaml Issue I’m using bash shell. I have a series of YAML files formatted like so qa: property1: abcdef property2: xyzhijkl … production: I would like to write... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] CYGWIN: COLOR CODING AND BRANCH INFO FOR GIT? April 23, 2022 bash, cygwin, git, git-bash Issue I just recently changed my client from Git Bash to Cygwin but I am missing color coding when I do git status for example and also the bash prompt doesn't include the current... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO EXTRACT JIRA ISSUE TICKET IN BASH SCRIPT? April 23, 2022 bash, git, grep, jira, sed Issue I am trying to atomatize my git commits with bash functions so that they add a text before each commit if they detect that they are on a branch with a jira ticket. For example I am... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO EXPAND BASH ARRAY INTO ARGUMENTS CORRECTLY April 23, 2022 arrays, bash, ffmpeg Issue I'm working on a script on Bash. The objective is pass 36 arguments to a ffmpeg via command. Steps here: I verified the command. This one works... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW DO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION OF GO April 23, 2022 automation, bash, go, shell Issue How can I find the latest version number of Go without knowing what the exact version number is of the latest version? This in order to construct the download url. When release is on... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] WORKING BASH COMMAND BREAKS WHEN IN FUNCTION OR ALIAS April 23, 2022 alias, bash, escaping, shell Issue When I run this command interactively it outputs the expected log name (last modified, per Service name file). # Gets last active service... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] SED COMMAND IS THROWING ERROR : CHAR 80: UNKNOWN COMMAND: `*' April 23, 2022 bash, sed Issue I am trying to replace string in property file using sed command. Property file has below entry com.rs.TestScopeService.resourceScopesA./**={TestAPI} I want to... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] SUDO NOPASSWD NOT REGISTERING/WORKING/SHOWING April 23, 2022 bash, rhel, sudo Issue Sudo version: 1.7.2p1 I have the following (sanitised) lines in my sudoers file (at the end of the file): Runas_Alias GROUPALIASNAME = user1,user2, user3 Cmnd_Alias APP... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO GET DEFAULT DIALLER APP NAME ON MY PHONE WITH TERMUX April 23, 2022 android, bash, termux Issue I have created a bash script which reads notifications with command termux-notification-list i used while loop to read continuously. So when I recieve a call this script will... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] AWK SEARCH CONTENT IF IT CONTAINS CONTENT IN A LIST FILE April 23, 2022 awk, bash Issue I am meeting some difficulties when using AWK to search a huge csv file (this can be called file1). fortunately, I have a list file (this can be called file2). I can just search the rows that... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW DO I MAKE A CURL CALL USING MY APP SCRIPT CODES April 23, 2022 curl, google-apps-script Issue The example code was given to me as this. Sample Call curl --location --request POST 'https://authentication.carfax.ca/oauth/token' \ --header 'Content-Type:... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] DELPHI INDY HTTP.GET WITH CURL RETURNS: UNAUTHORIZED April 23, 2022 curl, delphi, get, http, indy Issue According to the suppliers data i should have: Http type GET Response type: application/json Parameter: Authorization: bearer + Token Curl: curl -X GET... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] WHY DOES CURL NOT WORK, BUT WGET WORKS? April 23, 2022 curl, http, wget Issue I am using both curl and wget to get this url: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/19/118675/ For curl,... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] PHP / CURL INCOMING WEBHOOK TO MS TEAMS DOESN'T WORK ALL OF THE TIME April 23, 2022 curl, microsoft-teams, php Issue I am using an incoming webhook on a web app to post some data to teams. I got this working in CURL after looking up some implementation methods, but it should be noted I have no experience in... