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          <h1> DevExpress Privacy Policy </h1>
        <p><strong>Effective Date</strong>: March 4, 2024<br><strong>Last Reviewed</strong>: March 4, 2024 </p>
        <h2> 1. Introduction </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> This Privacy Policy describes how DevExpress collects and uses Personal Data about you through the use of our Websites, and through email, text, and other electronic communications between you and DevExpress. </div>
        <p> Developer Express Inc. (“<strong>DevExpress</strong>” or “<strong>we</strong>”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy. </p>
        <p> This Privacy Policy (our “<strong>Privacy Policy</strong>”) describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the websites
          <a href="https://www.devexpress.com/">https://www.devexpress.com</a>, <a href="https://www.devexpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://js.devexpress.com</a>,
          <a href="https://logify.devexpress.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://logify.devexpress.com</a>, <a href="https://testcafe.devexpress.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://testcafe.devexpress.com</a> (each, a
          “<strong>Website</strong>”) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. </p>
        <p>This policy applies to information we collect:</p>
          <li>on our Websites;</li>
          <li>in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and our Websites (including our technical support services);</li>
        <p>It does not apply to information collected by:</p>
          <li>us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by DevExpress or any third-party; or</li>
          <li>any third party, including through any application or content that may link to or be accessible from or on the Website or with our products.</li>
        <p> Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Websites. By accessing or
          using these Websites, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time (see <a href="#changes">Changes to Our Privacy Policy</a>). Your continued use of these Websites after we make changes is deemed to be
          acceptance of those changes, so please check this Privacy Policy periodically for updates. </p>
        <h2> 2. Data Controller, Data Protection Officer, and Representative </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> DevExpress is the data controller of the Personal Data you provide on the Websites. DevExpress has appointed a Data Protection Officer and representatives in the European Union and the United Kingdom. </div>
        <p> DevExpress is the data controller of your Personal Data. DevExpress has appointed a Data Protection Officer and representatives in the European Union and the United Kingdom in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the
          UK-GDPR. DevExpress, its Data Protection Officer, or its representative may be contacted in any manner set forth below in the “<a href="#contact">Contact Information</a>” Section of this Privacy Policy. </p>
        <h2> 3. Children Under the Age of 18 </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> Our Websites are not intended for children under the age of 18 and children under the age of 18 are not permitted to use our Websites. We will remove any information about a child under the age of 18 if we become aware
          of it. </div>
        <p> Our Websites are not intended for children under 18 years of age. No one under age 18 may provide any information to or on the Websites. We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under 18. If you are under 18, do not
          register on the Websites, make any purchases through the Websites, use any of the interactive or public comment features of our Websites, or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, email
          address, or any screen name or user name you may use. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Data from a child under 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any
          information from or about a child under 18, please contact us in any manner set forth below in the “<a href="#contact">Contact Information</a>” Section of this Privacy Policy. </p><a name="information" class="anchor"></a>
        <h2> 4. Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We collect information different types of information about you, including information that may directly identify you, information that is about you but individually does not personally identify you, and information
          that we combine with information about our other users. This includes information that we collect directly from you or through automated collection technologies. </div>
        <h3> Generally </h3>
        <p>We collect several types of information from and about users of our products and Websites, specifically information:</p>
          <li> by which you may be personally identified, such as name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, credit card information (for payment processing) and any other identifier by which you may be contacted online or offline
            (“<strong>Personal Data</strong>”); </li>
          <li>that is about you but individually does not identify you, such as Website traffic data, location data (through IP address), logs, referring/exit pages, date and time of your visit to our Websites, error information, clickstream data,
            and other communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Websites;</li>
          <li>about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Websites and usage details.</li>
        <p>We collect this information:</p>
          <li>directly from you when you provide it to us;</li>
          <li>automatically as you navigate through the site. Information collected automatically may include usage details (including the number of installations for products you have purchased), IP addresses, and information collected through
            cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies; and</li>
          <li>From third parties, for example, our resellers or your employer.</li>
        <h3> Information You Provide to Us </h3>
        <p>The information we collect on or through our Websites are:</p>
          <li>information that you provide by filling in forms on our Websites. This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our Websites, posting material, or requesting further services (such as technical support). We may
            also ask you for information when you enter a contest, sweepstakes, or promotion sponsored by us, and when you report a problem with our Websites;</li>
          <li>records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you contact us;</li>
          <li>your responses to quizzes and surveys that we might ask you to complete for research purposes;</li>
          <li>details of transactions you carry out through our Websites and of the fulfillment of your orders. You may be required to provide financial information before placing an order through our Websites;</li>
          <li>license key material, if you use any AI Technologies (as defined below); and</li>
          <li>your search queries on the Websites.</li>
        <p>The Personal Data we collect from you is required to enter into a contract with DevExpress, for DevExpress to perform under the contract, to provide you with our products and services, and to provide you with license keys to our products.
          If you refuse to provide such Personal Data or withdraw your consent to our processing of Personal Data, then in some cases we may not be able to enter into the contract or fulfill our obligations to you under it.</p>
        <p> You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter, “<strong>posted</strong>”) on public areas of the Websites or transmitted to other users of the Websites or third parties (collectively, “<strong>User
            Contributions</strong>”). If you consent, your User Contributions may include technical support tickets that you make publicly available to our user community. Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own
          risk. Although we limit access to certain pages, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Websites with whom you may choose to share your User
          Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons. </p>
        <h3> Information We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies </h3>
        <p>As you navigate through and interact with our Websites, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, specifically:</p>
          <li>details of your visits to our Websites, specifically traffic data, location data (through IP addresses), logs, referring/exit pages, date and time of your visit to our Websites, error information, clickstream data, and other
            communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Websites;</li>
          <li>the number of installations for the products you have purchased; and</li>
          <li>Information about your computer and internet connection, specifically your IP address, operating system, and browser type.</li>
        <p> The information we collect automatically may include Personal Data or we may maintain it or associate it with Personal Data we collect in other ways. It helps us to improve our Websites and to deliver a better and more personalized
          service by enabling us to: </p>
          <li>estimate our audience size and usage patterns;</li>
          <li>store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize our Websites according to your individual interests;</li>
          <li>prevent or deter software piracy and protect our intellectual property;</li>
          <li>speed up your searches; and</li>
          <li>recognize you when you use and return to our Websites.</li>
        <h2> 5. Lawful Basis for Processing Your Personal Data </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We have a lawful basis for our processing of your Personal Data, including processing for our legitimate interests (when balanced against your rights and freedoms), to fulfill our obligations to you under a contract
          with you, and required by law, and with your consent. </div>
