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FRONTIER Search Powered by Yahoo * Skip to Navigation * Skip to Main Content * Skip to Related Content * Sign in * Notifications * Top Story: 'Traumatizing': Man describes kids' escape from deadly store shooting1h * Top Story: Some U.S. Capitol rioters may face sedition charges1d * Mail Sign in to view your mail * Mail * News * Finance * Sports * Frontier * Bill Pay * Help * FTR Mail * More... 2 SPRING BREAKERS RAPED WOMAN WHO LATER DIED: POLICE Two North Carolina men visiting South Beach, Miami, have been arrested and accused of drugging and raping a woman who later died in her hotel room, police say. Also accused of stealing her credit cards » * BOULDER SHOOTING SUSPECT ID'D, FACES 10 MURDER COUNTS * ELLEN HEMORRHAGES VIEWERS AFTER EXPLOSIVE REVELATIONS * FRIGHTENING ACCIDENT ON 'AMERICAN IDOL' SET * HOOPS STAR REACTS TO RACIST INSULTS AFTER TOURNEY LOSS * COUNTRY SINGER TAYLOR DEE DIES AT 33 * Business MarketWatch MY STEPMOTHER GOT NOTHING WHEN MY FATHER DIED, PER THEIR PRENUP. SHE ASKED ME TO BUY HER A HOME. WHAT SHOULD I DO? My stepmother and he signed a prenup where she gets nothing. Because she has nothing, she has asked me, the only child, for some financial assistance. For that reason, I’m glad your stepmother feels like she can come to you, and that you are in a position to help her, and willing to do so. * Celebrity In The Know WOMAN LEFT HORRIFIED AFTER NOTICING RACY REFLECTION IN HER WINE GLASS: 'MY WORST FEAR' She had no idea what she had actually posted on Instagram until someone pointed out the reflection in her wine glass. * Health InsideHook IS MARK WAHLBERG’S BLOOD-RESTRICTION LIFTING HACK ACTUALLY SAFE? I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve programmed yourself to tune out the wacky intricacies of Mark Wahlberg’s fitness regimen. The 49-year-old actor lost a ton of credibility on that front a few years ago, when he posted the most batshit daily routine in modern history. (It’s here, if you need a refresher.) The man claimed […] The post Is Mark Wahlberg’s Blood-Restriction Lifting Hack Actually Safe? appeared first on InsideHook. * Politics HuffPost DONALD TRUMP MAKES STRIKING OMISSION FROM HIS LIST OF 'VERY GOOD' REPUBLICANS The ex-president failed to include a key ally in his list of "very good people" in the GOP. * Lifestyle MarketWatch ‘I FEEL UN-AMERICAN’: I WAS BROKE IN MY 20S, AND LIVE IN FEAR OF DEBT. MY WIFE WANTS TO UPGRADE OUR HOME AND LIFE. WHAT DO I DO? ‘During my 20s, I was broke. I bought my first house and lived alone, stretched to my limits. I had three maxed-out credit cards and lived paycheck to paycheck.’ * Science The Telegraph KEY TO HOW UNIVERSE WORKS MAY HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED The key to understanding how the universe works may have been discovered by scientists at the Large Hadron Collider, in a breakthrough hailed as the most exciting in 20 years. Particle physicists have seen signs that a mystery particle or force is interacting with other particles in a manner never witnessed before. It may explain some of the deepest puzzles in modern physics, such as what dark matter is made from, or why there is an imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe. Currently, scientists understand the universe using The Standard Model, a theory which describes all the known fundamental particles and the forces that they interact with. It sets out the workings of the building blocks of nature: quarks, leptons, force-carrier particles, and the Higgs boson. But the Standard Model breaks down when it comes to explaining crucial issues such as gravity or why the expansion of the universe is accelerating. It also cannot account for dark matter, an invisible substance which makes up 27 per cent of the mass of the universe and is thought to hold galaxies together. * Celebrity In The Know MADONNA ACCUSED OF PHOTOSHOPPING ANOTHER WOMAN'S BODY INTO HER INSTAGRAM POST: 'IT'S SO OBVIOUS' They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The post Woman claims Madonna Photoshopped her head onto her body appeared first on In The Know. * Business MoneyWise THE 5 WORST THINGS PEOPLE ARE DOING WITH STIMULUS CHECKS, SUZE ORMAN SAYS There are absolutely some wrong ways to spend this money, says the personal finance expert * Captions will look like this 10 10 Video Quality Best Better Good Auto More Captions Settings Caption Languages English Closed Captions OFF More Captions Settings Effects Plain Position Bottom Font Size Medium Font Family Helvetica Font Color White Background Color Black Background Transparency 75% ‘I’M NOT PROUD OF IT,’ SAYS FORMER POLICE CHIEF WHO ADMITS TO CHEATING ON HIS WIFE Former Stinnett, Texas Chief of Police Jason Collier was arrested in January 2021 for allegedly falsifying annulment papers. His ex-girlfriend, Cecily, posted a public social media post exposing Jason and spoke out to the media. She says she believed Jason was single until a friend, who was connected on social media both to her and to Jason’s wife, Opal, informed her that he was a married man. “I was completely shocked,” says Cecily. During a news media interview, Cecily claims that after she confronted Jason about being married, he sent her phony documents to convince her that