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] BEARER TOKEN AS VARIABLE IN CURL April 23, 2022 curl Issue I'm trying to pass variable for bearer token, I fail do forge my request. Basically if I add the token manually it works. curl ... --header "Authorization: Bearer... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] UNABLE TO CURL A VARIABLE THAT CONTAINS URL OF GIF April 23, 2022 curl, jq, linux Issue #! /bin/bash key=LIVDSRZULELA #key provided by tenor url="https://g.tenor.com/v1/search?q=$1&key=$key&limit=$2" #search key and total results will be given by... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] GENERATING A SESSION KEY IN WINDOWS 10 April 23, 2022 curl, windows Issue I am a noob at all this and I am trying to run a Linux curl command in Windows 10 to generate session key. The following is the command in Linux. curl -H "Content-Type:... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HUGGING FACE WHOAMI ENDPOINT RETURNS UNAUTHORIZED April 23, 2022 curl, huggingface-transformers Issue Can't make /whoami endpoint of hugging face API work. I'm using curl and pass a token that I've got from the UI in the Authorization... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] PUTTING A CURL COMMAND INTO A R SCRIPT AND CAPTURING THE OUTPUT TO A VARIABLE April 23, 2022 curl, httr, r, rcurl Issue I would need to use the following bash command (or equivalent) into a R script. ideally, I would need to capture the output into a variable curl -LH "Accept: text/bibliography;... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] ADAPT MULTIPART/FORM-DATA REQUEST TO CURL WITH IMAGE AND JSON IN THE SAME REQUEST April 23, 2022 bash, curl, multipartform-data Issue I need to rewrite this curl request extracted from the browser to execute it from bash, it is a multipart/form-data that combines the upload of an image together with a json in the same... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] OBTAINING AN ACCESS TOKEN VIA CURL April 23, 2022 curl, keycloak Issue Simple question: Why does the following code work... (it returns the access token just fine) curl --data... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] HOW TO DECLARE VARIABLE FROM CURL PHP April 23, 2022 curl, php Issue I have an cURL file that will return an array like below and I wonder how can I declare the variable of [data]=>[id].I tried like $decoded.data or $decoded.[data] but it does not... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg [SOLVED] GOOGLE'S CHANGE OF FAVICON SERVICE April 23, 2022 curl, favicon, wget Issue For a long time you could get the favicon of every site from a public Google link, it had the format <a href="https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=stackoverflow.com" rel="nofollow... Read More * Share This: * Facebook * Twitter * Google+ * Stumble * Digg Older Posts Home POPULAR POSTS * [SOLVED] Difference between starting a background process in BASHRC vs Command Line Issue I am trying to background a process automatically. nohup program > /tmp/program... * [SOLVED] resize2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open Issue I am trying to resize a logical volume on CentOS7 but am running into the following ... * [SOLVED] github: server certificate verification failed Issue I just created a github account and a repository therein, but when trying to create ... * [SOLVED] Supervisor no such file socket.py Issue I am trying to setup a queue listener for laravel and cannot seem to get supervisor ... * [SOLVED] apt-get update' returned a non-zero code: 100 Issue I am trying to create a docker image from my docker file which has the following con... * [SOLVED] SSH "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer" Issue The setup: Raspberry 3B running Raspbian Stretch 9 on an external HDD and using Z... * [SOLVED] How to make alive nohup process? Issue I am using the nohup command with... * [SOLVED] Docker: Temporary failure resolving 'deb.debian.org' Issue I have a Rails application that I want to deploy using Docker on an Ubuntu server... * [SOLVED] How do I fix the npm error EACCES: permission denied? Issue I tried to start a project with installing npm install -g pnpm as a requirement and... * [SOLVED] Error when installing another ruby version using rvm Issue I am trying to install ruby 1.9.3 but I am getting this error. ✘ sushant@sushant-... LABELS .a .bash-profile .htaccess .htpasswd .net .net-5 .net-core .net-core-3.1 .net-standard-2.0 .so 128-bit 1wire 32-bit 