        <p>If you are in the European Union, or the United Kingdom, the processing of your Personal Data is lawful only if it is permitted under the applicable data protection laws. We have one or more of the following lawful bases for each of our
          processing activities (except when an exception applies as described below):</p>
          <li><strong>Consent</strong>. By using our Websites, you consent to our collection, use, and sharing of your Personal Data as described in this privacy policy. If you do not consent to this privacy policy, please do not use the Websites.
          <li><strong>Legitimate Interests</strong>. We will also process your Personal Data as necessary for our legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests are balanced against your rights and freedoms and we do not process your Personal Data if
            your rights and freedoms outweigh our legitimate interests. Specifically, our legitimate interests are to: facilitate communication between DevExpress and you; detect and correct bugs and to improve our Websites, products, and services;
            safeguard our IT infrastructure and intellectual property; detect and prevent fraud and other crime (including misappropriation of intellectual property); promote and market our business; check your credit and perform risk assessments;
            and develop our product and services. </li>
          <li><strong>To Fulfill Our Obligations to You under our Contract</strong>. We process your Personal Data in order to fulfill our obligations to you pursuant to our contract with you to deliver our goods and services to you. Specifically, we
            use your contact information to provide you with the products, license keys, and support services that you order from us. </li>
          <li><strong>As Required by Law</strong>. We may also process your Personal Data when we are required or permitted to by law; to comply with government inspection, audits, and other valid requests from government or other public authorities;
            to respond to legal process such as subpoenas; or as necessary for us to protect our interests or otherwise pursue our legal rights and remedies (for instance, when necessary to prevent or detect fraud, attacks against our network, or
            other criminal and tortious activities), defend litigation, and manage complaints or claims. </li>
        <h2> 6. Special Categories of Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We generally do not request you provide and do not process any special categories of Personal Data. </div>
        <p>DevExpress does not ask you to provide, and we do not knowingly collect, any special categories of Personal Data from you, such as Personal Data that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, philosophical
          beliefs, or trade unions membership, or the processing of data concerning your health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation or history of criminal convictions.</p>
        <h2> 7. Automated Decision Making </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We generally do not use your Personal Data with any automated decision making processes. </div>
        <p>DevExpress does not use your Personal Data with any automated decision making processes.</p>
        <p>However, your subscription may include access and use of certain features of Websites and other products and services, that may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Learning technologies, including through CodeRush AI
          (collectively, “AI Technologies”). These AI Technologies may, upon command from you, record and transcribe your voice using voice recognition technology, and by using such technology you hereby consent to the recording of your voice and the
          creation and use of a transcript of your speech for the purposes of providing you with access and use of the services provided through the AI Technologies and for any other purposes described in “How We Use Your Information.”</p>
        <p>These products and services utilize technology from other vendors, such as Microsoft and OpenAI. Access to and use of these technologies are currently only provided if you have a subscription with the applicable vendors, and by providing
          us with subscription information, you consent to our disclosure of your Personal Data with the vendors who provide these technologies, which may include the use of your Personal Data for training or other purposes. If you decide to access
          or use any of these AI Technologies, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the privacy notice (and other terms and conditions) for each of these AI Technologies.</p>
        <h2> 8. How We Use Your Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight">
          <p>We use your Personal Data for various purposes described below, including to:</p>
            <li>provide our Websites to you;</li>
            <li>provide you with information you request from us;</li>
            <li>enforce our rights arising from contracts;</li>
            <li>notify you about changes; and</li>
            <li>provide you with notices about your account</li>
        <p>We use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any Personal Data:</p>
          <li>to present our Websites and their contents to you;</li>
          <li>to provide you with information, products (including license keys), or services that you request from us;</li>
          <li>to provide you with information about security advisories regarding the products or services that you have purchased from us;</li>
          <li>to provide you with notices about your account, including expiration and renewal notices, invoices, and receipts;</li>
          <li>to carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection;</li>
          <li>to notify you about changes or updates to our Websites or any products or services you have purchased or that we offer or provide though our Websites;</li>
          <li>to allow you to participate in interactive features on our Websites;</li>
          <li>when necessary to contact you about processing an order or transaction, to contact you through phone or SMS messages;</li>
          <li>in any other way we may describe when you provide the information;</li>
          <li>to fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it; and </li>
          <li>for any other purpose with your consent.</li>
        <p> With your consent, we may also use your information to send you newsletters and contact you about our own goods and services that may be of interest to you, including events and other activities that may be in your area or may be of
          interest to you. If you wish to consent to this use, please check the relevant box located on the form on which we collect your data. Your choices may be found by first navigating to the “My Account” page and then navigating to the
          “Notifications” section on the “Manage Profile” page. If you wish to change your choice, you may do so at any time by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes in this “Notifications” section or by sending us an email stating your request
          to <a href="mailto:clientservices@devexpress.com">clientservices@devexpress.com</a>. For more information, see <a href="#choices">Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information</a>. </p><a name="disclosure" class="anchor"></a>
        <h2> 9. Disclosure of Your Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight">
          <p> We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your Personal Data for purposes other than those outlined in this Privacy Policy. We disclose your Personal Data to a few third parties, including: </p>
            <li>our third-party service providers that we use to support our business, such as our payment processors and hosting providers;</li>
            <li>to a company we merge, acquire, or that buys us, or in the event of change in structure of our company of any form;</li>
            <li>to comply with our legal obligations;</li>
            <li>to enforce our rights; and</li>
            <li>with your consent.</li>
        <p>We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your Personal Data for purposes other than those outlined in this Privacy Policy. However, we may disclose aggregated information about our users, and information that does not identify any
          individual, without restriction.</p>
        <p>We may disclose Personal Data that we collect or you provide as described in this privacy policy:</p>
          <li> to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep Personal Data confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to
            them. Specifically, these entities provide IT and infrastructure support services and payment processing services. Our payment processor is Authorize.net and its privacy policy may be found at
            <a href="https://www.authorize.net/company/privacy" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.authorize.net/company/privacy</a>. </li>
          <li>to a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Developer Express Inc.’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of
            bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Developer Express Inc. about our Websites’ users is among the assets transferred;</li>
          <li>to fulfill the purpose for which you provide it. For example, if you give us a name and/or email address and post in public comments to a page, we will transmit your name and/or email address to anybody who views that comment page;</li>
          <li>for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information; and</li>
          <li>with your consent.</li>
        <p>We may also disclose your Personal Data:</p>
          <li>to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request;</li>
          <li> to enforce or apply our <a href="/aboutus/legal.xml">terms of use</a> and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes; and </li>
          <li>if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Developer Express Inc., our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the
            purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.</li>
        </ul><a name="choices" class="anchor"></a>
        <h2> 10. Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We offer you choices on how you can opt out of our use of tracking technology, disclosure of your Personal Data for third-parties to advertise to you, our advertising to you, and other targeted advertising. </div>