his marriage to Opal had been annulled. She says that when she learned the document was a fake, she posted about it online. Jason resigned from his post with the Stinnett police department. He was later arrested on charges of tampering with a governmental record with the intent to defraud. “I’m not proud of it at all,” says Jason, who admits he cheated on Opal with Cecily, but denies he sent Cecily fake annulment papers. Jason also admits that Cecily wasn’t the only woman he was seeing behind Opal’s back. How many were there? Part one of this two-part Dr. Phil, “The Police Chief, His Wife, And His 6 Girlfriends: The Exclusive Interview,” airs Tuesday. Check your local listing to find out where to watch. TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Outrageous news story in your town? Video Not Available Unfortunately, this video is not available in your region. RS-100-202 News Dr. Phil CBS VIDEO ‘I’M NOT PROUD OF IT,’ SAYS FORMER POLICE CHIEF WHO ADMITS TO CHEATING ON HIS WIFE Former Stinnett, Texas Chief of Police Jason Collier was arrested in January 2021 for allegedly falsifying annulment papers. His ex-girlfriend, Cecily, posted a public social media post exposing Jason and spoke out to the media. She says she believed Jason was single until a friend, who was connected on social media both to her and to Jason’s wife, Opal, informed her that he was a married man. “I was completely shocked,” says Cecily. During a news media interview, Cecily claims that after she confronted Jason about being married, he sent her phony documents to convince her that his marriage to Opal had been annulled. She says that when she learned the document was a fake, she posted about it online. Jason resigned from his post with the Stinnett police department. He was later arrested on charges of tampering with a governmental record with the intent to defraud. “I’m not proud of it at all,” says Jason, who admits he cheated on Opal with Cecily, but denies he sent Cecily fake annulment papers. Jason also admits that Cecily wasn’t the only woman he was seeing behind Opal’s back. How many were there? Part one of this two-part Dr. Phil, “The Police Chief, His Wife, And His 6 Girlfriends: The Exclusive Interview,” airs Tuesday. Check your local listing to find out where to watch. TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Outrageous news story in your town? * World The Telegraph AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT STAFF 'FILMED SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS IN PARLIAMENT AND BROUGHT IN SEX WORKERS FOR MPS' Australia’s national parliament has been hit by another scandal, with reports that government staffers filmed sexual encounters in the building and brought in sex workers to see MP clients. Channel Ten and The Australian newspaper reportedly obtained videos and images of sexual encounters filmed inside Parliament House, involving four Liberal-National staff members. In a statement late on Monday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed one staffer who allegedly committed a lewd act on the desk of a female Liberal MP had been sacked. “The reports aired tonight are disgusting and sickening… It's not good enough and is totally unacceptable,” he said. A number of women who have been political staffers in Canberra have come forward to speak out about the toxic, misogynistic culture in Parliament House. * Celebrity In The Know DAVID DOBRIK ISSUES SECOND APOLOGY AFTER LOSING HORDES OF FANS AND SPONSORS: 'I'VE NEVER DONE THIS CORRECTLY' He addressed serious allegations against former and current members of his friend group. * Sports Yahoo Sports STEVE KERR 'ANGRY' AFTER COMMENTS ON KEVIN DURANT, LAST SEASON'S 15-50 TEAM TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT "But to take that comment and put it into a tweet and send it into the universe was so irresponsible and damaging, and I'm angry." * U.S. Business Insider A POLICE DETECTIVE FILED FOR DIVORCE FROM HIS WIFE AFTER SHE WAS PHOTOGRAPHED WITH ANOTHER MAN AT THE CAPITOL RIOT Jennifer Heinl was charged with several crimes after the riot, including disorderly and disruptive conduct and violent entry. * Celebrity The Root AS BUCKINGHAM PALACE CONSIDERS A 'DIVERSITY TSAR,' NEW DETAILS EMERGE ON ILLEGAL TACTICS USED TO INVADE MEGHAN'S PRIVACY Will the tea ever stop spilling about Meghan Markle and the British monarchy? Admittedly, we in the media likely hope not, since that milkshake continues to bring all the clicks to the yard. But as human beings (and Black ones, at that), it’s been increasingly cringeworthy to cover the growing impasse between the royal family and its first self-identified woman of color. In the immortal words of Lauryn, Lady of the Hill: “It could all be so simple...but you’d rather make it haaaaaard.” * Health The Telegraph WHY SCIENTISTS THINK THIS YEAR WILL BE THE ‘SUMMER OF STIS’ After 12 months of dreary restrictions, it is little wonder that many of us could be cautiously looking forward to a 1960s-style ‘summer of love’ with outdoor parties, live music… and lots of sex. But one of the unfortunate side effects of post-lockdown hedonism is a greater chance of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Experts are particularly worried that a more potent strain of