32bit-64bit 3scale 4d-database 4g 64-bit 68000 777 7zip 8051 abi abstract-syntax-tree access-control access-log access-point account accounts ack acl acpi actionscript-3 active-directory activemq activemq-artemis activetcl actix-web ad-hoc-network adafruit adafruit-circuitpython adb adc add add-custom-command add-custom-target add-type addhandler address-sanitizer address-space adhoc admob adobe-indesign adonis.js adoptopenjdk ads adt aes aes-gcm airflow airflow-2.x airflow-scheduler airplay aix ajax alexa-voice-service algorithm algorithmic-trading alias alloca allocation allure alphabetical-sort alpine alsa amadeus amazon amazon-ami amazon-api-gateway amazon-cloudformation amazon-cloudfront amazon-cloudwatch amazon-cognito amazon-data-pipeline amazon-dynamodb amazon-ebs amazon-ec2 amazon-ecr amazon-ecs amazon-efs amazon-eks amazon-elastic-beanstalk amazon-elasticache amazon-elb amazon-emr amazon-glacier amazon-iam amazon-lightsail amazon-linux amazon-linux-2 amazon-neptune amazon-policy amazon-rds amazon-route53 amazon-s3 amazon-sagemaker amazon-ses amazon-sns amazon-sqs amazon-vpc amazon-web-services ambari ambiguous american-fuzzy-lop ampersand amq amqp anaconda anaconda3 analyzer android android-10.0 android-11 android-9.0-pie android-automotive android-binder android-build-flavors android-emulator android-external-storage android-gradle-plugin android-kernel android-layout android-ndk android-permissions android-source android-studio android-studio-2.2 android-things android.mk angular angular-cli angular-fullstack angular-meteor angular10 angularjs annotation-processing annotations anonymous-function ansi ansible ansible-2.x ansible-awx ansible-facts ansible-inventory ansible-module ansible-playbook ant antivirus antlr3 anylogic aop apache apache-airflow apache-arrow apache-camel apache-config apache-felix apache-kafka apache-kafka-connect apache-modules apache-nifi apache-poi apache-pulsar apache-spark apache-storm apache-superset apache-tika apache-zeppelin apache-zookeeper apache2 apache2.2 apache2.4 apc apdu apertium api api-gateway api-management api-manager apk apktool appcode appdata append appharbor apple-m1 apple-silicon applescript application-server apscheduler apt apt-get apt-key aptana aptana3 aptitude arabic arch architecture archive archlinux archlinux-arm arduino arduino-ultra-sonic arduino-uno argc argo-workflows argocd argoproj args arguments argv arm arm64 armbian armcc armv7 armv8 aro arp arraylist arrays arrow-keys artifactory artifacts asadmin ascii asdf ash aslr asp.net asp.net-core asp.net-core-5.0 asp.net-core-mvc asp.net-core-webapi asp.net-mvc asp.net-mvc-4 asp.net-web-api asp.net5 aspectj assembly assert assertion assimp associative associative-array asterisk async-await asynchronous at-job at-utility atlas atlassian-sourcetree atmega32 atmel atom-editor atomic att attributes audio audio-fingerprinting audio-recording audio-streaming auth-socket auth0 authentication authorization authorize authorized-keys auto auto-update auto-vectorization autocomplete autoconf autodiff automake automated-tests automation automator automl autoscaling autostart autotools avahi availability-zone avconv avd avr avr-gcc avx avx2 avx512 awesome-wm awk aws-amplify aws-amplify-cli aws-api-gateway aws-application-load-balancer aws-auto-scaling aws-automation aws-batch aws-billing aws-cdk aws-certificate-manager aws-cli aws-code-deploy aws-codecommit aws-codepipeline aws-data-pipeline aws-ec2 aws-ec2-instance-connect aws-elb aws-event-bridge aws-fargate aws-iot aws-iot-greengrass aws-kms aws-lambda aws-load-balancer aws-nacl aws-nat-gateway aws-networking aws-permissions aws-policies aws-powershell aws-sam aws-sdk aws-secrets-manager aws-security-group aws-session-manager aws-ssm aws-step-functions aws-systems-manager aws-transfer-family aws-vpc aws-vpc-peering aws-xray awsdeploy axios azure azure-ad-graph-api azure-aks azure-batch azure-blob-storage azure-cli azure-cli2 azure-devops azure-functions azure-iot-central azure-iot-edge azure-iot-hub azure-iot-hub-device-management azure-iot-sdk azure-linux azure-monitoring azure-pipelines azure-pipelines-build-task azure-sql-managed-instance azure-storage azure-synapse azure-vm azure-vm-scale-set azure-web-app-service azure-web-roles azure-webjobs azureshell backend background background-color background-process background-task backgroundworker backreference