        <p> We do not control the collection and use of your information collected by third parties described above in <a href="#disclosure">Disclosure of Your Information</a>. When possible, these organizations are under contractual obligations to
          use this data only for providing the services to us and to maintain this information strictly confidential. These third parties may, however, aggregate the information they collect with information from their other customers for their own
          purposes. </p>
        <p>In addition, we strive to provide you with choices regarding the Personal Data you provide to us. We have created mechanisms to provide you with control over your Personal Data:</p>
          <li><strong>Promotional Offers from DevExpress</strong>. We will only use your email address to promote our own or third parties’ products and services with your express consent. If you wish to consent to such use, you can check the
            relevant box located on the form on which we collect your Personal Data or otherwise seek such consent. Your choices may be found by first navigating to the “My Account” page and then navigating to the “Notifications” section on the
            “Manage Profile” page. If you wish to change your choice, you may do so at any time by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes in this “Notifications” section or by sending us an email stating your request to
            <a href="mailto:clientservices@devexpress.com">clientservices@devexpress.com</a>. If we have sent you a promotional email, you may unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. This opt out does not apply to
            information provided to DevExpress as a result of a product purchase, support emails, product service experience, security advisory messages (security fixes and updates) for the products you have purchased from us, or other transactions.
        <h2> 11. Your Rights Regarding Your Information and Accessing and Correcting Your Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> You may have certain rights under applicable data protection laws, including the right to access and update your Personal Data, restrict how it is used, transfer certain Personal Data to another controller, withdraw
          your consent at any time, and the right to have us erase certain Personal Data about you. You also have the right to complain to a supervisory authority about our processing of your Personal Data. </div>
        <p>Applicable data protection laws may provide you with certain rights with regards to our processing of your Personal Data.</p>
          <li><strong>Access and Update</strong>. You can review and change your Personal Data by logging into the Websites and visiting the “Manage Profile” section of your “My Account” page. You may also notify us through the contact information
            below or through our Websites’ live chat features of any changes or errors in any Personal Data we have about you to ensure that it is complete, accurate, and as current as possible. We may also not be able to accommodate your request if
            we believe it would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. </li>
          <li><strong>Restrictions</strong>. You have the right to restrict our processing of your Personal Data under certain circumstances. In particular, you can request we restrict our use of it if you contest its accuracy, if the processing of
            your Personal Data is determined to be unlawful, or if we no longer need your Personal Data for processing, but we have retained it as permitted by law. </li>
          <li><strong>Portability</strong>. To the extent the Personal Data you provide DevExpress is processed based on your consent, you have the right to request that we provide you a copy of, or access to, all or part of such Personal Data in
            structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to request that we transmit this Personal Data to another controller, when technically feasible. </li>
          <li><strong>Withdrawal of Consent</strong>. To the extent that our processing of your Personal Data is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time by closing your account. Withdrawing your consent will not, however,
            affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal, and will not affect the lawfulness of our continued processing that is based on any other lawful basis for processing your Personal Data. </li>
          <li><strong>Right to be Forgotten</strong>. You have the right to request that we delete all of your Personal Data. We cannot delete your Personal Data except by also deleting your user account and revoking your licenses, and we will only
            delete your account when we no longer have a lawful basis for processing your Personal Data or after a final determination that your Personal Data was unlawfully processed. We may not accommodate a request to erase information if we
            believe the deletion would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. In all other cases, we will retain your Personal Data as set forth in this policy. In addition, we cannot completely delete your
            Personal Data as some data may rest in previous backups. These will be retained for the periods set forth in our disaster recovery policies. We also cannot delete your User Contributions, however proper access and use of information
            provided on the Websites, including User Contributions, is governed by our <a href="/aboutus/legal.xml">Terms of Use</a>. </li>
          <li><strong>Complaints</strong>. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the applicable supervisory authority in the country you live in, the country you work in, or the country where you believe your rights under applicable data
            protection laws have been violated. However, before doing so, we request that you contact us directly in order to give us an opportunity to work directly with you to resolve any concerns about your privacy. </li>
          <li><strong>How You May Exercise Your Rights</strong>. You may exercise any of the above rights by contacting us through any of the methods below and through the live chat feature of our Websites. If you contact us to exercise any of the
            foregoing rights, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity. We reserve the right to limit or deny your request if you have failed to provide sufficient information to verify your identity or to satisfy our legal
            and business requirements. </li>
        <h2> 12. Do Not Track Signals </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We do not track you over time and across other third-party websites or services and therefore We currently do not honor do-not-track signals that may be sent by some browsers. </div>
        <p> We do not track you over time and across third-party websites or other online services for any purpose. Some web browsers permit you to broadcast a signal to websites and online services indicating a preference that they “do not track”
          your online activities. At this time, we do not honor such signals and we do not modify what information we collect or how we use that information based upon whether such signal is broadcast or received.</p>
        <h2> 13. Data Security </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> Information transmitted over the Internet is not completely secure, but We do our best to protect your Personal Data. You can help protect your Personal Data and other information by keeping your password to our
          Websites confidential. </div>
        <p>We have implemented measures designed to secure your Personal Data from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.</p>
        <p>The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Websites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask
          you not to share your password with anyone. We urge you to be careful about giving out information in public areas of the Websites like message boards. The information you share in public areas may be viewed by any user of the Websites.</p>
        <p>Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data transmitted to our Websites. Any
          transmission of Personal Data is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Websites.</p>
        <h2> 14. Consent to Processing of Personal Data in the United States </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We may process your Personal Data outside of your home country, including to the United States. We only do this when we are legally permitted to do so and when we have appropriate safeguards in place to protect your
          Personal Data. </div>
        <p> If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (“<strong>EEA</strong>”), in order to provide our Websites, products, and services to you, we may send and store your Personal Data outside of the EEA, including to the United States.
          Accordingly, your Personal Data may be transferred outside the country where you reside or are located, including to countries that may not or do not provide an adequate level of protection for your Personal Data. </p>
        <p> Your Personal Data is transferred by DevExpress to another country only if it is required or permitted under applicable data protection law and provided that there are appropriate safeguards in place to protect your Personal Data. By
          using our Websites, you represent that you have read and understood the above and hereby consent to the storage and processing of Personal Data that you provide directly to us on our Websites. To ensure your Personal Data processed by other
          recipients is treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, DevExpress uses Data Processing Agreements between DevExpress and all other recipients of your data that include, where applicable, the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by
          the European Commission (the “<strong>Standard Contractual Clauses</strong>”). The European Commission has determined that the transfer of Personal Data pursuant to the Standard Contractual Clauses provides for an adequate level of
          protection of your Personal Data. Under these Standard Contractual Clauses, you have the same rights as if your data was not transferred to such third party. You may request a copy of the Data Processing Agreement by contacting us through