gonorrhoea will take hold this summer. According to the Sexual Health Hub, it is already the second most common STI in the UK, after chlamydia. Although it is most common among the 20-24 age group, with a rate of 269.5 per 100,000 of the population, it can strike at any time in life. And according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the antibiotic azithromycin – which is commonly used to treat chest and sinus infections and has been used over the past year to prevent “confection of hospitalised patients” – has built up a resistance to the bacteria that causes gonorrhoea. The WHO warns that this “super gonorrhoea” could be untreatable, as the use of antibiotics during the pandemic continues to fuel its mutation. Claudia Estcourt from the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), says that although the organisation hasn’t seen azithromycin causing cases of super gonorrhoea yet, she acknowledges that antimicrobial resistance has been “a concern within STI medicine” for many years, “particularly for the bacteria which cause gonorrhoea and for Mycoplasma genitalium (M gen).” She adds that because of reduced numbers of people coming for STI testing in lockdown, the figures for 2020 will show that reported infections have fallen, but they are predicted to rise again in 2021. “This is largely due to the fact we have been unable to test as much as we would have liked, as well as people’s changed (reduced) sexual behaviour. As we get back to normal, we will probably return to what we were seeing in 2019 with rises in chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis in some groups,” she says. Indeed, this crisis was brewing long before the pandemic. Data from the State of the Nation report from the Terrence Higgins Trust and BASHH revealed that in February last year, cases of gonorrhoea had risen by 249 per cent in the last decade, with cases of syphilis also up 165 per cent. In the past year, experts say the number of people visiting sexual health clinics dropped by 85 per cent, meaning many STI cases could be going undiagnosed. Since last year, single people have had significant limitations on their sexual freedom. Early on in March 2020, the Government imposed strict rules that couples who didn’t live together, and singletons, couldn’t visit each other’s houses for sex. This was later echoed by the deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries, who said that couples living separately should either stay apart or “test the strength of their relationship” and move in together. In September, the rules eased slightly to allow people in ‘established relationships’ to meet up for sex. But even now that restriction was lifted, caution is still advised for singletons. “We know from surveys that over the last year the number of people having sex with new sexual partners has greatly reduced compared to what we would expect in normal times. I’m sure many people will be keen to resume dating and sex with new partners once restrictions ease, whether or not they have been vaccinated,” says Estcourt. This increased sense of sexual freedom might be heightened by the development of the vaccine, or people believing they have immunity because they have already contracted the virus. But while your chances of catching coronavirus will (hopefully) diminish as time goes on, your chances of catching an STI won’t. So how can we stay safe? Condoms are the answer: they are 98 per cent effective at protecting against most STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhoea. “It is really important to think about protecting yourself from STIs including HIV, as well as Covid, and to remember that using condoms will greatly reduce your risk of sexually transmitted infection,” says Estcourt. “Always get yourself checked if you develop any symptoms which may suggest an STI, such as genital or anal discharge, rash or spots, and contact your local sexual health service for advice on how to get a check-up.” STI testing is available during lockdown but as with many medical services in the pandemic, the format has slightly changed. Many services are offering a phone call or online consultation first, to discuss symptoms and appropriate options before arranging an in-person clinic visit if needed. Alternatively, you can order postal STI tests that check for chlamydia and gonorrhoea, although companies are warning that they may be late arriving due to delays with the postal service. * Lifestyle In The Know WOMAN MAKES ‘SCARY’ DISCOVERY AFTER MONTHS OF LIVING IN NEW HOME: ‘HOW COULD YOU NOT NOTICE?’ A woman is creeping out TikTok users after discovering a secret door in the bathroom of her home — months after she moved in. * Sports Yahoo Sports RANKING THE SWEET 16 FROM MOST TO LEAST LIKELY TO WIN THE NATIONAL TITLE A chaotic, upset-laden first week of the NCAA tournament yielded a Sweet 16 nobody saw coming. Which teams have realistic title hopes? And which won't be around much longer? * TRENDING NOW * * 1. Shooting In Boulder * 2. Evoire Collier * 3. Krispy Kreme * 4. Katherine Diaz Surfer * 5. Ppp Loan Application * 6. Elgin Baylor * 7. Mortgage Rates Today * 8. Master Degree Psychology * 9. Wallis Day * 10. Android Apps Crashing Yahoo! 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