backtrace backup bamboo bandwidth banner barcode-scanner bare-metal baresip barrier base base64 basename bash bash-completion bash-trap bash4 basic-authentication bastion-host batch-file batch-rename batterylevel bazel bc bcc-bpf bcd bcmath bcrypt beacon beagle beagleboneblack beautifulsoup beaver beef benchmarking berkeley-db better-sqlite3 between bigdata bigint biginteger bigrquery bigtop billing bin binance binance-api-client binary binary-data binaryfiles binascii bind binutils bioinformatics bios bisect bison bit bit-manipulation bitbake bitbucket bitbucket-api bitbucket-pipelines bitbucket-server bitcoin bitmap-index bitnami bitwise-operators blacklist blas blast blazor blazor-server-side bleno blkid block blockchain blocked blocking bluespec bluestacks bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez bokeh boofcv boolean boolean-operations boost boost-asio boost-filesystem boost-json boost-python boost-test boost.test boot boot2docker bootable bootloader bootstrapping boto boto3 botocore bots bower bower-install box2d bpf bpython brace-expansion brackets branch-prediction brew-framework brk broken-pipe brownie browser brute-force bsd btle bubble-sort buffer buffer-overflow bufferedreader buffering bug-reporting build build-automation build-dependencies build-process build-rules build-system build-target buildbot buildconfiguration buildout buildozer buildpack buildroot buildx built-in bullmq bullseye bundle bundle-identifier bundler bus-error business-intelligence busybox button bytestream bz2 bzip2 c c-preprocessor c-standard-library c# c++ c++-concepts c++-modules c++11 c++14 c++17 c++20 c11 c89 c99 ca cabal cache-control caching cacti caddy cadvisor caffe cairo cakephp cakephp-3.4 cakephp-3.x calc calculator callback calling-convention calloc callstack camelcasing camera can-bus capacity capistrano captiveportal capture capture-group carmen carriage-return casadi case case-insensitive cassandra cassandra-2.2 cassandra-3.0 casting cat catalina.out catch-unit-test catch2 catkin cc ccache cd cd-rom cdi cdr ceedling ceil celery celerybeat centos centos-6.9 centos5 centos6 centos6.5 centos7 centos8 ceph ceres-solver certbot certificate cfengine cflags cgal cgi cgi-bin cgo cgroups chain-of-responsibility chalice char character character-encoding chardev charmap chat chatbot checkinstall checksum chef-infra chef-recipe cherokee cherrypy chez-scheme chgrp chmod chown chromium chrony chroot chunking cicd cidr cinnamon circular-dependency cisco cjk ckan cl clair clang clang-static-analyzer clang-tidy clang++ class classnotfoundexception classpath clean-urls clickhouse client client-server clion clipboard clojure clone cloud cloud-foundry cloud-init cloud9-ide cloudcaptain cloudera cloudera-cdh cloudflare cloudways cluster-computing cmake cmake-cache cmake-format cmake-gui cmake-language cmake-modules cmake-presets cmakelists-options cmath cmd cmder cmp cmusphinx cname coala code-analysis code-coverage code-generation code-injection code-server code-signing code-snippets codeblocks codec codeigniter codeigniter-3 codelite codesourcery coinbase-api collation collect colon color-scheme colors columnsorting com comma command command-line command-line-arguments command-line-interface command-prompt command-substitution comments commit commit-message common-lisp communication compare comparison compass compatibility compilation compiler-bug compiler-construction compiler-errors compiler-explorer compiler-flags compiler-optimization compiler-options compiler-warnings composer-php compression computational-geometry compute-capability computer-science computer-vision conan concatenation concurrency conda conda-build condition-variable conditional-compilation conditional-operator conditional-statements condor config configparser configuration configuration-files configure conflict confluence confluent-platform conky connect connection connection-pooling connection-reset connection-string connection-timeout connector conntrack consistency console console-application constants constexpr constraints constructor containerd containers content-security-policy content-type contiguous continuous-deployment continuous-integration controller controls conventions converters cookbook cookiecutter-django cookies copy copy-elision copy-on-write copy-paste copy-webpack-plugin copying coq corda core coreclr coredns coredump