          the contact methods below. </p>
        <h2> 15. Data Retention Periods </h2>
        <div class="Highlight">
          <p>We retain your Personal Data for as long as you keep your account open. In some instances, we may keep it after you close your account, for example we may keep it:</p>
            <li>on our backup and disaster recovery systems;</li>
            <li>for as long as necessary to protect our legal interests; and</li>
            <li>and to comply with other legal requirements.</li>
        <p>DevExpress will retain your personal data for the entire time that you keep your account open. After you close your account and request your information to be deleted, we may retain your Personal Data:</p>
          <li>for as long as necessary to comply with any legal requirement;</li>
          <li>on our backup and disaster recovery systems in accordance with our backup and disaster recovery policies and procedures;</li>
          <li>for as long as necessary to protect our legal interests or otherwise pursue our legal rights and remedies; and</li>
          <li>for data that has been aggregated or otherwise rendered anonymous in such a manner that you are no longer identifiable, indefinitely.</li>
        </ul><a name="changes" class="anchor"></a>
        <h2> 16. Changes to Our Privacy Policy </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> We will post any changes to our Privacy Policy on our Websites. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we may notify you of such changes through your contact information and invite you to review (and
          accept, if necessary) the changes. </div>
        <p> We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. It is our policy to post any changes we make to our Privacy Policy on this page with a notice that the Privacy Policy has been updated on the Websites’ home page. If we make material changes
          to how we treat our users’ Personal Data, we will notify you by email to the email address specified in your account and through a notice on the Websites’ home page. The date this Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of
          the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting our Websites and this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.</p>
        <a name="contact" class="anchor"></a>
        <h2> 17. Contact Information </h2>
        <div class="Highlight"> You may contact our Data Protection Officer through the contact information below. If you wish to contact us, you must contact both us and our representative through the contact information below or through the
          “Contact Us” page on our Websites. </div>
        <p>If you have any questions, concerns, complaints or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, have any requests related to your Personal Data pursuant to applicable laws, or otherwise need to contact us, you must contact both us and our
          representative in the European Union at the contact information below or through the “Contact” page on our Websites.</p>
        <h3> To Contact DevExpress (Controller) </h3>
        <p> DevExpress <br> 330 N. Brand Blvd<br> Suite 370<br> Glendale, CA 91203<br><a href="mailto:clientservices@devexpress.com">clientservices@devexpress.com</a><br> +1 (818) 844-3383 </p>
        <h3> To Contact Our EU Representative </h3>
        <p>When mailing DataRep as the DevExpress Data Protection Representative in the European Union, please ensure to address requests to ‘DataRep’ and not Developer Express; communications addressed to Developer Express will likely not be
          received. Any BPM number, if quoted, is essential to include.</p>
        <p> DataRep<br> The Cube, Monahan Road<br> Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland<br><img src="/aboutus/i/privacy-email.png" alt="EU Representative Email" width="163" height="21" style="border: none" id="ctl00_ctl00_Content_Content_ctl263"></p>
        <p>See below to contact DevExpress's Representative in the United Kingdom. For all other jurisdictions, please see: </p>
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            <span data-control="ExpandList-Title">Additional Contact Locations throughout the European Union</span>
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                      <td data-caption="Country">Austria</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Belgium</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Place de L'Université 16, Louvain-La-Neuve, Waals Brabant, 1348, Belgium</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Bulgaria</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 132 Mimi Balkanska Str., Sofia, 1540, Bulgaria</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Croatia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Ground &amp; 9th Floor, Hoto Tower, Savska cesta 32, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Cyprus</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Victory House, 205 Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Limassol, 3030, Cyprus</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Czech Republic</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, IQ Ostrava Ground floor, 28. rijna 3346/91, Ostrava-mesto, Moravska, Ostrava, Czech Republic</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Denmark</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Lautruphøj 1-3, Ballerup, 2750, Denmark</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Estonia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 2nd Floor, Tornimae 5, Tallinn, 10145, Estonia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Finland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Luna House, 5.krs, Mannerheimintie 12 B, Helsinki, 00100, Finland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">France</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 72 rue de Lessard, Rouen, 76100, France</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Germany</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 3rd and 4th floor, Altmarkt 10 B/D, Dresden, 01067, Germany</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Greece</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 24 Lagoumitzi str, Athens, 17671, Greece</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Hungary</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, President Centre, Kálmán Imre utca 1, Budapest, 1054, Hungary</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Iceland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Kalkofnsvegur 2, 3rd Floor, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Ireland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Italy</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Viale Giorgio Ribotta 11, Piano 1, Rome, Lazio, 00144, Italy</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Latvia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 4th &amp; 5th floors, 14 Terbatas Street, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Liechtenstein</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Lithuania</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 44A Gedimino Avenue, 01110 Vilnius, Lithuania</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Luxembourg</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, BPM 335368, Banzelt 4 A, 6921, Roodt-sur-Syre, Luxembourg</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Malta</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Tower Business Centre, 2nd floor, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR4013, Malta</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Netherlands</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Cuserstraat 93, Floor 2 and 3, Amsterdam, 1081 CN, Netherlands</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Norway</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, C.J. Hambros Plass 2c, Oslo, 0164, Norway</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Poland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Budynek Fronton ul Kamienna 21, Krakow, 31-403, Poland</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Portugal</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Torre de Monsanto, Rua Afonso Praça 30, 7th floor, Algès, Lisbon, 1495-061, Portugal</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Romania</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, 15 Piaţa Charles de Gaulle, nr. 1-T, Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, 011857, Romania</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Slovakia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Apollo Business Centre II, Block E / 9th floor, 4D Prievozska, Bratislava, 821 09, Slovakia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Slovenia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Trg. Republike 3, Floor 3, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Spain</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, Calle de Manzanares 4, Madrid, 28005, Spain</td>
                      <td data-caption="Country">Sweden</td>
                      <td data-caption="Address">DataRep, S:t Johannesgatan 2, 4th floor, Malmo, SE - 211 46, Sweden</td>
        <h3> To Contact Our UK Representative </h3>
        <p>When mailing DataRep as the DevExpress Data Protection Representative in the United Kingdom, please ensure to address requests to ‘DataRep’ and not Developer Express; communications addressed to Developer Express will likely not be
          received. Any BPM number, if quoted, is essential to include.</p>
        <p> DataRep<br> 107-111 Fleet Street<br> London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom <img src="/aboutus/i/privacy-email.png" alt="UK Representative Email" width="163" height="21" style="border: none" id="ctl00_ctl00_Content_Content_ctl277"></p>
        <h3> To Contact Our Data Protection Officer </h3>
        <p> Emil Mesropian <br> 330 N. Brand Blvd<br> Suite 370<br> Glendale, CA 91203<br> United States of America<br> +1 (818) 844-3383<br><img src="/aboutus/i/data-privacy-email.png" alt="Data Protection Officer Email" width="183" height="21"
            style="border: none" id="ctl00_ctl00_Content_Content_ctl293"></p>
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Terms of UsePrivacy PolicyCalifornia Privacy Disclosure


Effective Date: March 4, 2024
Last Reviewed: March 4, 2024


This Privacy Policy describes how DevExpress collects and uses Personal Data
about you through the use of our Websites, and through email, text, and other
electronic communications between you and DevExpress.

Developer Express Inc. (“DevExpress” or “we”) respect your privacy and are
committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy.

This Privacy Policy (our “Privacy Policy”) describes the types of information we
may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the websites
https://www.devexpress.com, https://js.devexpress.com,
https://logify.devexpress.com, https://testcafe.devexpress.com (each, a
“Website”) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and
disclosing that information.

This policy applies to information we collect:

 * on our Websites;
 * in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and our Websites
   (including our technical support services);

It does not apply to information collected by:

 * us offline or through any other means, including on any other website
   operated by DevExpress or any third-party; or
 * any third party, including through any application or content that may link
   to or be accessible from or on the Website or with our products.

Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices
regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with
our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Websites. By accessing
or using these Websites, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy
may change from time to time (see Changes to Our Privacy Policy). Your continued
use of these Websites after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those
changes, so please check this Privacy Policy periodically for updates.


DevExpress is the data controller of the Personal Data you provide on the
Websites. DevExpress has appointed a Data Protection Officer and representatives
in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

DevExpress is the data controller of your Personal Data. DevExpress has
appointed a Data Protection Officer and representatives in the European Union
and the United Kingdom in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation
and the UK-GDPR. DevExpress, its Data Protection Officer, or its representative
may be contacted in any manner set forth below in the “Contact Information”
Section of this Privacy Policy.


Our Websites are not intended for children under the age of 18 and children
under the age of 18 are not permitted to use our Websites. We will remove any
information about a child under the age of 18 if we become aware of it.

Our Websites are not intended for children under 18 years of age. No one under
age 18 may provide any information to or on the Websites. We do not knowingly
collect Personal Data from children under 18. If you are under 18, do not
register on the Websites, make any purchases through the Websites, use any of
the interactive or public comment features of our Websites, or provide any
information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone
number, email address, or any screen name or user name you may use. If we learn
we have collected or received Personal Data from a child under 18 without
verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you
believe we might have any information from or about a child under 18, please
contact us in any manner set forth below in the “Contact Information” Section of
this Privacy Policy.


We collect information different types of information about you, including
information that may directly identify you, information that is about you but
individually does not personally identify you, and information that we combine
with information about our other users. This includes information that we
collect directly from you or through automated collection technologies.


We collect several types of information from and about users of our products and
Websites, specifically information:

 * by which you may be personally identified, such as name, postal address,
   e-mail address, telephone number, credit card information (for payment
   processing) and any other identifier by which you may be contacted online or
   offline (“Personal Data”);
 * that is about you but individually does not identify you, such as Website
   traffic data, location data (through IP address), logs, referring/exit pages,
   date and time of your visit to our Websites, error information, clickstream
   data, and other communication data and the resources that you access and use
   on the Websites;
 * about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Websites
   and usage details.

We collect this information:

 * directly from you when you provide it to us;
 * automatically as you navigate through the site. Information collected
   automatically may include usage details (including the number of
   installations for products you have purchased), IP addresses, and information
   collected through cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies; and
 * From third parties, for example, our resellers or your employer.


The information we collect on or through our Websites are:

 * information that you provide by filling in forms on our Websites. This
   includes information provided at the time of registering to use our Websites,
   posting material, or requesting further services (such as technical support).
   We may also ask you for information when you enter a contest, sweepstakes, or
   promotion sponsored by us, and when you report a problem with our Websites;
 * records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you
   contact us;
 * your responses to quizzes and surveys that we might ask you to complete for
   research purposes;
 * details of transactions you carry out through our Websites and of the
   fulfillment of your orders. You may be required to provide financial
   information before placing an order through our Websites;
 * license key material, if you use any AI Technologies (as defined below); and
 * your search queries on the Websites.

The Personal Data we collect from you is required to enter into a contract with
DevExpress, for DevExpress to perform under the contract, to provide you with
our products and services, and to provide you with license keys to our products.
If you refuse to provide such Personal Data or withdraw your consent to our
processing of Personal Data, then in some cases we may not be able to enter into
the contract or fulfill our obligations to you under it.

You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter,
“posted”) on public areas of the Websites or transmitted to other users of the
Websites or third parties (collectively, “User Contributions”). If you consent,
your User Contributions may include technical support tickets that you make
publicly available to our user community. Your User Contributions are posted on
and transmitted to others at your own risk. Although we limit access to certain
pages, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.
Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Websites with
whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and
do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized


As you navigate through and interact with our Websites, we may use automatic
data collection technologies to collect certain information about your
equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, specifically:

 * details of your visits to our Websites, specifically traffic data, location
   data (through IP addresses), logs, referring/exit pages, date and time of
   your visit to our Websites, error information, clickstream data, and other
   communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Websites;
 * the number of installations for the products you have purchased; and
 * Information about your computer and internet connection, specifically your IP
   address, operating system, and browser type.