coreference-resolution coreos corosync corretto cors cortex-m coturn 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makefile malloc malware malware-detection mamp manifest manjaro manpage manual map-files mapnik marathon mariadb mariadb-10.3 mariadb-10.5 mariadb-connector-c mariasql markdown marketo marklogic massif master-slave match mate-desktop math matlab matplotlib matrix matrix-multiplication matrix-synapse mattermost maui mautic maven maven-2 maven-3 maven-assembly-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin maven-profiles maven-war-plugin mawk max maximo maxlength maya-api mbox mbr mbstring mcrypt md5 mean-stack measure mediawiki meego meld member-function-pointers membership memcached memory memory-access memory-address memory-alignment memory-barriers memory-leaks memory-management memory-mapping memory-model memory-pressure memory-segmentation mencoder mercurial merge mesh mesh-network mesibo meson-build mesos message message-queue messagebird messenger meta-raspberrypi metacharacters metadata metallb metaprogramming metasploit meteor methods micro-optimization microbenchmark microchip microcontroller 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real-time real-time-updates realsense reboot recaptcha recipe recover recovery recursion recycle-bin red-zone reddit redeclare redhat redhat-bpm redhat-brms redhat-containers redhat-dts redhat-openjdk redirect redis redis-cli redis-server redmine reference refinerycms reformat reformatting regex regex-greedy regex-group regex-lookarounds registry reinstall relational-operators release release-mode reload relocation remote-access remote-control remote-debugging remote-desktop remote-repository remote-server rename renaming rendering repeat replace replication repo repository request request-headers request-uri requirements requirements.txt requires reset resize resolution resource-files resources response rest rest-client restart restbed restore restriction restsharp resume-download rethinkdb return return-value return-value-optimization reverse-engineering reverse-proxy rfb-protocol rfcomm rfid rgb rgdal rhel rhel5 rhel6 rhel7 rhel8 rider rights riot riot-os ripgrep riscv riscv32 rlang rm robo3t robocup robot robotframework robotics rocksdb roles rollback root root-certificate rootfs ros ros2 rotation routes routing row rpa rpath rpc rpm rpm-maven-plugin rpm-spec rpmbuild rpy2 rrdtool rs485 rsa rscript rstudio rstudio-server rsync rsyslog rtai rtl-sdr rtos rtp rtsp rtti rtweet ruamel.yaml ruby ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-2 ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-3.1 ruby-on-rails-4 ruby-on-rails-5 rubygems rules rundeck runlevel runner runpy runtime runtime-error rust rust-actix rust-cargo rust-tokio rvm rxtx ryu s3cmd s3fs safari safety-critical sails.js salt salt-stack samba same-origin-policy samesite samtools sane sapui5 sar sass satchmo save sbatch sbcl sbrk sbt scala scala-script scanf scanning scapy schannel sched-deadline schedule scheduled-tasks scheduler scheduling scheme scikit-learn scip scipy scons scope scp scrape scrapy scrapyd screen screen-scraping screensaver screenshot script scripting scriptlet scylla sd-card sdiff sdk sdl sdl-2 sdn sdp search search-guard search-path seccomp secretsmanager sections security sed segment segmentation-fault select select-string selection selectize.js selenium selenium-chromedriver selenium-grid selenium-webdriver selenium-webdriver-python self-hosting selinux semaphore send sendgrid sendmail sensors sentry separator sequelize.js sequence sequential serial-communication serial-port serialization server server-migration server-response serverless serverless-framework service service-accounts servicenow-rest-api servicestack servlets servo session session-0-isolation session-cookies set setuid setup-deployment setup.py setuptools sfinae sfml sftp sh sha sha1 sha256 shader shadow shared shared-directory shared-libraries shared-memory shared-objects sharepoint sharpssh shebang shell shell-exec shellcheck shellcode shellexecute shellshock-bash-bug shelve shift shiny shiny-server shinywidgets shopify shopt shopware shortcut shred sid side-effects sidebar siege sift sigaction signal-handling signalr signals signature signed silverstripe simd simplicity-studio simulation simulator single-page-application single-sign-on singularity-container sitemap siteminder size skb