The information we collect automatically may include Personal Data or we may
maintain it or associate it with Personal Data we collect in other ways. It
helps us to improve our Websites and to deliver a better and more personalized
service by enabling us to:

 * estimate our audience size and usage patterns;
 * store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize our
   Websites according to your individual interests;
 * prevent or deter software piracy and protect our intellectual property;
 * speed up your searches; and
 * recognize you when you use and return to our Websites.


We have a lawful basis for our processing of your Personal Data, including
processing for our legitimate interests (when balanced against your rights and
freedoms), to fulfill our obligations to you under a contract with you, and
required by law, and with your consent.

If you are in the European Union, or the United Kingdom, the processing of your
Personal Data is lawful only if it is permitted under the applicable data
protection laws. We have one or more of the following lawful bases for each of
our processing activities (except when an exception applies as described below):

 * Consent. By using our Websites, you consent to our collection, use, and
   sharing of your Personal Data as described in this privacy policy. If you do
   not consent to this privacy policy, please do not use the Websites.
 * Legitimate Interests. We will also process your Personal Data as necessary
   for our legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests are balanced against
   your rights and freedoms and we do not process your Personal Data if your
   rights and freedoms outweigh our legitimate interests. Specifically, our
   legitimate interests are to: facilitate communication between DevExpress and
   you; detect and correct bugs and to improve our Websites, products, and
   services; safeguard our IT infrastructure and intellectual property; detect
   and prevent fraud and other crime (including misappropriation of intellectual
   property); promote and market our business; check your credit and perform
   risk assessments; and develop our product and services.
 * To Fulfill Our Obligations to You under our Contract. We process your
   Personal Data in order to fulfill our obligations to you pursuant to our
   contract with you to deliver our goods and services to you. Specifically, we
   use your contact information to provide you with the products, license keys,
   and support services that you order from us.
 * As Required by Law. We may also process your Personal Data when we are
   required or permitted to by law; to comply with government inspection,
   audits, and other valid requests from government or other public authorities;
   to respond to legal process such as subpoenas; or as necessary for us to
   protect our interests or otherwise pursue our legal rights and remedies (for
   instance, when necessary to prevent or detect fraud, attacks against our
   network, or other criminal and tortious activities), defend litigation, and
   manage complaints or claims.


We generally do not request you provide and do not process any special
categories of Personal Data.

DevExpress does not ask you to provide, and we do not knowingly collect, any
special categories of Personal Data from you, such as Personal Data that reveals
your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, philosophical
beliefs, or trade unions membership, or the processing of data concerning your
health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation or history of
criminal convictions.


We generally do not use your Personal Data with any automated decision making

DevExpress does not use your Personal Data with any automated decision making

However, your subscription may include access and use of certain features of
Websites and other products and services, that may use Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and/or Machine Learning technologies, including through CodeRush AI
(collectively, “AI Technologies”). These AI Technologies may, upon command from
you, record and transcribe your voice using voice recognition technology, and by
using such technology you hereby consent to the recording of your voice and the
creation and use of a transcript of your speech for the purposes of providing
you with access and use of the services provided through the AI Technologies and
for any other purposes described in “How We Use Your Information.”

These products and services utilize technology from other vendors, such as
Microsoft and OpenAI. Access to and use of these technologies are currently only
provided if you have a subscription with the applicable vendors, and by
providing us with subscription information, you consent to our disclosure of
your Personal Data with the vendors who provide these technologies, which may
include the use of your Personal Data for training or other purposes. If you
decide to access or use any of these AI Technologies, you do so entirely at your
own risk and subject to the privacy notice (and other terms and conditions) for
each of these AI Technologies.


We use your Personal Data for various purposes described below, including to:

 * provide our Websites to you;
 * provide you with information you request from us;
 * enforce our rights arising from contracts;
 * notify you about changes; and
 * provide you with notices about your account

We use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us,
including any Personal Data:

 * to present our Websites and their contents to you;
 * to provide you with information, products (including license keys), or
   services that you request from us;
 * to provide you with information about security advisories regarding the
   products or services that you have purchased from us;
 * to provide you with notices about your account, including expiration and
   renewal notices, invoices, and receipts;
 * to carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any
   contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and
 * to notify you about changes or updates to our Websites or any products or
   services you have purchased or that we offer or provide though our Websites;
 * to allow you to participate in interactive features on our Websites;
 * when necessary to contact you about processing an order or transaction, to
   contact you through phone or SMS messages;
 * in any other way we may describe when you provide the information;
 * to fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it; and
 * for any other purpose with your consent.

With your consent, we may also use your information to send you newsletters and
contact you about our own goods and services that may be of interest to you,
including events and other activities that may be in your area or may be of
interest to you. If you wish to consent to this use, please check the relevant
box located on the form on which we collect your data. Your choices may be found
by first navigating to the “My Account” page and then navigating to the
“Notifications” section on the “Manage Profile” page. If you wish to change your
choice, you may do so at any time by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes
in this “Notifications” section or by sending us an email stating your request
to clientservices@devexpress.com. For more information, see Choices About How We
Use and Disclose Your Information.


We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your Personal Data for purposes
other than those outlined in this Privacy Policy. We disclose your Personal Data
to a few third parties, including:

 * our third-party service providers that we use to support our business, such
   as our payment processors and hosting providers;
 * to a company we merge, acquire, or that buys us, or in the event of change in
   structure of our company of any form;
 * to comply with our legal obligations;
 * to enforce our rights; and
 * with your consent.

We do not share, sell, or otherwise disclose your Personal Data for purposes
other than those outlined in this Privacy Policy. However, we may disclose
aggregated information about our users, and information that does not identify
any individual, without restriction.

We may disclose Personal Data that we collect or you provide as described in
this privacy policy:

 * to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support
   our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep Personal
   Data confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it
   to them. Specifically, these entities provide IT and infrastructure support
   services and payment processing services. Our payment processor is
   Authorize.net and its privacy policy may be found at
 * to a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture,
   restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some
   or all of Developer Express Inc.’s assets, whether as a going concern or as
   part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal
   Data held by Developer Express Inc. about our Websites’ users is among the
   assets transferred;
 * to fulfill the purpose for which you provide it. For example, if you give us
   a name and/or email address and post in public comments to a page, we will
   transmit your name and/or email address to anybody who views that comment
 * for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information; and
 * with your consent.

We may also disclose your Personal Data:

 * to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond
   to any government or regulatory request;
 * to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements, including for
   billing and collection purposes; and
 * if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights,
   property, or safety of Developer Express Inc., our customers, or others. This
   includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for
   the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.


We offer you choices on how you can opt out of our use of tracking technology,
disclosure of your Personal Data for third-parties to advertise to you, our
advertising to you, and other targeted advertising.

We do not control the collection and use of your information collected by third
parties described above in Disclosure of Your Information. When possible, these
organizations are under contractual obligations to use this data only for
providing the services to us and to maintain this information strictly
confidential. These third parties may, however, aggregate the information they
collect with information from their other customers for their own purposes.

In addition, we strive to provide you with choices regarding the Personal Data
you provide to us. We have created mechanisms to provide you with control over
your Personal Data:

 * Promotional Offers from DevExpress. We will only use your email address to
   promote our own or third parties’ products and services with your express
   consent. If you wish to consent to such use, you can check the relevant box
   located on the form on which we collect your Personal Data or otherwise seek
   such consent. Your choices may be found by first navigating to the “My
   Account” page and then navigating to the “Notifications” section on the
   “Manage Profile” page. If you wish to change your choice, you may do so at
   any time by checking or unchecking the relevant boxes in this “Notifications”
   section or by sending us an email stating your request to
   clientservices@devexpress.com. If we have sent you a promotional email, you
   may unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
   This opt out does not apply to information provided to DevExpress as a result
   of a product purchase, support emails, product service experience, security
   advisory messages (security fixes and updates) for the products you have
   purchased from us, or other transactions.


You may have certain rights under applicable data protection laws, including the
right to access and update your Personal Data, restrict how it is used, transfer
certain Personal Data to another controller, withdraw your consent at any time,
and the right to have us erase certain Personal Data about you. You also have
the right to complain to a supervisory authority about our processing of your
Personal Data.

Applicable data protection laws may provide you with certain rights with regards
to our processing of your Personal Data.

 * Access and Update. You can review and change your Personal Data by logging
   into the Websites and visiting the “Manage Profile” section of your “My
   Account” page. You may also notify us through the contact information below
   or through our Websites’ live chat features of any changes or errors in any
   Personal Data we have about you to ensure that it is complete, accurate, and
   as current as possible. We may also not be able to accommodate your request
   if we believe it would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the
   information to be incorrect.
 * Restrictions. You have the right to restrict our processing of your Personal
   Data under certain circumstances. In particular, you can request we restrict
   our use of it if you contest its accuracy, if the processing of your Personal
   Data is determined to be unlawful, or if we no longer need your Personal Data
   for processing, but we have retained it as permitted by law.
 * Portability. To the extent the Personal Data you provide DevExpress is
   processed based on your consent, you have the right to request that we
   provide you a copy of, or access to, all or part of such Personal Data in
   structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the
   right to request that we transmit this Personal Data to another controller,
   when technically feasible.
 * Withdrawal of Consent. To the extent that our processing of your Personal
   Data is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time by
   closing your account. Withdrawing your consent will not, however, affect the
   lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal, and
   will not affect the lawfulness of our continued processing that is based on
   any other lawful basis for processing your Personal Data.
 * Right to be Forgotten. You have the right to request that we delete all of
   your Personal Data. We cannot delete your Personal Data except by also
   deleting your user account and revoking your licenses, and we will only
   delete your account when we no longer have a lawful basis for processing your
   Personal Data or after a final determination that your Personal Data was
   unlawfully processed. We may not accommodate a request to erase information
   if we believe the deletion would violate any law or legal requirement or
   cause the information to be incorrect. In all other cases, we will retain
   your Personal Data as set forth in this policy. In addition, we cannot
   completely delete your Personal Data as some data may rest in previous
   backups. These will be retained for the periods set forth in our disaster
   recovery policies. We also cannot delete your User Contributions, however
   proper access and use of information provided on the Websites, including User
   Contributions, is governed by our Terms of Use.
 * Complaints. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the applicable
   supervisory authority in the country you live in, the country you work in, or
   the country where you believe your rights under applicable data protection
   laws have been violated. However, before doing so, we request that you
   contact us directly in order to give us an opportunity to work directly with
   you to resolve any concerns about your privacy.
 * How You May Exercise Your Rights. You may exercise any of the above rights by
   contacting us through any of the methods below and through the live chat
   feature of our Websites. If you contact us to exercise any of the foregoing
   rights, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity. We
   reserve the right to limit or deny your request if you have failed to provide
   sufficient information to verify your identity or to satisfy our legal and
   business requirements.


We do not track you over time and across other third-party websites or services
and therefore We currently do not honor do-not-track signals that may be sent by
some browsers.

We do not track you over time and across third-party websites or other online
services for any purpose. Some web browsers permit you to broadcast a signal to
websites and online services indicating a preference that they “do not track”
your online activities. At this time, we do not honor such signals and we do not
modify what information we collect or how we use that information based upon
whether such signal is broadcast or received.


Information transmitted over the Internet is not completely secure, but We do
our best to protect your Personal Data. You can help protect your Personal Data
and other information by keeping your password to our Websites confidential.

We have implemented measures designed to secure your Personal Data from
accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure.

The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have
given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of
our Websites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask
you not to share your password with anyone. We urge you to be careful about
giving out information in public areas of the Websites like message boards. The
information you share in public areas may be viewed by any user of the Websites.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not
completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your Personal Data, we
cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data transmitted to our Websites.
Any transmission of Personal Data is at your own risk. We are not responsible
for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the


We may process your Personal Data outside of your home country, including to the
United States. We only do this when we are legally permitted to do so and when
we have appropriate safeguards in place to protect your Personal Data.