skip skype slab slack slack-api slackware slapd slash sleep slideshow slim slurm smartcard smartcontracts smbus smp sms smtp snakemake snap snapcraft snappy snapshot sni snmp snmpd snort soap soapui soc socat socket.io socketcan sockets socketserver socks softirq software-collections software-distribution software-packaging solaris solaris-10 solid-state-drive solidity solr solrcloud sonarqube sonarqube-msbuild-runner sonarqube-ops sonarqube-web sonarscanner sonic-pi sorting sox spacemacs spaces spacing spack spacy spam spark-streaming sparkpost sparkr spdlog special-characters specifications speech-recognition sphinx spi spin spinlock splash-screen splice split splunk spotify spring spring-batch spring-boot spring-boot-maven-plugin spring-mvc spring-resttemplate spring-tool-suite spyder sql sql-insert sql-order-by sql-server sql-server-2019 sqlalchemy sqlcmd sqlite sqlmap sqlplus sqlsrv squid ss sse sse2 ssh ssh-agent ssh-keygen ssh-keys ssh-tunnel ssh.net ssh2 sshd sshfs sshj sshpass ssis ssl ssl-certificate ssm stack stack-memory stack-overflow stack-pointer stack-smash stack-trace stackexchange-api stage standards standards-compliance start-stop-daemon startapp startswith startup startupscript stat static static-analysis static-ip-address static-libraries static-linking statistics statsmodels status stb-image std std-filesystem std-function std-ranges std-variant stdatomic stderr stdin stdio stdout stdvector steam stl stm32 stm32f4 storage strace strcpy strdup stream streaming streamlit stress-ng stress-testing stretch strict-aliasing string string-concatenation string-interpolation string-literals string-matching string-search string-split string-view string.h stringi strip stripe-payments stripe.net strtol strtoull struct structured-bindings stty stun styles su subdirectory subdomain sublimetext sublimetext2 sublimetext3 subnet subprocess subset subshell subst substitution substring sudo sudoers suid sum sumo sundials sunos sunrpc supercollider supercomputers supervisord suppress-warnings surf suse sveltekit svn svn-client svn2git swagger swagger-php swagger-ui swap swift swiftlint swig swing swirl switch-statement swt symbols symfony symfony-1.4 symfony-2.8 symfony1 symfony4 symfony5 symlink symmetric synchronization synology syntax syntax-error syntax-highlighting synthesizer sys sysadmin sysctl sysfs syslog syslog-ng system system-administration system-calls system-error system-information system-monitoring system-shutdown system-tray system.numerics systemctl systemd systemd-nspawn systems-programming systemtap systemtime sysv tab-completion tableau-api tabs tac tags tail tail-recursion tango-controls tar target task taurus tbb tcl tcp tcp-ip tcpdump tcsh td-agent tdbc tdm-mingw teamcity teamviewer tee teensy telegraf telegram telegram-bot telepot telethon telnet temperature template-meta-programming templates templating temporary temporary-files tensorboard tensorflow tensorflow-lite tensorflow2.0 terminal terminal-emulator terminator terminology termios termux terraform terraform-provider-aws terraform0.12+ tesseract test-command test-coverage testing tex tex-live texas-instruments text text-capture text-cursor text-editor text-extraction text-files text-formatting text-parsing text-processing text-to-speech textwrangler theano-cuda themes thin-client thingsboard thinking-sphinx thonny thread-local-storage thread-safety thread-sanitizer thunar tibble ticker tidyverse time time-format time-to-first-byte time.h timedelta timeout timer timer-trigger timestamp timezone timezone-offset timing tinkerpop tinkerpop3 tinyproxy tipc tizen tk tkinter tlb tls1.2 tmp tmpfs tmux tnsnames toctree token tomcat tomcat7 tomcat8 tomcat8.5 tomcat9 toml toolbar toolchain top-command torch torchvision tornado tortoisegit tortoisehg tortoisesvn touchpad touchscreen tox tpm tput tr trace tracker traffic tramp transactions translation transpose travis-ci trayicon tree trepan triggers trino truncate trust-zone trusted-computing tsc ttk tty tunnel tunneling turn turnkeylinux.org turtle-graphics tweepy twiki twilio twilio-api twisted twitch twitter twos-complement txt type-conversion type-deduction type-punning typedef typeerror typeid typeof typeorm types typesafe-activator typescript typo3 typo3-7.6.x tzdata u-boot uart ubuntu ubuntu-10.04 ubuntu-10.10 ubuntu-11.04 ubuntu-11.10 ubuntu-12.04 ubuntu-13.10 ubuntu-14.04 ubuntu-15.10 