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), in order to provide
our Websites, products, and services to you, we may send and store your Personal
Data outside of the EEA, including to the United States. Accordingly, your
Personal Data may be transferred outside the country where you reside or are
located, including to countries that may not or do not provide an adequate level
of protection for your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data is transferred by DevExpress to another country only if it is
required or permitted under applicable data protection law and provided that
there are appropriate safeguards in place to protect your Personal Data. By
using our Websites, you represent that you have read and understood the above
and hereby consent to the storage and processing of Personal Data that you
provide directly to us on our Websites. To ensure your Personal Data processed
by other recipients is treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy,
DevExpress uses Data Processing Agreements between DevExpress and all other
recipients of your data that include, where applicable, the Standard Contractual
Clauses adopted by the European Commission (the “Standard Contractual Clauses”).
The European Commission has determined that the transfer of Personal Data
pursuant to the Standard Contractual Clauses provides for an adequate level of
protection of your Personal Data. Under these Standard Contractual Clauses, you
have the same rights as if your data was not transferred to such third party.
You may request a copy of the Data Processing Agreement by contacting us through
the contact methods below.


We retain your Personal Data for as long as you keep your account open. In some
instances, we may keep it after you close your account, for example we may keep

 * on our backup and disaster recovery systems;
 * for as long as necessary to protect our legal interests; and
 * and to comply with other legal requirements.

DevExpress will retain your personal data for the entire time that you keep your
account open. After you close your account and request your information to be
deleted, we may retain your Personal Data:

 * for as long as necessary to comply with any legal requirement;
 * on our backup and disaster recovery systems in accordance with our backup and
   disaster recovery policies and procedures;
 * for as long as necessary to protect our legal interests or otherwise pursue
   our legal rights and remedies; and
 * for data that has been aggregated or otherwise rendered anonymous in such a
   manner that you are no longer identifiable, indefinitely.


We will post any changes to our Privacy Policy on our Websites. If we make
material changes to our Privacy Policy, we may notify you of such changes
through your contact information and invite you to review (and accept, if
necessary) the changes.

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. It is our policy to post any
changes we make to our Privacy Policy on this page with a notice that the
Privacy Policy has been updated on the Websites’ home page. If we make material
changes to how we treat our users’ Personal Data, we will notify you by email to
the email address specified in your account and through a notice on the
Websites’ home page. The date this Privacy Policy was last revised is identified
at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date
active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting our
Websites and this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.


You may contact our Data Protection Officer through the contact information
below. If you wish to contact us, you must contact both us and our
representative through the contact information below or through the “Contact Us”
page on our Websites.

If you have any questions, concerns, complaints or suggestions regarding our
Privacy Policy, have any requests related to your Personal Data pursuant to
applicable laws, or otherwise need to contact us, you must contact both us and
our representative in the European Union at the contact information below or
through the “Contact” page on our Websites.


330 N. Brand Blvd
Suite 370
Glendale, CA 91203
+1 (818) 844-3383


When mailing DataRep as the DevExpress Data Protection Representative in the
European Union, please ensure to address requests to ‘DataRep’ and not Developer
Express; communications addressed to Developer Express will likely not be
received. Any BPM number, if quoted, is essential to include.

The Cube, Monahan Road
Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland

See below to contact DevExpress's Representative in the United Kingdom. For all
other jurisdictions, please see:

Additional Contact Locations throughout the European Union

CountryAddress AustriaDataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz,
8020, Austria BelgiumDataRep, Place de L'Université 16, Louvain-La-Neuve, Waals
Brabant, 1348, Belgium BulgariaDataRep, 132 Mimi Balkanska Str., Sofia, 1540,
Bulgaria CroatiaDataRep, Ground & 9th Floor, Hoto Tower, Savska cesta 32,
Zagreb, 10000, Croatia CyprusDataRep, Victory House, 205 Archbishop Makarios
Avenue, Limassol, 3030, Cyprus Czech RepublicDataRep, IQ Ostrava Ground floor,
28. rijna 3346/91, Ostrava-mesto, Moravska, Ostrava, Czech Republic
DenmarkDataRep, Lautruphøj 1-3, Ballerup, 2750, Denmark EstoniaDataRep, 2nd
Floor, Tornimae 5, Tallinn, 10145, Estonia FinlandDataRep, Luna House, 5.krs,
Mannerheimintie 12 B, Helsinki, 00100, Finland FranceDataRep, 72 rue de Lessard,
Rouen, 76100, France GermanyDataRep, 3rd and 4th floor, Altmarkt 10 B/D,
Dresden, 01067, Germany GreeceDataRep, 24 Lagoumitzi str, Athens, 17671, Greece
HungaryDataRep, President Centre, Kálmán Imre utca 1, Budapest, 1054, Hungary
IcelandDataRep, Kalkofnsvegur 2, 3rd Floor, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
IrelandDataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland
ItalyDataRep, Viale Giorgio Ribotta 11, Piano 1, Rome, Lazio, 00144, Italy
LatviaDataRep, 4th & 5th floors, 14 Terbatas Street, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
LiechtensteinDataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020,
Austria LithuaniaDataRep, 44A Gedimino Avenue, 01110 Vilnius, Lithuania
LuxembourgDataRep, BPM 335368, Banzelt 4 A, 6921, Roodt-sur-Syre, Luxembourg
MaltaDataRep, Tower Business Centre, 2nd floor, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR4013,
Malta NetherlandsDataRep, Cuserstraat 93, Floor 2 and 3, Amsterdam, 1081 CN,
Netherlands NorwayDataRep, C.J. Hambros Plass 2c, Oslo, 0164, Norway
PolandDataRep, Budynek Fronton ul Kamienna 21, Krakow, 31-403, Poland
PortugalDataRep, Torre de Monsanto, Rua Afonso Praça 30, 7th floor, Algès,
Lisbon, 1495-061, Portugal RomaniaDataRep, 15 Piaţa Charles de Gaulle, nr. 1-T,
Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, 011857, Romania SlovakiaDataRep, Apollo Business Centre
II, Block E / 9th floor, 4D Prievozska, Bratislava, 821 09, Slovakia
SloveniaDataRep, Trg. Republike 3, Floor 3, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia
SpainDataRep, Calle de Manzanares 4, Madrid, 28005, Spain SwedenDataRep, S:t
Johannesgatan 2, 4th floor, Malmo, SE - 211 46, Sweden


When mailing DataRep as the DevExpress Data Protection Representative in the
United Kingdom, please ensure to address requests to ‘DataRep’ and not Developer
Express; communications addressed to Developer Express will likely not be
received. Any BPM number, if quoted, is essential to include.

107-111 Fleet Street
London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom


Emil Mesropian
330 N. Brand Blvd
Suite 370
Glendale, CA 91203
United States of America
+1 (818) 844-3383

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