ubuntu-16.04 ubuntu-17.04 ubuntu-18.04 ubuntu-19.04 ubuntu-20.04 ubuntu-20.10 ubuntu-21.04 ubuntu-server uclibc udev udp uefi ufw uhd ui5-language-assistant uid ulimit umask umount unattended-upgrade unauthorizedaccessexcepti undefined-behavior undefined-reference undefined-symbol unicode unicorn uninstallation union uniq unique unique-ptr unistd.h unit-testing unix unix-socket unix-text-processing unix-timestamp unixodbc uno-platform unreachable-code unreal-engine4 unset unsigned unspecified-behavior unused-variables unzip updates updating upgrade upload upload-max-filesize uppercase upstart url url-redirection url-rewriting url-routing urlencode urllib urllib3 urxvt usb usb-camera usb-drive usb-flash-drive usb-otg usbserial user-accounts user-data user-input user-interface user-permissions user.config usergroups userspace utc utf-8 utilities uuid uv4l uvicorn uwamp uwp uwsgi v4l2 v8 vaapi vagrant vagrant-provision vagrant-windows vagrantfile vala valgrind validation validation-layers variable-assignment variable-expansion variables variadic-functions variadic-templates varnish varnish-vcl vault vb.net vba vcpkg vcpu vcxproj vector vectorization verbosity vercel verify verilator version version-control versioninfo versioning versions vertex-array-object vesa vfs vhosts vi viber video video-encoding video-streaming vim vimdiff vimeo-api vip virsh virtual virtual-address-space virtual-environment virtual-hosts virtual-machine virtual-memory virtual-webcam virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions virtualenv virtualenv-commands virtualenvwrapper virtualhost virtualization virtualmin visa visibility visual-artifacts visual-c++ visual-studio visual-studio-2008 visual-studio-2010 visual-studio-2015 visual-studio-2017 visual-studio-2017-build-tools visual-studio-2019 visual-studio-2022 visual-studio-code visualization visudo vk vlc vlc-unity vmalloc vmware vmware-fusion vmware-workstation vnc vnc-server vnc-viewer voice void-pointers voip volatile volttron volume volumes vpc vpn vps vscode-debugger vscode-extensions vscode-python vscode-remote vscode-settings vsftpd vsphere vue.js vuejs2 vulkan vundle waf wait waitpid wake-on-lan wamp wampserver wan war warnings watch watchman watir watir-webdriver wav wc wct weak-linking weather weave web web-api-testing web-applications web-crawler web-deployment web-hosting web-scraping web-services web.py web2py web3 web3js webapi webcam webdriver webforms webgl webhooks webkit weblogic webmatrix webmin webobjects webos webpack webpack-hmr webrtc webserver websocket websphere wechat weka wget whenever whenever-capistrano while-loop whitespace whmcs width wifi wifi-direct wikipedia wikipedia-api wildcard wildfly winapi wind-river-workbench windeployqt window window-managers windows windows-10 windows-10-iot-core windows-11 windows-7 windows-7-x64 windows-8 windows-8.1 windows-iot-core-10 windows-runtime windows-server-2008-r2 windows-server-2016 windows-server-2019 windows-store-apps windows-subsystem-for-linux windows-terminal windows-vista windows-xp wine winforms winrm winscp winscp-net winston wireguard wireless wireshark wiringpi wkhtmltopdf woocommerce word word2vec wordpress wordpress-theming workflow working-directory workqueue wpa-supplicant wpf write writing wsdl2java wsgen wsgi wsimport wsl-2 wso2 wso2-am wso2carbon wso2esb wxpython wxwidgets wysihtml5 x11 x11-forwarding x264 x509certificate x86 x86-64 x87 xamarin xamarin.ios xampp xargs xattr xbee xc32 xcb xcode xcode4.2 xcodebuild xdebug xdoc xdp-bpf xen xerces xfce xgboost xhp xhtml xilinx xlrd xlrelease xming xml xml-namespaces xml-parsing xmllint xmlstarlet xonsh xor xorg xpath xquartz xrandr xserver xslt xsp xsp4 xss xtensor xterm xubuntu xv6 xvfb xxd yacc yad yagarto yahoo yaml yaml-cpp yandex-tank yarnpkg yasnippet yaws yii yii2 yii2-advanced-app yii2-basic-app yocto yolo yolov4 youcompleteme youtube youtube-api youtube-data-api youtube-dl youtube-livestreaming-api yq yubico yum z3 zabbix zap zapier zbar zcat zend-framework zend-framework2 zend-framework3 zend-server zephir zephyr-rtos zero-copy zeromq zerossl zfs zgrep zip ziparchive zipline zlib zomato-api zombie-process zoneinfo zos zscaler zsh zsh-completion zshrc zstd zynq Copyright © 2022 Linux Fixes Diese Website verwendet Cookies von Google, um Dienste anzubieten und Zugriffe zu analysieren. 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